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Basic Go Sample

Code for this sample is in ./main.go.


Linux >= 5.6 is the only production environment we support. But for ease of development we also support macOS and Windows.

  • Go >= 1.17

Additionally on Windows: you must install Zig 0.11.0 and set the CC environment variable to zig.exe cc. Use the full path for zig.exe.


First, clone this repo and cd into tigerbeetle/src/clients/go/samples/basic.

Then, install the TigerBeetle client:

go mod init tbtest
go get

Start the TigerBeetle server

Follow steps in the repo README to run TigerBeetle.

If you are not running on port localhost:3000, set the environment variable TB_ADDRESS to the full address of the TigerBeetle server you started.

Run this sample

Now you can run this sample:

go run main.go


Here's what this project does.

1. Create accounts

This project starts by creating two accounts (1 and 2).

2. Create a transfer

Then it transfers 10 of an amount from account 1 to account 2.

3. Fetch and validate account balances

Then it fetches both accounts, checks they both exist, and checks that account 1 has:

  • debits_posted = 10
  • and credits_posted = 0

And that account 2 has:

  • debits_posted= 0
  • and credits_posted = 10