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thisandagain committed Dec 29, 2012
1 parent 4ac5fc0 commit 2606d9d
Showing 1 changed file with 364 additions and 0 deletions.
364 changes: 364 additions & 0 deletions lib/commands.json
@@ -0,0 +1,364 @@
"ABS": "reports the absolute value of a number",
"ACTIVEWINDOW": "reports the name of the active graphics window",
"AGET": "retrieves an array element",
"ALERT": "displays an alert box",
"ALIAS": "defines an alias name",
"ALLTURTLES": "outputs a list of all turtles",
"AND": "performs a logical AND",
"APPENDMENU": "appends a new menu",
"APPENDMENUCOMMAND": "appends a new menu item and attaches it to a Logo\n command list",
"APPENDMENUITEM": "appends a new menu item and defines a menu item ID",
"APPLY": "applies a parameter list to a procedure",
"\"AQUA": "a color name",
"ARRAY": "creates an array",
"ARRAY?": "checks for a name being an array",
"ARRAYDIMS": "outputs the dimension list of an array",
"ASCII": "converts a character into its ASCII value",
"ASET": "stores an array element",
"ASK": "runs a list of commands for a specific object",
"BACK": "move the turtle backwards",
"BASECOLOR": "coerces a color value to a basic Logo color number",
"BEEP": "causes the RCX device to beep",
"BGPATTERN": "reports the background pattern",
"\"BLACK": "a color name",
"\"BLUE": "a color name",
"\"BROWN": "a color name",
"\"BROWNISH": "a color name",
"BURIEDNAMES": "reports a list of all buried names",
"BURIEDPROCS": "reports a list of all buried procedures",
"BURIEDPROPS": "reports a list of all buried properties",
"BURY": "buries a Logo name and its contents",
"BURYALL": "buries evetything in the workspace",
"BURYNAME": "buries a name",
"BURYPROC": "buries a procedure definition",
"BURYPROP": "buries a property",
"BUTTON?": "reports the state of the (left) mouse button",
"BYE": "prompts to exit Logo",
"BYTEARRAY": "creates a bytearray",
"BYTEARRAY?": "check for a name being a bytearray",
"CATCH": "catches runtime errors",
"CHAR": "converts a number into a character",
"CLEAN": "erases the graphics screen",
"CLEARINPUT": "clears all input from a stream",
"CLOSEWINDOW": "closes a window",
"COLORPICKER": "the color picker window",
"COLORS": "outputs a list of available color names",
"COMMAND": "executes a menu command by ID",
"COMPUTE": "performs a variable computation inside the\n RCX device",
"CONFIGURE": "configure a serial port",
"CONTENTS": "outputs a list of all Logo names",
"CONTINUE": "continues the execution of a Logo program",
"COPYDEF": "copies a procedure definition",
"COS": "reports the cosine",
"COT": "reports the cotangent",
"COUNT": "counts the number of items in its input",
"CREATE": "creates a file",
"CSC": "reports the cosecant",
"CTURTLES": "activates the specified number of turtes and arranges them in a circle",
"CURDIR": "outputs the current working directory",
"\"CYAN": "a color name",
"\"DARKBLUE": "a color name",
"\"DARKGREEN": "a color name",
"\"DARKRED": "a color name",
"DATE": "reports the date",
"DEFINE": "defines a procedure",
"DEFINED?": "checks whether a procedure is defined",
"DELETE": "deletes a file",
"DELETEMENU": "deletes a menu",
"DELETEMENUITEM": "deletes a menu item",
"DIRECTORY": "outputs a directory listing",
"DISCARD": "discards pending input",
"DISTANCE": "reports the distance between the turtle and a\n location",
"DOT": "paints a dot",
"DOT?": "checks whether a dot is present at the turtle's\n position",
"DOTCOLOR": "reports the color of the dot underneath the turtle",
"DOWNLOAD": "downloads a program to the RCX device",
"DRAW": "clears the graphics window and resets the turtles",
"EACH": "applies a runlist to every element of a list",
"EDIT": "edits a Logo name",
"EDITSHAPE": "edits a turtle shape",
"EDL": "opens the visual list editor with the contents of the specified list displayed",
"EDN": "edits Logo names",
"EDP": "opens the property editor for a Logo name",
"ELSE": "part of the IF command",
"EMPTY?": "checks whether a name is empty",
"END": "ends a procedure definition",
"EOF?": "outputs TRUE if the current stream ist at EOF",
"EQUAL?": "tests two objects for equality",
"ERASE": "erases a Logo name",
"ERN": "erases all names",
"EVERY": "outputs a list of objects",
"EXIT": "prompts to exit Logo",
"EXPN": "calculates the natural base e raised to a power",
"EXTENT": "reports the coordinate extent of a turtle",
"FENCE": "fences all turtles inside the window",
"FILE.INFO": "reports information about a file",
"FILE?": "checks for the presence of a file",
"FILL": "fills an area",
"FILLARRAY": "fills an array with values",
"FINDMENUID": "find the ID for a menu item",
"FIRST": "reports the first element of its input",
"FONT": "reports the current turtle font",
"FONTS": "outputs a list of all available fonts",
"FOR": "runs a list for a defined number of times",
"FOREACH": "runs a list for each element of a list replacing ?\n with the element name",
"FORWARD": "moves the turtle forward",
"FPUT": "prepends an element to its input",
"GETBYTE": "reads one byte fomr the input stream",
"GETSTEPSIZE": "obtains the current step size for the specified object",
"GETXY": "reports the turtle's position",
"GLIST": "reports the property lists that contain a property with a given name",
"GO": "jumps to a label inside a procedure",
"\"GOLD": "a color name",
"GPROP": "retrieves a property",
"GRAPHICS": "the name of the first graphics window",
"\"GRAY": "a color name",
"\"GREEN": "a color name",
"GRID": "sets the grid scale",
"GRIDOFF": "makes a visible grid invisible",
"GRIDON": "makes a grid visible in the Graphics window",
"HALT": "halts background procedures",
"HEADING": "reports the heading of the turtle",
"HELP": "displays help for a command",
"HIT?": "tests whether a dot or an object touches another\n object",
"HOME": "moves the turtle back to [0 0]",
"IF": "runs a list based on a condition",
"IGNORE": "ignore the output of a procedure",
"INT": "reports the integer part of a number",
"IS.A": "check an object for being of a specific type",
"ITEM": "returns a specific element of its input",
"KEY": "returns a key typed at the keyboard",
"LABEL": "marks a target for the GO\n command",
"LAST": "reports the last element of its input",
"LAUNCH": "launches a background procedure",
"LEFT": "turns the turtle left",
"LIGHT": "turns a light on a robot device on or off",
"LIGHT?": "checks whether a light on a robot device is on or off",
"\"LIME": "a color name",
"LIST": "concatenates its inputs to a list",
"LIST?": "checks for its input being a list",
"LISTARRAY": "outputs the contents of an array as a list",
"LISTENER": "the name of the listener window",
"LOAD": "loads workspaces",
"LOADENV": "loads environments",
"LOADLOG": "uploads the RCX log",
"LOADPIC": "loads a picture",
"LOADSHAPE": "loads a turtle shape",
"LOADSNAP": "loads a bitmap",
"LOCAL": "declares local variables inside a procedure",
"LOCKSHAPE": "inhibits the turtle shape from turning",
"LOG": "outputs the natural logarithm of its input",
"LOG10": "outputs the logarithm of its input",
"LOGAND": "combines its inputs with a boolean AND operation",
"LOGNOT": "inverts the bits of its input",
"LOGOR": "combines its inputs with a boolean OR operation",
"LOGXOR": "combines its inputs with a boolean XOR operation",
"LOWERCASE": "converts its argument to lower case",
"LPUT": "appends an element to its input",
"LSH": "left-shifts its input",
"LTURTLES": "activates the specified number of turtles and arranges them in a line",
"\"MAGENTA": "a color name",
"MAKE": "assigns a value to a name",
"MEMBER?": "checks for an element being a member of its input",
"MIXEDCASE": "converts its argument to mixed case",
"MOTOR": "turns a motor on or off",
"MOTOR?": "check whether a motor is turned on",
"MOUSE": "reports the position of the mouse cursor",
"MOUSESHAPE": "reports the shape of the mouse cursor",
"NAME": "assigns a value to a name",
"NAME?": "checks whether its input is assigned a value",
"NAMELIST": "outputs a list of all defined names",
"\"NAVY": "a color name",
"NEW": "creates a new Logo object",
"NODES": "estimates the number of available Logo nodes",
"NOT": "negates its input",
"NOT.EQUAL?": "tests its inputs for inequality",
"NUMBER?": "checks its input for being a number",
"NXT.CLOSE": "closes the connection to the NXT device",
"NXT.IOMAP.READ": "reads the specified IO map on the NXT device",
"NXT.OFF": "turns off the NXT device",
"NXT.OPEN": "opens the connection to the NXT device",
"NXT.PORTS": "supplies a list of available communication ports for the NXT device",
"ONCOMMAND": "defines a Logo runlist for a menu ID",
"OPEN": "opens a file",
"OPEN.OUTPUT": "opens an Output window",
"OPEN.PORT": "opens a serial port",
"OR": "performs a logical OR on its input",
"\"ORANGE": "a color name",
"ORIGIN": "reports the origin of a turtle's coordinate system",
"PANGLE": "reports the polar angle",
"PARSE": "parses a string and outputs a list",
"PATTERN": "reports the turtle's pattern",
"PAUSE": "opens the Debugger window",
"PDIST": "calculates the polar distance",
"PEEKBYTE": "reports the next byte of the input stream without\n reading it",
"PEN": "reports the pen mode",
"PENDOWN?": "checks whether the pen is down",
"PHEADING": "reports the polar heading",
"PI": "reports the number Pi",
"PICK": "randomly picks an element",
"\"PINK": "a color name",
"PLAY": "plays sounds",
"PLIST": "reports the property list of a name",
"PONS": "prints all values",
"POPLS": "prints all property lists",
"POPRS": "prints all primitives",
"POPS": "prints all user-defined procedures",
"POS": "reports the position of the turtle",
"POTS": "prints the headings of all user-defined procedures",
"PPOS": "reports the turtle's polar position",
"PPROP": "stores a property",
"PPROPS": "stores a list of properties",
"PREFS": "contains all preference properties",
"PRIMITIVE?": "checks its input for being a built-in procedure",
"PRINTLINE": "prints a list of numbers as ASCII characters",
"PRINTOUT": "prints procedures, values, or properties",
"PROCEDURE?": "checks its input for being a user-defined procedure",
"PROCLIST": "outputs a list of all user-defined procedures",
"PSETHEADING": "sets the polar heading of a turtle",
"\"PURPLE": "a color name",
"PUTBYTE": "writes a data byte to the output stream",
"PUTBYTES": "writes data bytes to the output stream and reads a\n reply",
"QUIT": "prompts to exit Logo",
"QUOTE": "quotes its input",
"RANDOM": "outputs a random number",
".RCX": "outputs low-level commands to the RCX device",
"RCX.CLOSE": "closes the communications channel to the\n RCX device",
"RCX.HALT": "terminates any running program inside the RCX device",
"RCX.LAUNCH": "launches a progrm inside the RCX device",
"RCX.LOG": "adds an entry to the internal RCX log",
"RCX.NAMES": "defines names for RCX variables",
"RCX.OPEN": "establishes communication to the RCX device",
"RCX.PANEL": "displays the RCX control panel",
"RCX.PLAY": "plays a melody inside the RCX",
"RCX.POLL": "polls the RCX",
"READ": "reads one Logo word",
"READLINE": "reads a line and outputs it as a list of numbers",
"READLIST": "reads a line and outputs it as a list",
"READQUOTE": "reads a line",
"READWORD": "reads the first word of a line",
"RECYCLE": "starts the garbage collector",
"\"RED": "a color name",
"REMAINDER": "outputs the remainder of two numbers",
"REMPROP": "removes a property",
"RENAME": "renames a file",
"REPEAT": "runs a runlist repeatedly",
"RERANDOM": "seeds the randum number generator",
"RESTART": "restarts Logo and sets all defaults",
"RIGHT": "turns the turtle right",
"ROBOT": "activates a robot device",
"ROBOT.CLOSE": "terminates the communication to a robot device",
"ROBOT.OPEN": "activates a robot device",
"ROBOT.PANEL": "display the Robot Control Panel",
"ROBOTFACTS": "outputs charactertistcs about the robot device",
"ROUND": "rounds a number",
"RUN": "runs a list",
"SAVE": "saves the workspace",
"SAVEENV": "saves the environment",
"SAVEPIC": "saves the contents of a graphics window",
"SAVESHAPE": "saves a turtle shape",
"SAVESNAP": "saves a bitmap",
"SEC": "reports the secant",
"SENSOR": "reads the value of a robot sensor",
"SENTENCE": "combines its inputs to a list, flattening lists",
"SETBG": "sets the background color",
"SETBGPATTERN": "sets the background pattern",
"SETCURDIR": "sets the current working directory",
"SETDISPLAY": "defines the variable to be displayed in the RCX",
"SETEXTENT": "sets the coordinate system extent of a turtle",
"SETFONT": "sets the font of a turtle",
"SETHEADING": "sets the heading of a turtle",
"SETLOGSIZE": "defines the size of the internal RCX log",
"SETMOUSESHAPE": "sets the shape of the mouse cursor",
"SETORIGIN": "sets the origin of the coordinate system of a turtle",
"SETP": "sets the polar position of a turtle",
"SETPATTERN": "sets the turtle pattern",
"SETPC": "sets the pen color",
"SETPEN": "sets the pen characteristics",
"SETPOS": "sets the position of a turtle",
"SETSENSOR": "defines the characteristics of a RCX device\n sensor",
"SETSHAPE": "sets the turtle shape",
"SETSPEED": "Sets the speed in which turtle commands are executed",
"SETSTEPSIZE": "Sets the step size for the specified object",
"SETTURTLES": "defines a number of turtles",
"SETVELOCITY": "Sets the independent movement speed of the turtle",
"SETWIDTH": "sets the pen width",
"SETTWINDOW": "attaches all active turtles to a window",
"SETWINSIZE": "sets the size of a window",
"SETWPOS": "sets the position of a window",
"SETX": "sets the X coordinate of a turtle",
"SETXY": "sets the position of a turtle",
"SETY": "sets the Y coordinate of a turtle",
"SHAPE": "outputs a bitmap",
"SHOW": "prints its inputs",
"SHOWN?": "checks whether a turtle is visible",
"\"SILVER": "a color name",
"SIN": "reports the sine",
"SLOWTURTLE": "Slows the speed in which turtle commands are executed",
"SNAP": "moves parts of the graphics window into a bitmap",
"SNAPSIZE": "outputs the size of a bitmap",
"SPEED": "Retrieves the speed in which turtle commands are\n executed",
"SPLITSCREEN": "Restores the Listener and Graphics window layout",
"SQRT": "reports the square root",
"STAMP": "draw a bitmap",
"STAMPOVAL": "draws an oval",
"STAMPRECT": "draws a rectangle",
"STEPSIZE": "sets movement distance for turtles and bitmaps",
"STOP": "terminates a procedure",
"SUBST": "subtitutes text in a word or a list",
"SWITCH?": "checks the state of a switch of a robot device",
"TELL": "defines a list of objects listening to commands",
"TELLALL": "tells a range of turtle nubmers",
"TELLEVEN": "tells all turtles with even numbers",
"TELLODD": "tells all turtles with odd numbers",
"TEST": "test a condition. Used with IFTRUE\n and IFFALSE",
"TEXT": "outputs a procedure definition",
"TEXTARRAY": "converts the contents of a bytearray into a word",
"TEXTSCREEN": "maximizes the Listener window",
"THEN": "part of the IF command",
"THING": "reports the value of a name",
"THROW": "throws a runtime error",
"TIME": "outputs the time",
"TO": "opens the procedure defintion window",
"TOOLBAR": "the name of the toolbar window",
"TOOLBOX": "the name of the toolbox window",
"TOPLEVEL": "returns to toplevel",
"TOWARDS": "reports the angle of a position compared to the\n turtle position",
"TURTLES": "outputs a list of all turtles",
"TURTLESIZE": "reports the size of a turtle",
"TWINDOW": "outputs the name of the window of the first active\n turtle",
"TYPE": "prints its inputs",
"TYPEOF": "reports the type of a name",
"UNBURY": "unburies a name",
"UNBURYALL": "unburies all names",
"UNBURYNAME": "unburies a value",
"UNBURYPROC": "unburies a procedure definition",
"UNBURYPROP": "unburies a property",
"UNGETBYTE": "pushes back one byte to the input stream",
"UNLOCKSHAPE": "lets a turtle shape rotate according to the turtle's\n heading",
"UPPERCASE": "converts its argument to upper case",
"VELOCITY": "Retrieves the independent movement speed of the\n turtle",
"WAIT": "waits for a number of milliseconds",
"WHILE": "runs a list until a condition is false",
"\"WHITE": "a color name",
".WHO": "reports a list of objects listening to commands",
"WHO": "reports a list of objects listening to commands",
"WIDTH": "reports the pen width",
"WINDOW": "removes the boundary for turtle movements",
".WINDOWS": "Call the Windows API (Windows version only)",
"WINSIZE": "reports the size of a window",
"WORD": "concatenates its inputs to a word",
"WORD?": "checks its input for being a word",
"WORKSPACE": "contains the workspace size and the number of colors",
"WORKSPACE.VIEW": "displays the Workspace View dialog",
"WPOS": "outputs the position of a window",
"WRAP": "lets the turtles wrap inside the window",
"XCOR": "reports the X coordinate of the turtle's position",
"\"YELLOW": "a color name",
"YCOR": "reports the Y coordinate of the turtle's position",
"#B": "binary numbers",
"#D": "decimal numbers",
"#H": "hexadecimal numbers",
"#O": "octal numbers"

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