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Wave Modeling: simple 3D model

This tutorial is identical to Simple Wave Modeling 2D but is aimed at 3D modeling. We suppose you are familiar with the previous tutorials.

3D velocity model building

Start model building from setting initial parameters:

from h5geopy import h5geo
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
import scipy.ndimage
import colada
import slicer
import os

# to be able to open hdf5 container in HDFVIEW
os.environ["HDF5_USE_FILE_LOCKING"] = "FALSE"

# setting output directories
out_vol_dir = colada.Util().defaultGeoVolumesDir() +'/'
out_seis_dir = colada.Util().defaultSeisDir() +'/'
out_volcnt_name = "model_3D.h5"
out_vol_name = "model_3D"
out_vol_name_smooth = "model_3D_smooth"
out_geomcnt_name = "geom_3D.h5"
out_geom_name = "geom_3D"
out_geom_segy_name = "geom_2D.sgy"

ANGULAR_UNITS = "degree"
DATA_UNITS = "km/s"

# model params (x,z)
o = (0,0,0)
d = (12.5,12.5,12.5)
n = (300,200,100)
n1 = int(round(n[2]/3)) # first reflector depth
n2 = int(round(2*n[2]/3)) # second reflector depth

# velocities for the layers
v1 = 1.5
v2 = 2
v3 = 2.5

# is used to smooth velocity model
smooth_radius = 20

The model size is [nx,ny,nz]=[300,200,100] points. Distance between two nearest points is equal at each direction and equal to 12.5m. Thus model length in each direction [x,y,z]=[3737.5m,2487.5m,1237.5m]. Velocities of three layers: 1.5, 2, 2.5km/s.

The following code builds velocity model:

x = np.arange(o[0],o[0]+d[0]*(n[0]-1),d[0])
y = np.arange(o[1],o[1]+d[1]*(n[1]-1),d[1])
z = np.arange(o[2],o[2]+d[2]*(n[2]-1),d[2])

data = np.zeros(n[::-1]) # reverse `n` so the `data.shape = [nz,ny,nx]`
data[:n1,:,:] = v1
data[n1:n2,:,:] = v2
data[n2:,:,:] = v3
data_smooth = sp.ndimage.uniform_filter(data, smooth_radius)

# flip Z axis as h5geo stores volumes in low-to-high direction (origin is lower left corner)
# also make the order layout to Fortran (h5geo works with column oriented arrays)
data = np.asfortranarray(np.flip(data,0), dtype=np.float32)
data_smooth = np.asfortranarray(np.flip(data_smooth,0), dtype=np.float32)

Now we need to write previously built velocity model to H5Vol object (Geo Volume):

p = h5geo.H5VolParam()
p.spatialReference = SPATIAL_REFERENCE
p.lengthUnits = LENGTH_UNITS
p.temporalUnits = TEMPORAL_UNITS
p.angularUnits = ANGULAR_UNITS
p.dataUnits = DATA_UNITS
p.domain = h5geo.Domain.TVDSS
p.orientation = ORIENTATION
p.X0 = o[0]
p.Y0 = o[1]
p.Z0 = o[2]-d[2]*(n[2]-1)
p.dX = d[0]
p.dY = d[1]
p.dZ = d[2]
p.nX = n[0]
p.nY = n[1]
p.nZ = n[2]
p.xChunkSize = 64
p.yChunkSize = 64
p.zChunkSize = 64
p.compression_level = 6

volcnt = h5geo.createVolContainerByName(
if not volcnt:
  raise RuntimeError(f"Unable to create Volume container: {out_volcnt_name}")

vol = volcnt.createVol(out_vol_name, p, h5geo.CreationType.CREATE_OR_OVERWRITE)
if not vol:
  raise RuntimeError(f"Unable to create Geo Volume: {out_vol_name}")

status = vol.writeData(data.ravel(), 0,0,0,p.nX,p.nY,p.nZ, DATA_UNITS)
if not status:
  raise RuntimeError(f"Unable to write data to Geo Volume: {out_vol_name}")

volsmooth = volcnt.createVol(out_vol_name_smooth, p, h5geo.CreationType.CREATE_OR_OVERWRITE)
if not volsmooth:
  raise RuntimeError(f"Unable to create Geo Volume: {out_vol_name_smooth}")

status = volsmooth.writeData(data_smooth.ravel(), 0,0,0,p.nX,p.nY,p.nZ, DATA_UNITS)
if not status:
  raise RuntimeError(f"Unable to write data to Geo Volume: {out_vol_name_smooth}")

# add geo volume container to treeview

# don't forget to close h5geo (hdf5) objects
del vol
del volsmooth
del volcnt


h5geo objects hold reference to h5gt object wich is hdf5 wrapper. It is extremely important to close these objects right after you've done working with them (delete variable is one of the possible ways). If file is opened and HDF5_USE_FILE_LOCKING=TRUE then this file will be unavailable for other processes. If HDF5_USE_FILE_LOCKING=FALSE then you are risking to break the file if its content is modified from another process.


Velocity model visualization

Picture below is prepared 3D velocity model visualized in Colada:

:alt: Colada velocity model 3d
:class: bg-primary
:scale: 70%
:align: center

Geometry for 3D model

Start by setting initial data for 3D geometry:

# timings
nSamp = 800
sampRate = -2.0

# geometry
src_x0 = 1500
src_dx = 100
src_nx = 8
src_y0 = 1000
src_dy = 100
src_ny = 6
src_z = o[2]

rec_x0 = 1000
rec_dx = 50
rec_nx = 21
rec_y0 = 500
rec_dy = 50
rec_ny = 21
rec_z = o[2]
moveRec = True

Fill H5SeisParam to create new H5Seis object and generate PRESTACK geometry:

# h5geo parameters to create new H5Seis object
p = h5geo.H5SeisParam()
p.spatialReference = SPATIAL_REFERENCE
p.lengthUnits = LENGTH_UNITS
p.temporalUnits = TEMPORAL_UNITS
p.angularUnits = ANGULAR_UNITS
p.dataUnits = "psi"
p.domain = h5geo.Domain.TWT
p.dataType = h5geo.SeisDataType.PRESTACK
p.surveyType = h5geo.SurveyType.THREE_D
p.nTrc = 100
p.nSamp = nSamp
p.srd = 0
p.trcChunk = 1000
p.stdChunk = 100

# create Seismic container
geomcnt = h5geo.createSeisContainerByName(
      out_seis_dir + out_geomcnt_name,
if not geomcnt:
  raise RuntimeError(f"Unable to create Seis container: {out_geomcnt_name}")

# create H5Seis object
geom = geomcnt.createSeis(out_geom_name, p, h5geo.CreationType.CREATE_OR_OVERWRITE)
if not geom:
  raise RuntimeError(f"Unable to create Seis: {out_geom_name}")

# setting sampling rate

# generate geometry
status = geom.generatePRESTKGeometry(
    src_x0, src_dx, src_nx,
    src_y0, src_dy, src_ny,
    rec_x0, rec_dx, rec_nx,
    rec_y0, rec_dy, rec_ny,

# export geometry to SEGY
geom.exportToSEGY(out_seis_dir + out_geom_segy_name, 10000, h5geo.Endian.Big)

if not status:
  raise RuntimeError(f"Unable to generate geometry: {out_geom_name}")

# add geometry container to treeview

# don't forget to close h5geo (hdf5) objects
del geom
del geomcnt

Source geometry along x-axis contains 8 sources at positions from 1500 to 2200m with 100m step. Along y-axis: from 1000 to 1500m wtih 100m step. Receivers are spread in in 1000m*1000m (i.e. sp+-500m) with 50m step and they are moved along with sources (moveRec = True).

Geometry check

We can load source and receiver positions for each shot. For example for the first shot we can see this:

:alt: Colada plot geometry 3D
:class: bg-primary
:scale: 70%
:align: center

Red marker shows source position for all these receivers.

Forward Modeling

In Wave Modeling module set all the parameters that were used in Simple Wave Modeling 2D tutorial. It is also necessary to set Limit modeling domain to at least 1000m. This setting defines the region of the model that is used for every shot computation.

:alt: Colada modeled shot
:class: bg-primary
:scale: 70%
:align: center

Reverse Time Migration (RTM)

Even if we set Limit modeling domain to 0m then 30Gb of RAM is required for RTM. Actually expanding this area doesn't greately improves the RTM quality. As in 2D wave modeling tutorial we have to set model muting to 412.5m and data muting to mute turning waves.

Velocity model overlayed with RTM:

:alt: Colada rtm
:class: bg-primary
:scale: 70%
:align: center

Least-Squares Reverse Time Migration (LSRTM)

To run LSRTM about 30Gb of RAM is required.

Select true velocity model as Input. Geometry same generated shots. Use same mutings that were used in conventional RTM.

:alt: Colada rtm and lsrtm
:class: bg-primary
:scale: 70%
:align: center

Upper pictures show conventional RTM. Lower - result LSRTM.

Full Waveform Inversion (FWI)

FWI with Limit modeling domain to 0m also requires 30Gb of RAM. Don't forget set starting model model_3D_smooth as input. Important thing is to turn on Replace water velocity/density. This will replace velocity (and density if present) at each iteration.

In FWI Settings set min/max velocities to 1000 and 3500 respectively.

:alt: Colada fwi
:class: bg-primary
:scale: 70%
:align: center

Upper pictures show starting smoothed model at XZ and YZ orientations. Lower - result of 10th FWI iteration.