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Use thirdweb in a WAGMI application

This repo demonstrates how to use thirdweb Pay or any other thirdweb features within an existing WAGMI application.

1. Get an API key

Get yourself a thirdweb API key and add it to the top of page.tsx. We recommend putting this in a .env file.

2. Setup the provider

To use the thirdweb react feature, you need to wrap your application with a <ThirdwebProvider> like shown in providers.tsx.

3. Convert the wagmi wallet client

Once connected with a wagmi connector, you can get the wallet client and convert it to a thirdweb compatible wallet.

Once you have a thirdweb compatible wallet, you simply set it as 'active' and all the thirdweb components and hooks will then use this active wallet.

// This is how to set a wagmi account in the thirdweb context to use with all the thirdweb components including Pay
const { data: walletClient } = useWalletClient(); // from wagmi
const { switchChainAsync } = useSwitchChain(); // from wagmi
const setActiveWallet = useSetActiveWallet(); // from thirdweb
useEffect(() => {
    const setActive = async () => {
        if (walletClient) {
            const adaptedAccount = viemAdapter.walletClient.fromViem({
                walletClient: walletClient as any, // accounts for wagmi/viem version mismatches
            const w = createWalletAdapter({
                chain: defineChain(await walletClient.getChainId()),
                onDisconnect: async () => {
                    await disconnectAsync();
                switchChain: async (chain) => {
                    await switchChainAsync({ chainId: as any });
}, [walletClient, disconnectAsync, switchChainAsync, setActiveWallet]);

View the full source code in page.tsx.

4. Use thirdweb normally

You can now use , or any other thirdweb component / hook and it will use the active connected wallet to perform transactions.