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File metadata and controls

30 lines (27 loc) · 1 KB

FakeGoogleDrive - some kind of Google Drive clone.

Technical Task:
  -Upload/Download files
  -Create folders
  -Navigate through folders
  -Delete files/folder
  -Rename files/folders
  -Share files/folders
  -Be able to see actual information about free/taken space
  -Recieve and be invocator of realtime notifications about file/folder deletition, shatring
  -Recieve realtime updates about storage 
Technologies : 
  -.NET ASP Core 2 Web Api,
  -EF Core 2,
  -SignalR Core 2,
  -Angular 7,
  -Angular Material,
  -Bootstrap 4,
  Back-end of app consist of two main parts - main infrastructional service, SignalRNotificationService -service responsible for realtime communication with front-end.
  On main infrastructional service was applied onion architecture, on SignalRNotificationService was used SignalR Core library.
  For user athentification was used JWT tokens, was specified CORS policy with specific whitelist, password are hashing and salting.