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  • Server: Asp.Net Web API
  • Client: Angular & Flutter


  • The goal of this repository is to provide feature-rich production ready for any project with simple and less code in mind. The MVC architecture will be extensively used for both backend and client projects.
  • This project will be a great resource for beginner to intermediate Asp.Net, Angular and Flutter programmers.


  • Built on .NET 8.0
  • API and Client Project Separation
  • Entity Framework Core
  • Simplified Project and Folder Structure based on MVC architecture
  • Supports MSSQL or PostgreSQL (support Heroku deploy via GitHub action)
  • JSON Localization
  • Cambodia Gazetteer
  • API Versioning
  • Audit Logging
  • Data Annotation Validation
  • Fluent Validation
  • Advanced Search
  • Postman Collection
  • Email Verification with Template
  • Advanced User & Role Based Permission Management
  • JWT Authentication and Refresh Token
  • JSON Data Seeding
  • Swagger Documentation
  • Pagination with Response Header
  • Hangfire Support
  • File Storage Service
  • SignalR
  • Puppeteer (PDF Download via HTML)
  • Dynamic Mapping
    • Mapster (quick mapping)
    • AutoMapper


  • Angular 14
  • Angular Material
  • Tailwind Support
  • Charts
  • Export PDF
  • MudTable Export CSV, Excel, CopyClipboard
  • Bootstrap Grid
  • Realtime Dashboard
  • Notification with SignalR
  • Advanced Notification - Notification like Facebook
  • Dark Mode
  • JSON Localization
  • Http Interceptor
  • Dynamic Spinner
  • SignalR Client


  • Flutter 3.0 Supports Mobile / Web / Desktop
  • MVC Architecture
  • Responsive
  • Riverpod
  • Navigation 2.0 with Auto_Route
  • Custom Theme - Dark Mode Supports
  • Dio with JWT and Error Interceptors
  • Shared Preference
  • Serviced Based API
  • JSON Serialization / JSON and Object Mapping Generation
  • JSON Localization
  • Reactive Form Inspired by Angular
  • UI Role-Based Widget Rendering
  • UI Permission-Based Widget Rendering
  • PDF and Printing
  • Datatable with Export PDF, Printing, CSV, Excel, CopyClipboard
  • AsyncDatatable (pagination filter server side)
  • SQLite with Moor
  • PageTransition on Web (Fade Mode)
  • Logging
  • Online / Offline Connection Status
  • File Upload

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