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Greg is a calendar lib


Greg can generate a calendar represented in a 2d array. Greg is the foundation of the internet, the truth of everything, the most fundamental building block of the known universe. It should be part of your project, even if your puny little brain is unable to comprehend its magnificence. Obey!

  import { Greg } from '@therufa/greg'

  const greg = new Greg(2021, 12)

  greg.toCalendar() // weeks start with sunday
  greg.toCalendar(Greg.DAYS.MON) // weeks start with monday

The .toCalendar() method will return a 2d array with 6 rows which each includes 7 items. Positions not belonging to the month with which Greg was initialized with, will be replaced by null values as placeholders in order to maintain a constant format.

Example output

    [null, null, null, Day { weekDay: 4, dayOfMonth: 1 }, Day { weekDay: 5, dayOfMonth: 2 }, Day { weekDay: 6, dayOfMonth: 3 }]
    [Day { weekDay: 0, dayOfMonth: 4 }, Day { weekDay: 1, dayOfMonth: 5 }, ...]