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Threefold wallet

Project to manage cryptographic currency from Threefold on the Stellar blockchain and on Substrate(TFChain).

MIT License

Build Badge

Tech Stack

Client: Vue, Webpack, TailwindCSS

Server: Node, Fastify

Repo: Turborepo

Package manager: yarn

Run Locally

Clone the project

  git clone

Go to the project directory

  cd threefold_wallet

Install dependencies

  yarn install

Start the client andserver

  yarn run dev


To deploy this project you will need to tag then a github action will do the rest

Deploy wallet to production

tag with next-vx.x.x

Deploy farmer util to production

tag with farmer-vx.x.x


For support, got to support in the threefold connect app.


wallet v2




Guide to Running this Project Locally

To run this project locally, please follow these steps:

  1. Ensure you have all the necessary environment variables set before running the server. The following variables need to be exported:
  • NODE_ENV: This variable determines the environment in which you'll run the project.
  • FARMER_ONLY: Use this variable if you want to run the farm screen only.
  • FLAGSMITH_ENVIRONMENT_KEY: This key is obtained from the Flagsmith platform and informs the server to work against the production environment.
  1. Set the environment variables by exporting them in your local development environment. For example, in a UNIX-based system, you can use the following command:
Copy code
export NODE_ENV=development
export FARMER_ONLY=1
export FLAGSMITH_ENVIROMENT_KEY=<your-key-value>

Adjust the values accordingly based on your specific requirements.

  1. Once the environment variables are set, you can proceed to run the server locally. Refer to the project's documentation or README file for specific instructions on how to start the server.

By following these steps, you should be able to run the project locally with the necessary environment variables configured. If you encounter any issues or need further assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out.

Acceptance testing

  • Fully new 3bot account => Open wallet, create daily wallet.
  • Fully new 3bot account => Open wallet, import wallet, then create daily wallet.
  • Delete 3bot account with wallets, recover account. => Same state.
  • Open farmers tab without openings wallet tab => Clear error telling me I need to open wallet tab first.
  • Send each token available.
  • Generate QR code for each token available.
  • Scan QR code for each token available.
  • Use max length message for a transfer.
  • Use no message.
  • Attempt to send more currency than you have.
  • Have 10 TFT, send 9.9999 TFT ( with fee it goes over your max amount, without fee it doesn't ).
  • Be on shitty 3g internet, open wallet after clearing the app cache (make sure bundle isn't cached).
  • Test copy/paste functionality in various fields in the wallet.
  • Test back buttons both on wallet menu and on device back button itself.
  • Have a wallet with some locked tokens, see if locked tokens appear.
  • Have a wallet with tokens to unlock, see if they actually unlock.
  • Have vested tokens, see if they appear.
  • Have a wallet with vasted tokens to unvest, see if they actually unvest.
  • Test copy buttons for Stellar/TFChain address.
  • Test display secret, also try to import each secret in another 3bot account.
  • Rename wallet to max length.
  • Rename wallet to weird characters.
  • Rename wallet to existing wallet name.
  • See transaction history.
  • Filter transaction history.
  • Import using invalid secret.
  • Import using invalid seed phrase.
  • Import with address index (advanced).