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Stochastic Dual Dynamic Programming in Julia


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The documentation is still very incomplete, and the internals of the library need a tidy and a refactor, however the user-facing API from the examples should be stable enough to use.


@lkapelevich wrote an extension for SDDP.jl to solve multi-stage stochastic programs with binary state variables. Check it out at!

Quick Start Guide

For now the best documentation is probably contained in the examples. There is quite a few and they provide a fairly comprehensive overview of the library.

Initialising the model object

The first step is to initialise the SDDP model object. We do this using the following syntax:

If we have more than one markov state:

m = SDDPModel([;kwargs...]) do sp, stage, markov_state

    # Stage problem definition where `sp` is a `JuMP.Model`object,


Otherwise if we have a single markov state

m = SDDPModel([;kwargs...]) do sp, stage

  # Stage problem definition


This function constructs an SDDPModel. SDDPModel takes the following keyword arguments. Some are required, and some are optional.

Required Keyword arguments

  • stages::Int The number of stages in the problem. A stage is defined as each step in time at which a decion can be made. Defaults to 1.

  • objective_bound::Float64 A valid bound on the initial value/cost to go. i.e. for maximisation this may be some large positive number, for minimisation this may be some large negative number.

  • solver::MathProgBase.AbstractMathProgSolver MathProgBase compliant solver that returns duals from a linear program. If this isn't specified then you must use JuMP.setsolver(m, solver) in the stage definition.

Optional Keyword arguments

  • sense Must be either :Max or :Min. Defaults to :Min.

  • cut_oracle::SDDP.AbstractCutOracle The cut oracle is responsible for collecting and storing the cuts that define a value function. The cut oracle may decide that only a subset of the total discovered cuts are relevant, which improves solution speed by reducing the size of the subproblems that need solving. Currently must be one of

    • DefaultCutOracle() The default. All cuts are added to the subproblem.

    • DematosCutOracle() Implements De Matos Cut Selection (also called Level-One Cut Selection) as proposed in de Matos, V., Philpott, A., and Finardi, E.. “Improving the Performance of Stochastic Dual Dynamic Programming.” Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 290 (December 2015): 196–208.

  • risk_measure::SDDP.AbstractRiskMeasure A SDDP.AbstractRiskMeasure to use. Currently only Expectation() and NestedAVaR are valid.

    • NestedAVaR(;lambda=0.0, beta=0.0) A risk measure that is a convex combination of Expectation and Average Value @ Risk (also called Conditional Value @ Risk): λ * E[x] + (1 - λ) * AV@R(1-β)[x]

    It has the keyword arguments:

      * `lambda`
     Convex weight on the expectation (`(1-lambda)` weight is put on the AV@R component.
     Inreasing values of `lambda` are less risk averse (more weight on expecattion)
      * `beta`
      The quantile at which to calculate the Average Value @ Risk. Increasing values
      of `beta` are less risk averse. If `beta=0`, then the AV@R component is the
      worst case risk measure.
  • markov_transition


* `m`: the `SDDPModel`


To solve the SDDP model m we use status = solve(m::SDDPModel; kwargs...). This accepts a number of keyword arguments to control the solution process.

Positional arguments

  • m: the SDDPModel to solve

Keyword arguments

  • max_iterations::Int: The maximum number of cuts to add to a single stage problem before terminating. Defaults to 10.
  • time_limit::Real: The maximum number of seconds (in real time) to compute for before termination. Defaults to Inf.
  • simulation::MonteCarloSimulation: We control the behaviour of the policy simulation phase of the algorithm using the MonteCarloSimulation(;kwargs...) constructor. This just groups a series of related keyword arguments. The keywords are
    • frequency::Int The frequency (by iteration) with which to run the policy simulation phase of the algorithm in order to construct a statistical bound for the policy. Defaults to 0 (never run).
    • min::Float64 Minimum number of simulations to conduct before constructing a confidence interval for the bound. Defaults to 20.
    • step::Float64 Number of additional simulations to conduct before constructing a new confidence interval for the bound. Defaults to 1.
    • max::Float64 Maximum number of simulations to conduct in the policy simulation phase. Defaults to min.
    • confidence::Float64 Confidence level of the confidence interval. Defaults to 0.95 (95% CI).
    • termination::Bool Whether to terminate the solution algorithm with the status :converged if the deterministic bound is with in the statistical bound after max simulations. Defaults to false.
  • bound_convergence: We may also wish to terminate the algorithm if the deterministic bound stalls for a specified number of iterations (regardless of whether the policy has converged). This can be controlled by the BoundConvergence(;kwargs...) constructor. It has the following keywords:
    • iterations::Int Terminate if the maximum deviation in the deterministic bound from the mean over the last iterations number of iterations is less than rtol (in relative terms) or atol (in absolute terms).
    • rtol::Float64 Maximum allowed relative deviation from the mean. Defaults to 0.0
    • atol::Float64 Maximum allowed absolute deviation from the mean. Defaults to 0.0
  • cut_selection_frequency::Int: Frequency (by iteration) with which to rebuild subproblems using a subset of cuts. Frequent cut selection (i.e. cut_selection_frequency is small) reduces the size of the subproblems that are solved, but incurrs the overhead of rebuilding the subproblems. However, infrequent cut selection (i.e. cut_selection_frequency is large) allows the subproblems to grow large (many constraints) leading to an increase in the solve time of individual subproblems. Defaults to 0 (never run).
  • print_level::Int: 0 - off: nothing logged to screen (still written to log file if specified). 1 - on: solve iterations written to screen. Defaults to 1
  • log_file::String: Relative filename to write the log to disk. Defaults to "" (no log written)
  • solve_type: One of
    • Asyncronous() - solve using a parallelised algorithm
    • Serial() - solve using a serial algorithm Default chooses automatically based on the number of available processors.
  • reduce_memory_footprint::Bool: Implements the idea proposed in jump-dev/JuMP.jl#969 (comment) to reduce the memory consumption when running SDDP. This is an issue if you wish to save the model m to disk since it discards important information. Defaults to false.
  • cut_output_file::String: Relative filename to write discovered cuts to disk. Defaults to "" (no cuts written)


  • status::Symbol: Reason for termination. One of
    • :solving
    • :interrupted
    • :converged
    • :max_iterations
    • :bound_convergence
    • :time_limit

A Note on Value Functions

You may notice we parameterise the SDDPModel by the DefaultValueFunction. Although this is the only value function provided in this package, it enables extensibility for some of our research codes that are not yet at the point for public release.


Stochastic Dual Dynamic Programming in Julia







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