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File metadata and controls

137 lines (97 loc) · 2.78 KB
extends section


Have some pages you'd rather write in Markdown than Blade? We know the feeling.

Using Markdown in Jigsaw is as simple as using a .markdown or .md extension, and specifying a few details in YAML front matter.

For example, say you have this layout and you'd like to populate the content section using Markdown:


If that layout was named master in the _layouts folder, you could create a Markdown page that used this layout like so:

extends: _layouts.master
section: content

# My awesome heading!

My awesome content!

The end result would be a generated page that looked like this:

        <h1>My awesome heading!</h1>
        <p>My awesome content!</p>

Custom front matter variables

Imagine you have a layout named post.blade.php in your _layouts folder that looks like this:



    <h1>{{ $page->title }}</h1>
    <h2>by {{ $page->author }}</h2>


You can populate the title and author variables by adding custom keys to the YAML front matter:

section: postContent
title: "Jigsaw is awesome!"
author: "Adam Wathan"

Jigsaw is one of the greatest static site generators of all time.

...which would generate this:

        <h1>Jigsaw is awesome!</h1>
        <h2>by Adam Wathan</h2>

            Jigsaw is one of the greatest static site generators of all time.

Formatting dates

The YAML processor converts any dates that it finds in a Markdown file's front matter into integer timestamps. When outputting a date variable in your Blade template, you can use PHP's date() function to specify a date format. For example:

section: postContent
date: 2018-02-16


<p>The formatted date is {{ date('F j, Y', $post->date) }}</p>

Specifying a permalink

You can specify a permalink in the YAML front matter to override the default path of a file when your site is built. This can be used, for example, to create a custom 404 page that is output to 404.html (instead of the default 404/index.html):


extends: _layouts.master
section: content
permalink: 404.html

### Sorry, that page does not exist.