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Thunderhead SDK

The Thunderhead SDK for iOS Troubleshooting Guide for common implementation issues.

Installation and archiving troubleshooting

No such module 'Thunderhead' Xcode compile error

When integrating the Thunderhead SDK manually into your app, you may encounter this compile error.

To resolve this, navigate to Build Settings, ensure the Framework Search Paths contains the framework filepath. If the framework is placed in your project directory, simply set the framework search path to $(SRCROOT) and set it to recursive.

CocoaPods could not find compatible versions for pod "Thunderhead" error

After the Thunderhead SDK gets released to CocoaPods, there might be a delay of 2-4 hours or more before the Thunderhead pod actually goes live and becomes available to be installed through CocoaPods. Please, make sure the GitHub SDK latest version matches the CocoaPods version.

If the latest Thunderhead SDK version is already available in CocoaPods, but you still have issues integrating the latest Thunderhead pod into your project, please try running the pod update and pod repo update command in your project's directory in Terminal.

Resolve Undefined symbols for architecture arm64 compile time error

When integrating the Thunderhead SDK via CocoaPods, you may encounter this compile time error.

To resolve this error, go to app target's Build Settings, add $(inherited) to Other Linker Flags, which will add the linker flags generated by the Pods to your app.

Thunderhead Other Linker Flag

Archive Error SPM - Found an unexpected Mach-O header code: 0x72613c21

When try to upload/distribute an archive, you may encounter this error, if Thunderhead SDK was integrated via SPM.

To resolve this error, add the following Run Script to the scheme's Build Post-actions:

rm -rf "${TARGET_BUILD_DIR}/${PRODUCT_NAME}.app/Frameworks/Thunderhead.framework"


  • Make sure to select Provide build settings from the app.

    Thunderhead Unexpected Mach-O via SPM

  • Please note this issue has already been reported to Apple's Swift Team. To track this bug click here.

How to resolve WKWebView tracking issues

If you come across issues with WKWebView tracking, try the following:

Disable WKWebView tracking via App's Info.plist

  • Disable WKWebView codeless tracking by adding the following to your app’s Info.plist file and set DisableWKWebViewTracking to YES (boolean value).

Thunderhead Config WKWebView Disable App's Info.plist file

<key>Thunderhead Config</key>
  <key>Swizzling Options</key>

Identify why automatic Interaction requests may not be triggered for a View Controller

Ensure you are calling super when overriding View Controller lifecycle methods

The SDK relies on the View Controller lifecycle methods being called to automatically capture Interaction events. Therefore it is required for the client app to call super, when lifecycle methods are overridden, to notify the OS of the method call.

How to identify when this is the issue

If the lifecycle methods are not configured correctly you may only see the interaction path being configured, for example:

 [Thunderhead] Thunderhead SDK assigned interaction path AAPLWorkingWithURLViewController based on class name to the view controller <AAPLWorkingWithURLViewController: 0x7ffd0f811b10>

In other cases you may only see the View Controller dissapearing being logged, for example:

Thunderhead] handleViewWillDisappear for : <AAPLWorkingWithURLViewController: 0x7ffd0f811b10>

How to resolve this issue

Ensure you are calling super when overriding any of the methods outlined here.

Example of an automatic Interaction being triggered correctly:

2021-01-28 11:51:30 +0000 : [Thunderhead] handleViewWillAppear for : <AAPLWorkingWithURLViewController: 0x7fcb74634870>
2021-01-28 11:51:30 +0000 : [Thunderhead] Thunderhead SDK assigned interaction path AAPLWorkingWithURLViewController based on class name to the view controller <AAPLWorkingWithURLViewController: 0x7fcb74634870>
2021-01-28 11:51:31 +0000 : [Thunderhead] handleViewDidAppear for : <AAPLWorkingWithURLViewController: 0x7fcb74634870>
2021-01-28 11:51:31 +0000 : [Thunderhead] The interaction /AAPLWorkingWithURLViewController has a trackable navigation bar's title
[Thunderhead]  Task OneAutomaticInteractionOperation: /AAPLWorkingWithURLViewController: has started
[Thunderhead] Task OneAutomaticInteractionOperation: /AAPLWorkingWithURLViewController: URL request string:
2021-01-28 11:51:31 +0000 : [Thunderhead] The HTTP request for the task OneAutomaticInteractionOperation: /AAPLWorkingWithURLViewController: ---REQUEST------------------
BODY: {"uri":"ios://sdkSampleApp/AAPLWorkingWithURLViewController","device":{"locale":"en_US","osName":"IOS","devMfr":"Apple","appVer":"0.47.0","appName":"com.thunderhead.UICatalog.admin","ipAddress":"detect","devType":"SMARTPHONE","devModel":"x86_64","osVer":"14.3"}}
2021-01-28 11:51:31 +0000 : [Thunderhead] The HTTP response for the task OneAutomaticInteractionOperation: /AAPLWorkingWithURLViewController:
2021-01-28 11:51:31 +0000 : [Thunderhead] View controller not mapped for interaction path /AAPLWorkingWithURLViewController due to the Interaction response data object having no trackers, captures or optimizations
[Thunderhead] Task OneAutomaticInteractionOperation: /AAPLWorkingWithURLViewController: has finished
2021-01-28 11:51:32 +0000 : [Thunderhead] View controller not mapped for interaction path /AAPLWorkingWithURLViewController due to the Interaction response data object having no trackers, captures or optimizations

Deny/Block Network Connections in Xcode Simulator

How to reduce Console connection failure messages in Xcode

For developers that use an external tool (i.e. Little Snitch) to deny/block network connections coming from the Simulator, you may find that Xcode spams the debug area console with a large amount of network log errors, like below:

2020-01-20 09:33:28.281517+0100 SampleApp[27123:934708] [] nw_socket_connect [C905.1:3] connect failed (fd 13) [64: Host is down]
2020-01-20 09:33:28.281642+0100 SampleApp[27123:934708] [] nw_socket_connect connect failed [64: Host is down]
2020-01-20 09:33:28.282565+0100 SampleApp[27123:934708] Connection 2: received failure notification
2020-01-20 09:33:28.282673+0100 SampleApp[27123:934708] Connection 2: failed to connect 1:64, reason -1
2020-01-20 09:33:28.282808+0100 SampleApp[27123:934708] Connection 2: encountered error(1:64)
2020-01-20 09:33:28.286154+0100 SampleApp[27123:934708] Task <EC494682-0065-4970-A221-C23EC09C2A06>.<708> HTTP load failed, 0/0 bytes (error code: -1004 [1:64])
2020-01-20 09:33:28.286590+0100 SampleApp[27123:934657] Task <EC494682-0065-4970-A221-C23EC09C2A06>.<708> finished with error [-1004] Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1004 "Could not connect to server." UserInfo={NSUnderlyingError=0x600003d8b750 {Error Domain=kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork Code=-1004 "(null)" UserInfo={_kCFStreamErrorCodeKey=64, _kCFStreamErrorDomainKey=1}}, NSErrorFailingURLStringKey= 09:33:28.296102+0100 SampleApp[27123:934708] [] nw_socket_connect [C906.1:3] connect failed (fd 13) [64: Host is down]
rt/api/2.0/interaction/offline?sk=SITE_KEY, NSErrorFailingURLKey=, _kCFStreamErrorDomainKey=1, _kCFStreamErrorCodeKey=64, NSLocalizedDescription=Could not connect to server.}
2020-01-20 09:33:28.304717+0100 SampleApp[27123:934708] [] nw_socket_connect connect failed [64: Host is down]
2020-01-20 09:33:28.307448+0100 SampleApp[27123:934708] [] nw_socket_connect [C906.2:3] connect failed (fd 13) [64: Host is down]
2020-01-20 09:33:28.307579+0100 SampleApp[27123:934708] [] nw_socket_connect connect failed [64: Host is down]
2020-01-20 09:33:28.310252+0100 SampleApp[27123:934708] [] nw_socket_connect [C906.3:3] connect failed (fd 13) [64: Host is down]
2020-01-20 09:33:28.310392+0100 SampleApp[27123:934708] [] nw_socket_connect connect failed [64: Host is down]
2020-01-20 09:33:28.312445+0100 SampleApp[27123:934708] [] nw_socket_connect [C906.4:3] connect failed (fd 13) [64: Host is down]

These are Apple error logs logging all failed outgoing network connections configured with an external tool (i.e. Little Snitch) to block outgoing network calls in the Xcode Simulator. Below are potential solutions to help filter the Apple error logs that you see:

  • Disable the OS (Operating System) Logs by setting OS_ACTIVITY_MODE = disable in your App Scheme Configuration.
  • Or, if you require to see the OS logs and only want to filter Thunderhead SDK's network calls, you can temporarily opt out an end-user from all tracking.


UITableView and/or UICollectionView cells no longer clickable or tappable

For apps using RxSwift UITableView and UICollectionView delegate methods with our SDK integrated, you may encounter an issue where the UITableViewCell or UICollectionViewCell is no longer clickable or tappable. In which case you may be using the Reactive wrapper method rx.modelSelected or rx.itemSelected for delegate message collectionView(_:didSelectItemAtIndexPath:), and these methods no longer trigger.

If you are encountering this or other delegate related issues, please ensure that you are setting the UICollectionView or UITableView delegate using the Reactive wrapper method rx.setDelegate() and not directly i.e. collection.delegate = self. Setting the delegate directly results in unexpected behavior in delegate callbacks. We are investigating the root cause and looking to fix this in a future version.