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Link Saver Extension

LinkSaver is a chrome extension that saves all your tabs. LinkSave will save all of the tabs in the currently active chrome window into your bookmarks. We created this app to help you keep track of all the tabs you want to read one day.


Things you need to get started:

  • Some necessory extentions, I used live server or you can download anyone similar to this for live preview on the marketplace.
  • A cool text editor, I recommend using VSCode


To get the project running, follow these steps:

  • Create a folder
  • Enter/Navigate into that folder
cd <folder-path>
  • Clone this repository:
git clone <url>
  • Once that's done, open the project on the vs code:
right click-> open with live server (depend on extension you will use)


The app can be deployed on your browser navigating to chrome://extensions/ and check the box for Developer Mode in the top right and then click load Unpacked and load the file containing manifest.json.

Built With

  • Javascript
  • HTML
  • CSS


App Screenshot

🚀 About Me

I am B.Tech Student from the India learning Web Development and trying out trending technology.

🔗 Links

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