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Releases: tidalcycles/Tidal

Padley Gorge

20 Aug 08:11
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  • fix representation to handle continuous and analog events properly @yaxu

Hunters bar

30 Jul 14:15
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  • Simplify <* and *>, removing any distinction between analogue and digital patterns

Eccy Road

26 Jul 21:24
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  • Usability fix for binary / binaryN (use squeezeJoin on input pattern)

Chelsea Park

26 Jul 19:49
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  • Useability fixes for binary / binaryN / ascii @yaxu

Brincliffe Edge

25 Jul 08:55
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  • binary and ascii functions for playing with bit patterns @yaxu
  • support chord inversions in chord parser @bgold-cosmos
  • skip ticks when system clock jumps @yaxu
  • fix crash bugs in mini notation parser and grp @yaxu
  • new stitch function @yaxu
  • |++, ++| and |++| for combining patterns of strings by concatenation @yaxu
  • send best effort of a sound id to dirt / superdirt if sendParts is on, allowing parameter adjustment of previously triggered sound (without chopping) @yaxu
  • qtrigger - quantise trigger to nearest cycle @yaxu
  • add setI, setF et al to BootTidal.hs for setting state variables @yaxu
  • BootTidal.hs now sends d1 .. d12 to orbits 0 .. 11 respectively @yaxu
  • markov chain support with runMarkov and markovPat @bgold-cosmos
  • simplify / fix mask and sew @yaxu
  • Adjust <* and *> (and therefore |+, +| etc) to be closer to <*>, explanation here: @yaxu
  • extract minitidal into its own package tidal-parse (using cabal multipackages), renaming to Sound.Tidal.Parse @yaxu @dktr0
  • benchmarking @nini-faroux
  • minitidal refactor, support for parsing more of tidal, tests @dktr0


26 Jun 12:11
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  • 'chew' - like bite, but speeds playback rate up and down
  • variable probability for ? in mini notation
  • chooseBy takes modulo of index to avoid out of bounds errors
  • 'rate' control param
  • Fix dependencies for parsec/colour

🐝⌛️🦋 #2

21 Apr 22:20
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  • Simplify espgrid support - @yaxu


21 Apr 20:10
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  • Fixes ESPGrid support - @dktr0
  • Adds snowball function - @XiNNiW

Cros Bríde

18 Apr 07:18
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* Add `bite` function for slicing patterns (rather than samples)
* Tweak tidal.el to attempt to infer location of default BootTidal.hs
* Skip time (forward or backward) if the reference clock jumps suddenly
* Fix `fit` - @bgold-cosmos
* Remove 'asap'
* Add cB for boolean control input
* `pickF` for choosing between functions with a pattern of integers
* `select` for choosing between list of patterns with a floating point pattern
* `squeeze` for choosing between list of patterns with a pattern of integers, where patterns are squeezed into the integer event duration
* `splice` for choosing between slices of a pattern, where the slices are squeezed into event duration
* Ord and Eq instances for value type @bgold-cosmos
* `trigger` - support for resetting envelopes on evaluation
* Support for rational event values
* Tweak how `*>` and `<*` deal with analog patterns
* Caribiner link bridge support

This machine kills fascists again

16 Mar 11:04
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  • Add exports to Sound.Tidal.Scales for getScale and scaleTable