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Hauke Petersen edited this page May 5, 2014 · 4 revisions


The UDOO is a twitter board consisting of a high-power Freescale iMX Arm Cortex-A9 Dual or Quadcore soldered on the same board as an Atmel SAM3x8e, which is also used by the arduino-due. So with other words the UDOO combines an arduino-due with something like the Raspberry-Pi, just (way) more powerful!

The UDOO comes in different configurations, the top-of-the-shelf version is shipped with and quad-core, 1GHz A9, on-board Wifi and gigabit ethernet. For IoT connectivity external sensors as IEEE802.15.4 USB-dongles or arduino shields with transceivers have to be added.


Udoo Quad


See description page for the arduino-due.

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