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Releasing VTK

Releasing VTK has lots of steps. This document should be a central location for all of the tribal knowledge around it.

Current Maintainers

Initial steps

Check the bugtracker for critical bugs and close out old items (six months to a year old) with a note that reopening the bug if it still exists is the next step.


Create the relevant milestones in GitLab (one for the actual release and another for rc1). Plausible deadlines should be used; they can be edited later.


Announcements should be posted on the VTK Discourse forum and Linux distribution maintainers.

VTK Community Announcement

Announce to the Development category that a release is being planned. Template:


Does anyone have work in progress that should delay the branch point for

If so, please add the $version_rc1 milestone on any relevant merge requests
and @mention $maintainers so they can be more easily tracked.

We are hoping to get $version started by $date.


The VTK Maintenance Team


Patches can accumulate over time in distributions as time goes on. An email asking if anything needs to go into the next release should be sent to maintainers of the packages. Ben has a list of maintainers to email.

Here are some places to look for patches:

Increment the Version Number

If the version number in CMake/vtkVersion.cmake is not already set accordingly, submit a merge request to update VTK's version number in the master branch to what the new release is to be called by. Any point beyond that in the master branch could serve as the start of the new release branch.

After creating the release branch, submit another merge request to update the master branch's minor version number.

Creating the Branch

Pick a viable first-parent commit from master and run:

$ git checkout $release_root
$ git checkout -B release
$ git push origin release

Email and with the release_root hash and version number so that kwrobot may be updated to check if merge requests are eligible for this release branch.

Announce to the list that the release branch has been created.

Release Notes Emails

In Utilities/Maintenance/release, there are the following scripts:


First, create the changes.txt file by giving a commit range to

$ $previous_release $release

This file contains all of the changes in the commit range grouped by author. It is then processed by

$ ./ $version

It takes changes.txt and creates a file for each email address: user@domain.tld.txt. You should delete any files which point to upstream or the developer list which are used to preserve authorship for ThirdParty updates or wide, sweeping changes.

Once that is complete, run

$ mailer=mutt ./ $version

The mailer environment variable should support this command line:

$ $mailer -s "$subject" $cc_list "$to" < "$body"

which is any sendmail-compatible program.

Per-rc Steps

The first release candidate is the initial branch point, so it does not have special steps to create. However, as master moves fairly quickly, branches need to be corralled into the release branch afterwards.

GitLab Workflow

Once rcN is tagged, create rcN+1. A two week gap should be sufficient as an initial deadline.

Steps for managing branches on GitLab for the release are documented here.

Merging Branches

Merging into the release branch is done by:

$ git remote add gl/$user$user/vtk.git
$ git fetch -p gl/$user
$ git checkout $release_branch
$ git merge --no-ff gl/$user/$branch
$ git push origin $release_branch

If the release branch is still being merged into master:

$ git checkout master
$ git merge --no-ff --no-log $release_branch
$ git push origin master

Creating Tarballs

Tarballs need to be created and uploaded for each release. The source tarballs should be generated in both .tar.gz format and .zip format. The .zip files are for Windows users and the non-data files contain Windows newline endings.



Run (where $version is, e.g., 7.0.0.rc2):

$ Utilities/Maintenance/SourceTarball.bash --tgz -v $version v$version

This will generate tarballs for the source and testing data.


From a git bash shell with wget in PATH, run (where $version is, e.g., 7.0.0.rc2):

$ Utilities/Maintenance/SourceTarball.bash --zip -v $version v$version

This should be done on Windows so that the sources have Windows-style newline endings.


On a machine with doxygen installed, configure a build with VTK_BUILD_DOCUMENTATION=ON and run the DoxygenDoc target. To create the documentation tarball, run:

$ tar -C Utilities/Doxygen/doc -czf vtkDocHtml-$version.tar.gz html

from the top of the build tree.


The VTK superbuild project should first be updated to build the release. Update the versions.cmake and CMake/vtk_version.cmake files. Make a merge request to the vtk-superbuild project's master branch.

To build VTK, set ENABLE_vtk=ON, CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release, ENABLE_python=ON, and USE_VTK_MASTER=OFF. Additionally, set BUILD_VTK7 to ON or OFF depending on the version being built.

If using one of the existing build trees, the build tree should be cleared if it was not used for a release candidate of the same version being built (e.g., if building 7.0.x, ensure that the install tree either doesn't exist or only has libraries ending in -vtk7.0).



Find the VM which is used to build. Ben has it archived if a new instance is needed (vtkpython_maker). The superbuild is in $HOME/Desktop/vtkbuild/VTK-superbuild and $HOME/Desktop/vtkbuild/build. Update the superbuild source and run make in the build tree. To generate the binary, run cpack -G TGZ.


Find the VM which is used to build. Ben has it archived if a new instance is needed (vtk7-release). The superbuild is in $HOME/code/vtk/src-sb and $HOME/code/vtk/build-sb-release. Update the superbuild source and run make in the build tree. To generate the binary, run cpack -G TGZ.



On karego-at (in Dave DeMarle's office), reboot into the 10.6-dev installation. The superbuild is in $HOME/Source/VTKSB and $HOME/Source/buildVTKSB. Update the superbuild source as necessary and run make in the build tree. To generate the binary, run cpack -G DragNDrop.


SSH into bigmac. The superbuild is in $HOME/code/vtk/src-sb and $HOME/code/vtk/build-sb-release. Update the superbuild source as necessary and run make in the build tree. To generate the binary, run cpack -G DragNDrop. The deployment target and SDK should be for 10.7.


Also pass ENABLE_python=ON and USE_SYSTEM_python=OFF to the superbuild.


VNC into miranda. The source lives in %USERPROFILE%/DeMarle/VTKSB. Use the Visual Studio 2008 command shells (in the Start menu) to compile from %USERPROFILE%/DeMarle/build and %USERPROFILE%/DeMarle/build32. Run cmake --build . --config Release. To generate the binary, run cpack -G NSIS.


VNC into nemesis (hostname nemesis-win64). The source lives in %USERPROFILE%/code/depot/group-kitware/vtk/src-sb. Use the Visual Studio 2013 command shells (in the Start menu) to compile from %USERPROFILE%/code/depot/group-kitware/vtk/build-sb-release. Use ninja to build the tree. To generate the binary, run cpack -G NSIS.

Verifying the binaries

On a clean (not setup for development) machine, unpack/install the binaries and run the vtkpython executable. The version number reported should be correct and import vtk; rv=vtk.vtkRenderView(); rv.Render() should create a window on the desktop.

Tagging the release

When tagging the release, use:

$ git tag -s -m "VTK $version" v$version $commit_to_be_tagged


Upload the files to using a public key with access to Ask sysadmin to add a key for you. Make sure this is a new SSH key and not a day-to-day use one. In .ssh/config:

Host vtk.release
    User         kitware
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/vtk-release

and then upload with (where $release is analogous to 6.3 or 7.0):

$ chmod -R o+r vtk-$release$suffix/
$ rsync -rptv vtk-$release$suffix/ vtk.release:$release

Updating the Website

The website is managed by Wordpress. Access is currently granted to Dave and Communications:

  • add or modify a download the latest release candidate table on the download page; and
  • update the documentation page with a link to the Doxygen files for the new release.

Updating the Wiki

The wiki hosts a page which lists API changes between two versions. The $workdir variable should be an empty directory, $srcdir is usually ., and the release variables are the tags to diff.

Utilities/Maintenance/ -w -t $workdir $srcdir $old_release $release >

The content output by this script should be uploaded to a page on the wiki. Previous examples:


Send an email to, Also inform

For the final release, a blog post, release notes, and a Source article should be made.