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File metadata and controls

349 lines (292 loc) · 15 KB


This is a small framework-agnostic library that allows you to generate entity classes from an annotation, generate instances from data, and validate the input data they're created from.

Basically, boilerplate getters and setters, marshalling and validation code are no fun to write, and many frameworks force you to mix that sort of thing into logic that does other things, which becomes hard to maintain.

This library lets you specify, declaratively, what your input looks like, and it will generate a correctly implemented class to provide validation, marshalling and type-safe access to it. It's common to deal in untyped data that consists of hashes of strings; this library automatically generates a typesafe class for that data.

The idea is to integrate this project into frameworks - so if you are, say, supplying a constructor argument of a generated type, the framework validates the data (and does the Right Thing™ if the data is invalid) and then hands your code a beautiful, valid, typesafe object that represents the parameters you expect.

So, you annotate a class like so:

@Params(value = {
    @Param(value = "optionalSomething", type = Types.NON_EMPTY_STRING, required = false),
    @Param(value = "requiredInt", type = Types.INTEGER),
    @Param(value = "requiredBool", type = Types.BOOLEAN, defaultValue = "false"),
    @Param(value = "requiredNonNeg", type = Types.NON_NEGATIVE_INTEGER),
    @Param(value = "requiredNumber", type = Types.DOUBLE, defaultValue = "23"),
    @Param(value = "nothing", defaultValue = "Go away", required = false, 
           constraints = {StringValidators.MAY_NOT_END_WITH_PERIOD, 
    @Param(value = "defaultInt", type = Types.INTEGER, defaultValue = "5"),
    @Param(value = "jthing", type = Types.STRING, required = false, 
        validators = {LongerThanTwo.class, StartsWithJValidator.class})}
        ,allowUnlistedParameters = true
        ,generateToJSON = true
        ,generateValidationCode = true)

and this generates, in the same package, an immutable class which has getters for all of these parameters, using Optional for those properties which are not required and do not have a default value.

The resulting class can be instantiated either via dependency injection (say, with Guice), or via deserialization using Jackson - it will have one constructor with Jackson's annotations, and one annotated with @Inject which takes an instance of KeysValues (defined here - basically a map - bind it in your dependency injection framework for whatever works for you - this keeps us framework-agnostic).

The goal was to create a framework for interpreting URL parameters and request bodies that could be used with both Acteur, Wicket and any similar framework that ingests key-value or JSON data. For example, Acteur has the @InjectRequestBodyAs annotation, and soon a similar one for URL parameters. The goal was to eliminate manual parameter validation and type coercion code from classes whose job is the logic of handling a request, and which should be focused on that.

The generated class will be named $NAME_OF_CLASS_WITH_THE_ANNOTATION + "Params".


This project leverages a validation framework, SimpleValidation (formerly - (javadoc here) to validate input data. Each parameter has two values that can list validators (a validator simply takes some input and either passes it or adds a localized error message to a list of problems):

  • validators - a list of validator classes. They will be instantiated using Guice, so if they need to take some additional objects in their constructor, that is fine
  • constraints - a list of validators defined in the StringValidators enum, which consists of a lot of predefined validators for URLs, email addreses and more.

It is preferable to perform validation before instantiating an object, so it is simply impossible for an object with invalid to exist. However, generated objects can be generated with a validate() method that will run validation post-hoc. The ParamChecker class can be used to pre-validate data.


The thing to remember is that you want to validate your data before you instantiate the object, if at all possible. So, typically, you know you are going to create an object from some data. The class that can do pre-validation is ParamChecker - create one, create a Problems and pass your KeysValues to it first, if you're using injection. If you're using JSON, an option is to load your data as a Map first, create a KeysValues.MapAdapter over that.

Failing that, you can instantiate your object using Jackson and (assuming generateValidationCode() == true) call the validate() method of the resulting object to validate the object after-the-fact.

Why Not Have Objects Throw An Exception In Their Constructor

It's generally not very nice to do that - in particular, Guice frowns upon that. So, generally, validate your data before instantiating your object, and that way you're guaranteed never to have an instance of one of your types that is not valid.

Integration with Acteur

To use Numble with Acteur, install the companion Guice module ActeurNumbleModule; then simply use Numble to create classes, and use them in, for example, the @InjectRequestBodyAs annotation on your HTTP endpoints. Validation failures will generate 400 Bad Request responses with the validation errors included in the JSON body of the response, e.g.

 {"error":"Invalid data","problems":["Port must be less than 65536","INVALID_PORT"]}

Getting The Library

To get it, add the maven repository described here to your Maven project, and then add a dependency


Generated Classes

The generated classes will have:

  • A constructor annotated with @Inject which takes a KeysValues (trivial to wrap a Map or similar in this)
  • Final fields + getters for all specified parameters, using Optional for those that could be null
  • Correct implementation of equals() and hashCode() and a meaningful toString() implementation
  • A toMap() method which converts the object to a Map<String,Object>
  • (optional) A constructor using Jackson's annotations for instantiation from JSON
  • (optional) A toJSON() method that converts the object back to JSON (if you do this directly, you'll need to configure Jackson to understand Optional, which it doesn't by default)
  • (optional) A validate() method for checking the correctness of that data post-instantiation
  • (optional) If allowUnlistedParameters() is true, the generated class will contain a get(String) method that returns Optional<String>, and an internal __any(String,String) method which will be annotated with @JsonAnySetter if jsonConstructor() returns true, so that properties that are not explicitly specified are captured


Why not use Lombok / other-random-library-like-this?

I have fairly strong feelings about making data immutable, and the whole point here is that you shouldn't have to manually define the class at all. Plus, it was fun to write.

Generated Class Example

This is what is generated from the annotations above:

public final class FakePageParams implements Serializable, Validatable {
    private final int _defaultInt;
    private final Optional<String> _jthing;
    private final String _nothing;
    private final Optional<String> _optionalSomething;
    private final boolean _requiredBool;
    private final int _requiredInt;
    private final int _requiredNonNeg;
    private final double _requiredNumber;
    private final Map<String,String> __metadata = new HashMap<>();

    public FakePageParams (KeysValues params) {
        this._defaultInt = params.get("defaultInt") == null ? 5 : Integer.parseInt(params.get("defaultInt"));
        this._jthing = Optional.ofNullable(params.get("jthing") == null ? null : params.get("jthing"));
        this._nothing = params.get("nothing") == null ? "Go away" : params.get("nothing");
        this._optionalSomething = Optional.ofNullable(params.get("optionalSomething") == null ? null : params.get("optionalSomething"));
        this._requiredBool = params.get("requiredBool") == null ? false : Boolean.parseBoolean(params.get("requiredBool"));
        this._requiredInt = Integer.parseInt(params.get("requiredInt"));
        this._requiredNonNeg = Integer.parseInt(params.get("requiredNonNeg"));
        this._requiredNumber = params.get("requiredNumber") == null ? 23 : Double.parseDouble(params.get("requiredNumber"));
        for (Map.Entry<String,String> __e : params) {
            switch (__e.getKey()) {
                case "defaultInt" :
                case "jthing" :
                case "nothing" :
                case "optionalSomething" :
                case "requiredBool" :
                case "requiredInt" :
                case "requiredNonNeg" :
                case "requiredNumber" :
                default :
                    __any (__e.getKey(), __e.getValue());

    public FakePageParams(
        @JsonProperty(value="defaultInt", required=false) Integer _defaultInt,
        @JsonProperty(value="jthing", required=false) String _jthing,
        @JsonProperty(value="nothing", required=false) String _nothing,
        @JsonProperty(value="optionalSomething", required=false) String _optionalSomething,
        @JsonProperty(value="requiredBool", required=false) Boolean _requiredBool,
        @JsonProperty(value="requiredInt") int _requiredInt,
        @JsonProperty(value="requiredNonNeg") int _requiredNonNeg,
        @JsonProperty(value="requiredNumber", required=false) Double _requiredNumber) {
        this._defaultInt = _defaultInt == null ? 5 : _defaultInt;
        this._jthing = Optional.ofNullable(_jthing);
        this._nothing = _nothing == null ? "Go away" : _nothing;
        this._optionalSomething = Optional.ofNullable(_optionalSomething);
        this._requiredBool = _requiredBool == null ? false : _requiredBool;
        this._requiredInt = _requiredInt;
        this._requiredNonNeg = _requiredNonNeg;
        this._requiredNumber = _requiredNumber == null ? 23 : _requiredNumber;

    public void __any(String key, String value){
        __metadata.put(key, value);

    public Optional<String> get(String key) {
        return Optional.ofNullable(__metadata.get(key));

    public int getDefaultInt() {
        return _defaultInt;

    public Optional<String> getJthing() {
        return _jthing;

    public String getNothing() {
        return _nothing;

    public Optional<String> getOptionalSomething() {
        return _optionalSomething;

    public boolean getRequiredBool() {
        return _requiredBool;

    public int getRequiredInt() {
        return _requiredInt;

    public int getRequiredNonNeg() {
        return _requiredNonNeg;

    public double getRequiredNumber() {
        return _requiredNumber;

    public String toString() {
           " defaultInt = " + _defaultInt
            + " jthing = " + _jthing
            + " nothing = " + _nothing
            + " optionalSomething = " + _optionalSomething
            + " requiredBool = " + _requiredBool
            + " requiredInt = " + _requiredInt
            + " requiredNonNeg = " + _requiredNonNeg
            + " requiredNumber = " + _requiredNumber;

    public boolean equals (Object o) {
        if (o == this) {
            return true;
        } else if (o == null) {
            return false;

        if (o instanceof FakePageParams) {
            FakePageParams other = (FakePageParams) o;
                this._defaultInt == other._defaultInt &&
                Objects.equals(this._jthing, other._jthing)  &&
                Objects.equals(this._nothing, other._nothing)  &&
                Objects.equals(this._optionalSomething, other._optionalSomething)  &&
                Objects.equals(this._requiredBool, other._requiredBool)  &&
                this._requiredInt == other._requiredInt &&
                this._requiredNonNeg == other._requiredNonNeg &&
                this._requiredNumber == other._requiredNumber;
        return false;

    public int hashCode() {
        return Objects.hash(

    public Problems validate (Injector inj, Problems problems) {
        if (_jthing.isPresent()) {
            Validator<String>  _jthingValidator1 = inj.getInstance(com.mastfrog.parameters.LongerThanTwo.class);
            _jthingValidator1.validate (problems, "jthing", _jthing.get() );
        if (_jthing.isPresent()) {
            Validator<String>  _jthingValidator2 = inj.getInstance(com.mastfrog.parameters.StartsWithJValidator.class);
            _jthingValidator2.validate (problems, "jthing", _jthing.get() );
        MAY_NOT_END_WITH_PERIOD.validate(problems, "nothing", _nothing);
        MAY_NOT_START_WITH_DIGIT.validate(problems, "nothing", _nothing);
        return problems;

    public Map<String,Object> toMap() {
        Map<String,Object> result = new HashMap<>();
        result.put("defaultInt", _defaultInt);
        if (_jthing.isPresent()) {
            result.put("jthing", _jthing.get());
        result.put("nothing", _nothing);
        if (_optionalSomething.isPresent()) {
            result.put("optionalSomething", _optionalSomething.get());
        result.put("requiredBool", _requiredBool);
        result.put("requiredInt", _requiredInt);
        result.put("requiredNonNeg", _requiredNonNeg);
        result.put("requiredNumber", _requiredNumber);
        return result;

    public String toJSON() throws JsonProcessingException {
        return new ObjectMapper().writeValueAsString(toMap());