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Simple collection count and delta reports. Growth hacking metrics delivered to your inbox however often you want.

Install: meteor add em0ney:reporter

This is a package designed to email a summary of collection counts and statistics to users. It is built on-top of:

Currently, Reporter will give you the daily count of configured collections and Deltas against the last 5 periods. For more job types, raise an issue on this repo and we'll be happy to oblige.

Basic Usage

1: Set environment variable with your Mandrill API Key

Either: $ export MANDRILL_API_KEY=xxxxxxxxxxxxx in your session before starting meteor or $ MANDRILL_API_KEY=xxxxxxxxxxx meteor

2: Configure or Deactivate Out of the Box Jobs

The package comes with the following out of the box jobs:

  • send_delta_email: send configured recipients the configured collection counts and deltas for the last 5 runs

Configure this as follows. Any options omitted will be sourced from the existing configuration object.

Reporter.update_job('send_delta_email', {
  schedule: '15 10 ? * *', // cron schedule: every day at 10:15 am 
  collections: ['Meteor.users', 'Posts', 'Comments'],
  recipients: ['', ''],
  fromAddress: '',
  subject: 'my custom subject'

Cron expression help later.js cron reference

If you do not wish to run an out of the box job, simply fun the following:


3: Initialize Synced Cron through our hook


And that's it!

In summary, include the following.
if (Meteor.isServer) {
  Meteor.startup(function() {
    Reporter.update_job('send_delta_email', {
      schedule: '15 10 ? * *', // cron schedule: every day at 10:15 am 
      collections: ['Meteor.users', 'Posts', 'Comments'],
      recipients: ['', ''],
      fromAddress: '',
      dateConfig: 'MMM Do, HH:mm', // OPTIONAL.  moment.js format.  If omitted, uses .ago()
      subject: 'my custom subject'



This function declares each SyncedCron job for the entered job configuration and initialises SyncedCron to run. Must be called for this entered job configurations to take effect.

add_job(job_key, config_obj)

job_key: String
config_obj: {schedule: String, collections: [String], recipients: [String], fromAddress: String, subject: String, fn: Function}

This adds a job to be initialised in the init() function. Job keys must be unique. If called on an existing job, the entire job config will be replaced with that passed in.

update_job(job_key, config_obj)

job_key: String
config_obj: {schedule: String, collections: [String], recipients: [String], fromAddress: String, subject: String, fn: Function}

This updates the config for the given job config. For any arguments that aren't provided, the existing setting from the previous config will be used.


job_key: String

This removes a job.


job_key: String

This reloads the configuration referenced by job_key, such that SyncedCron reloads the schedule for it. It should be called after update_job if init() has already been called.


	Reporter.update_job('send_delta_email', {
      schedule: '15 10 ? * *', // cron schedule: every day at 10:15 am 
      collections: ['Meteor.users', 'Posts', 'Comments'],
      recipients: ['', ''],
      fromAddress: '',
      dateConfig: 'MMM Do, HH:mm', // OPTIONAL.  moment.js format.  If omitted, uses .ago()
      subject: 'my custom subject'

send_results(html_body, config_obj)

html_body: String
config_obj: {schedule: String, collections: [String], recipients: [String], fromAddress: String, subject: String, fn: Function}

The config_obj is provided as the first and only argument to the function for each scheduled job. After collecting data and creating an HTML formatted email body, call send_results(html_body, config_obj) to send that email to each of the job's configured recipients through Mandrill's API.

Advanced Usage

Coming soon! Under development are features like:

  • Optional integration with alanning:roles and defining recipients as emails or roles
  • Ability to include recent documents that make up the deltas in the email
  • Personalised email templates
  • Admin page to configure schedule and collections for jobs
  • Dashboard page