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Custom 404 Page

You can create a custom 404 error page to display when someone tries to access a page on your site that does not exist. How you do this depends on where your site is hosted.

Using GitHub Pages or Netlify

Some hosts, like GitHub Pages and Netlify, are automatically configured to look for a file named 404.html at the root level of your site. If your Jigsaw site is using pretty URLs, you can specify a permalink in the file for your custom 404 page so that the .html extension is preserved:


extends: _layouts.master
section: content
permalink: 404.html

### Sorry, that page does not exist.

Note that YAML front matter can also be used in Blade files, so you can accomplish the same thing using a Blade file named 404.blade.php.

This will create a file named 404.html in your site's build directory.

Using an Nginx Server

You can create your custom 404 file as or 404.blade.php in your source directory, and if your Jigsaw site is using pretty URLs, it will be output as /404/index.html:


extends: _layouts.master
section: content

### Sorry, that page does not exist.

When hosting your site on an Nginx server, you will need to configure the error_page setting in your server's nginx.conf file, or in the specific configuration file that Nginx is using for your site. These configuration files are typically found in /etc/nginx/, though their location varies by server. If your site is managed using Laravel Forge, for example, the configuration file for your site will be located at /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/{name-of-your-site}; it can also be edited via Forge's "Edit Nginx Configuration" option in the "Files" menu.

Once you've located your Nginx configuration file, add the following line to the server block:

error_page 404 /404;

After you restart your Nginx server, it will look for the error page /404/index.html in your build directory whenever someone navigates to a page that does not exist.