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Engine Design Doc

Engine is primarily a for loop that takes inputs from a variety of sources, updates state, and makes a decision based off of that state. The rough shape of the for loop is as follows:

state := &state{}
for {
    select {
        // sources like local filesystem, kubernetes, ui, etc
        case ev := <- fsCh:
        case ev := <- k8sCh:
    // decide what to do: start a pipeline, stop a pipeline
    actions := handle(state)
    // tell subscribers what we took
    updateSubscribers(actions, state.copy())

When state changes, and only when state changes, can we make decisions about what to do. Only after actions have been taken do we tell subscribers.


  • No blocking I/O in the for loop
  • No long operations in the for loop
  • Actions taken in handle shouldn’t directly send to channels that this for selects on.