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KafkaCap Core

Reliably Capture Messages to Kafka using redundant Capture Devices and a Deduplicator Consumer Group


Maven Artifact



Capture Overview

A single process that listens to a stream of messages, buffers them to a queue, and publishes them to a single Kafka Topic. On its own, this process is not fault-tolerant and its outbound topic is not guaranteed to contain all messages sent on the inbound transport.



A Capture process queues messages before writing them to Kafka. This is done to reduce back-pressure on the receiver. A sufficiently large queue will also be able to queue messages during a full Kafka outage until the outage is resolved.

  • In-Memory: MemoryCaptureQueue will queue all received messages in-memory. Capacity is limited by the underlying queue implementation and the JVM heap size.
  • Chronicle: ChronicleCaptureQueue will queue all messages to disk using Chronicle-Queue. Capacity is limited only by available disk space. This implementation is recommended when messages must be captured and buffered in the event of a Kafka Cluster outage.

Capture Device

io.thill.kafkacap.core.capture.CaptureDevice is an abstract class that allows simple plug-and-play of virtually any receiver. It handles most of the ceremony of creating a typical BufferedPublisher with an underlying ChronicleCaptureQueue

Buffered Publisher

For additional flexibility, a BufferedPublisher can be instantiated and used directly, instead of relying on the abstraction of a CaptureDevice.

BufferedPublisher<byte[], byte[]> bufferedPublisher = new BufferedPublisherBuilder<byte[], byte[]>()
        .captureQueue            ( new MemoryCaptureQueue() )
        .recordPopulator         ( new DefaultRecordPopulator<>("my_topic_capture_a", 0, new SystemMillisClock()) )
        .kafkaProducerProperties ( kafkaProducerProperties )


Deduplicator Overview

A Kafka Consumer Group that is responsible for deduplicating messages from redundant capture topics



Deduplication logic relies on the user's implementation of io.thill.kafkacap.core.dedup.strategy.DedupStrategy. All received messages from all capture topics will be checked by the strategy and must return SEND, DROP, or CACHE.

  • SEND - Send this message immediately
  • DROP - Drop this messages indefinitely
  • CACHE - Add this message to a per-capture-topic cache, so it can be tried again very soon.


For streams consisting of a sequenced stream of messages, an abstract class called SequencedDedupStrategy is provided. The user must simply implement long parseSequence(ConsumerRecord<K, V> record) to parse the sequence from the captured messages. Notes:

  • The sequence is assumed to be unsigned
  • Each partition in the topic is assumed to be a separate stream of sequenced messages


For physical streams consisting of multiple logical streams, where ordering is only guaranteed per inbound producer, an abstract class called MultiProducerDedupStreategy is provided. The user must simply implement String parseProducerKey(ConsumerRecord<K, V> record) to parse a producer key.

  • A separate underlying DedupStrategy will be created per producer using the given DedupStrategyFactory

Kafka Partitions

As far as the deduplicator is concerend, inboundPartition == outboundPartition, and messages will be published as such. For situations where numPartitions > 0, DedupStrategy implementations must take care of all per-partition logic by checking the ConsumerRecord's partition.

Kafka Consumer Groups

The Deduplicator relies on Kafka Consumer Groups for fault tolerance. Since it consumes multiple inbound topics which must be deduplicated, the first topic in the inboundTopics list is used for topic subscription / partition assignment. Upon partition assignment for this first topic from the Kafka Cluster, all other topics will be manually assigned to match the same partition assignment. This allows multi-partition schemes to be load balanced between all available deduplicator processes in the consumer group.



io.thill.kafkacap.core.Deduplicator /path/to/config.yaml


consumerGroupIdPrefix: demo_
  bootstrap.servers: "localhost:9092"
  key.deserializer: "org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.ByteArrayDeserializer"
  value.deserializer: "org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.ByteArrayDeserializer"
  bootstrap.servers: "localhost:9092"
  key.serializer: "org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.ByteArraySerializer"
  value.serializer: "org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.ByteArraySerializer"
  - "capture_A"
  - "capture_B"
outboundTopic: "outbound"
  impl: "io.thill.kafkacap.core.dedup.strategy.TestableSequencedDedupStrategy"
    offset: 0
    byteOrder: "LITTLE_ENDIAN"
    orderedCapture: true
    sequenceGapTimeoutMillis: 10000
orderedCapture: false


For added flexibility, a Deduplicator can be instantiated and started in code using the DeduplicatorBuilder.

DedupStrategy myDedupStrategy = ...
Deduplicator deduplicator = new DeduplicatorBuilder<>()
  .dedupStrategy         ( myDedupStrategy )
  .consumerGroupIdPrefix ( "mydeduplicator_" )
  .outboundTopic         ( "my_topic" )
  .inboundTopics         ( Arrays.asList("my_topic_capture_a", "my_topic_capture_b") )  
  .consumerProperties    ( consumerProperties )
  .producerProperties    ( producerProperties )
  .recordCacheFactory    ( MemoryRecordCache.factory() )
  .orderedCapture        ( false )