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Zephyr 目前不支持某些 ISA(instruction set architecture)ABI (Application Binary Interface) 架构。如果您希望在这些架构上运行 Zephyr,需要做一些架构相关的移植工作。

Zephyr 目前支持的 ISA 和 ABI 架构包括:

  • x86_32 ISA with System V ABI
  • x86_32 ISA with IAMCU ABI
  • ARMv7-M ISA with Thumb2 instruction set and ARM Embedded ABI (aeabi)
  • ARCv2 ISA


  • 早期的启动过程: 必须的。当 CPU 复位后,每种架构都需要做不同的处理。
  • 中断和异常处理: 必须的。每种架构以特定的方式处理异步和未请求事件。
  • 线程上下文切换: 必须的。 Zephyr 的上下文切换依赖于 ABI。不同的 ISA 需要保存不同的寄存器集合。
  • 线程的创建和结束: 必须的。线程的初始化帧依赖于 ABI 和架构。线程的终止也类似。
  • 设备驱动程序: 部分是必须的,部分是可选的。大多数情况下,系统的时钟定时器和中断控制器都是与架构绑定在一起的。
  • 工具库: 必须的。由于性能问题,内核的一些通用 API 依赖于架构相关的实现。
  • CPU 空转/电源管理: 可选的。大多数架构都实现了让 CPU 睡眠的指令。
  • Fault 处理: 可选的。 主要与架构相关的调试、处理线程致命错误相关。
  • 链接脚本和工具链: 必须的。 编译系统在链接镜像时,极有可能需要一些架构相关 的细节。


早起的启动过程是为了让系统从复位状态切换到能运行 C 代码的状态。大多数情况下都只需要很少的步骤,只有个别架构需要略多的处理。


  • 设置初始化栈。
  • 如果运行的是 XIP (eXecute-In-Place) 内核,将初始化代码从 ROM 拷贝到 RAM。
  • 如果没有使用 ELF 加载器,初始化 BSS 段。
  • 跳转到 _Cstart() 去初始化内核。
    • _Cstart() 负责从系统启动时的虚拟上下文切换到后台/空转任务。


  • 如果处于 x86_32 实模式,则需要切换到 32 位的保护模式。
  • 设置 x86_32 的段寄存器,以处理 boot loader。
  • 处理 Cortex-M3/4 的开发板相关的看门狗。
  • 将 Cortex-M3/4 的栈由 MSP 切换到 PSP。



当设备希望向处理器发送信号时,*它的内部需要完成一些额外的工作*,然后再发出一个中断。当线程需要执行一个不能由软件自身按照串行流程的方式处理的操作时,它会发出一个异常。中断和异常都会将控制权限传递给处理者。对于中断,这个处理者被叫做 ISR (Interrupt Service Routine)。处理者执行中断或异常请求的工作。对于中断,这些工作是与设备相关的。对于异常,这些工作依赖于异常,但是大多数时候内核的核心都会自己提供处理者。


  • 在将控制器交给处理者之前:
    • 保存当前的执行上下文。
  • 从处理者收回控制器后:
    • 决定是否执行上下文切换。
    • 当需要执行上下文切换时,恢复被切换的上下文。


  • 需要保存和恢复的寄存器。
  • 执行相关工作的处理器指令。
  • 异常数量。
  • 等等。


另一个问题是内核将 ISR 的签名定义为:

void (*isr)(void *parameter)

架构没有处理传递给 ISR 的参数的一致性方法或者本地方法。处理这些参数一般有两种方法:

  • 使用一些架构定义的机制,参数值被强迫在桩中。这种方法通常出现在基于 x86 的架构中。
  • The parameters to the ISR are inserted and tracked via a separate table requiring the architecture to discover at runtime which interrupt is executing. A common interrupt handler demuxer is installed for all entries of the real interrupt vector table, which then fetches the device's ISR and parameter from the separate table. This approach is commonly used in the ARC and ARM architectures via the CONFIG_GEN_ISR_TABLES implementation. You can find examples of the stubs by looking at _interrupt_enter() in x86, _IntExit() in ARM, _isr_wrapper() in ARM, or the full implementation description for ARC in arch/arc/core/isr_wrapper.S.

Each architecture also has to implement primitives for interrupt control:

  • locking interrupts: :cirq_lock, :cirq_unlock.
  • registering interrupts: :cIRQ_CONNECT.
  • programming the priority if possible :cirq_priority_set.
  • enabling/disabling interrupts: :cirq_enable, :cirq_disable.


:cIRQ_CONNECT is a macro that uses assembler and/or linker script tricks to connect interrupts at build time, saving boot time and text size.

The vector table should contain a handler for each interrupt and exception that can possibly occur. The handler can be as simple as a spinning loop. However, we strongly suggest that handlers at least print some debug information. The information helps figuring out what went wrong when hitting an exception that is a fault, like divide-by-zero or invalid memory access, or an interrupt that is not expected (spurious interrupt). See the ARM implementation in arch/arm/core/fault.c for an example.


使用多线程是使用内核的基本目的。Zephyr 支持两种类型的线程:抢占式线程和协作式线程。


  • Cooperative threads run at a higher priority than preemptible ones, and always preempt them.
  • After handling an interrupt, if a cooperative thread was interrupted, the kernel always goes back to running that thread, since it is not preemptible.

A context switch can happen in several circumstances:

  • When a thread executes a blocking operation, such as taking a semaphore that is currently unavailable.
  • When a preemptible thread unblocks a thread of higher priority by releasing the object on which it was blocked.
  • When an interrupt unblocks a thread of higher priority than the one currently executing, if the currently executing thread is preemptible.
  • When a thread runs to completion.
  • When a thread causes a fatal exception and is removed from the running threads. For example, referencing invalid memory,

Therefore, the context switching must thus be able to handle all these cases.

The kernel keeps the next thread to run in a "cache", and thus the context switching code only has to fetch from that cache to select which thread to run.

There are two types of context switches: cooperative and preemptive.

  • A cooperative context switch happens when a thread willfully gives the control to another thread. There are two cases where this happens
    • When a thread explicitly yields.
    • When a thread tries to take an object that is currently unavailable and is willing to wait until the object becomes available.
  • A preemptive context switch happens either because an ISR or a thread causes an operation that schedules a thread of higher priority than the one currently running, if the currently running thread is preemptible. An example of such an operation is releasing an object on which the thread of higher priority was waiting.


Control is never taken from cooperative thread when one of them is the running thread.

A cooperative context switch is always done by having a thread call the _Swap() kernel internal symbol. When _Swap is called, the kernel logic knows that a context switch has to happen: _Swap does not check to see if a context switch must happen. Rather, _Swap decides what thread to context switch in. _Swap is called by the kernel logic when an object being operated on is unavailable, and some thread yielding/sleeping primitives.


On x86 and Nios2, _Swap is generic enough and the architecture flexible enough that _Swap can be called when exiting an interrupt to provoke the context switch. This should not be taken as a rule, since neither the ARM Cortex-M or ARCv2 port do this.

Since _Swap is cooperative, the caller-saved registers from the ABI are already on the stack. There is no need to save them in the k_thread structure.

A context switch can also be performed preemptively. This happens upon exiting an ISR, in the kernel interrupt exit stub:

  • _interrupt_enter on x86 after the handler is called.
  • _IntExit on ARM.
  • _firq_exit and _rirq_exit on ARCv2.

In this case, the context switch must only be invoked when the interrupted thread was preemptible, not when it was a cooperative one, and only when the current interrupt is not nested.

The kernel also has the concept of "locking the scheduler". This is a concept similar to locking the interrupts, but lighter-weight since interrupts can still occur. If a thread has locked the scheduler, is it temporarily non-preemptible.

So, the decision logic to invoke the context switch when exiting an interrupt is simple:

  • If the interrupted thread is not preemptible, do not invoke it.
  • Else, fetch the cached thread from the ready queue, and:
    • If the cached thread is not the current thread, invoke the context switch.
    • Else, do not invoke it.

This is simple, but crucial: if this is not implemented correctly, the kernel will not function as intended and will experience bizarre crashes, mostly due to stack corruption.


If running a coop-only system, i.e. if CONFIG_NUM_PREEMPT_PRIORITIES is 0, no preemptive context switch ever happens. The interrupt code can be optimized to not take any scheduling decision when this is the case.


要开始一个新线程,必须构建一个栈帧,然后在进行上下文切换时弹出它。对于一个已经切换出去的线程,它也需要以类似的方式弹出栈帧。这一点是在架构相关的内部函数 _new_thread 中实现的。

线程的入口点不能被直接调用,也就是说,不能直接为新线程设置 PC (程序计数器)。相反,它必须封装在 _thread_entry 内。这意味着栈帧中的 PC 应该被设置到 _thread_entry 中,且线程入口点应该作为 _thread_entry 的第一个参数。它的具体细节依赖于 ABI。


由于线程可能是优雅地终止,也可能由于异常而终止,所以将线程终止实现为架构相关的方案是合理的。对于 Cortex-M 架构,当线程触发了致命错误时,它的 CPU 必须从进入处理者模式;但是当线程自己从入口函数优雅地推出时,则无需进入处理者模式。

因此,我们可以根据架构的需要(arch/arm//core/cortex_m/Kconfig)设置 Kconfig 选项 CONFIG_ARCH_HAS_TASK_ABORTCONFIG_ARCH_HAS_NANO_FIBER_ABORT,并实现架构相关的 :cfiber_abort_TaskAbort





例如,x86 架构有 IDT (中断描述符表) 和中断控制器的概念,且某些基于 Quark 的系统使用 MVIC (微控制器向量中断控制器)。此外,中断在 IDT 中的位置决定了它们的优先级。

另一方面,Cortex-M3/M4 在架构中有 NVIC (嵌套向量中断控制器) 的概念,因此除 NVIC 向量表外不再需要单独的类似于 IDT 的表格。中断在向量表中的位置与 IRQ 的优先级无关:每个中断的优先级是可编程的。

ARCv2 有它自己的控制单元,它在某种程度上与 NVIC 类似。ARC 定义的中断在异常号和中断号(例如 1 号异常是 IRQ1,设备的 IRQ 从 16 开始)之间存在一对一的映射,而 ARM 的 IRC0 等同于 16 号异常(且不可思议的是,1 号异常可以被看做 IRQ-15)。



x86 架构有 APIC 定时器和 HPET。ARM Cortex-M 有 SYSTIKC 异常,ARCv2 有 0/1 定时器设备。

Kernel timeouts are handled in the context of the system clock timer driver's interrupt handler.

Tickless Idle

The kernel has support for tickless idle. Tickless idle is the concept where no system clock timer interrupt is to be delivered to the CPU when the kernel is about to go idle and the closest timeout expiry is passed a certain threshold. When this condition happens, the system clock is reprogrammed far in the future instead of for a periodic tick. For this to work, the system clock timer driver must support it.

Tickless idle is optional but strongly recommended to achieve low-power consumption.

The kernel has built-in support for going into tickless idle.

The system clock timer driver must implement some hooks to support tickless idle. See existing drivers for examples.

The interrupt entry stub (_interrupt_enter, _isr_wrapper) needs to be adapted to handle exiting tickless idle. See examples in the code for existing architectures.

Console Over Serial Line

There is one other device that is almost a requirement for an architecture port, since it is so useful for debugging. It is a simple polling, output-only, serial port driver on which to send the console (printk, printf) output.

It is not required, and a RAM console (CONFIG_RAM_CONSOLE) can be used to send all output to a circular buffer that can be read by a debugger instead.

Utility Libraries

The kernel depends on a few functions that can be implemented with very few instructions or in a lock-less manner in modern processors. Those are thus expected to be implemented as part of an architecture port.

  • Atomic operators.
    • If instructions do not exist for a given architecture, a generic version that wraps :cirq_lock or :cirq_unlock around non-atomic operations exists. It is configured using the CONFIG_ATOMIC_OPERATIONS_C Kconfig option.
  • Find-least-significant-bit-set and find-most-significant-bit-set.
    • If instructions do not exist for a given architecture, it is always possible to implement these functions as generic C functions.

It is possible to use compiler built-ins to implement these, but be careful they use the required compiler barriers.

CPU Idling/Power Management

The kernel provides support for CPU power management with two functions: :ck_cpu_idle and :ck_cpu_atomic_idle.

:ck_cpu_idle can be as simple as calling the power saving instruction for the architecture with interrupts unlocked, for example hlt on x86, wfi or wfe on ARM, sleep on ARC. This function can be called in a loop within a context that does not care if it get interrupted or not by an interrupt before going to sleep. There are basically two scenarios when it is correct to use this function:

  • In a single-threaded system, in the only thread when the thread is not used for doing real work after initialization, i.e. it is sitting in a loop doing nothing for the duration of the application.
  • In the idle thread.

:ck_cpu_atomic_idle, on the other hand, must be able to atomically re-enable interrupts and invoke the power saving instruction. It can thus be used in real application code, again in single-threaded systems.

Normally, idling the CPU should be left to the idle thread, but in some very special scenarios, these APIs can be used by applications.

Both functions must exist for a given architecture. However, the implementation can be simply the following steps, if desired:

  1. unlock interrupts
  2. NOP

However, a real implementation is strongly recommended.



  • _NanoFatalErrorHandler,由软件和不可恢复的错误调用。
  • _SysFatalErrorHandler, 用于决定如何处理产生错误的线程,通常是终止它。




toolchain/gcc.h 中需要一些架构相关的定义。请参考该文件查看所支持的架构存在哪些定义。

每种架构都需要它自己的链接脚本,但是大多数段可以从其它结构的链接脚本中推断出来。在不同的架构中可能需要指定不同的段,例如 AMR 架构需要指定 SCB 段,x86 架构需哟啊指定 IDT 段。