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Contributing to quamina


Quamina is hosted in this GitHub repository at and welcomes contributions.

Typically, the first step in making a change is to raise an Issue to allow for discussion of the idea. This is important because possibly Quamina already does what you want, in which case perhaps what’s needed is a documentation fix. Possibly the idea has been raised before but failed to convince Quamina’s maintainers. (Doesn’t mean it won’t find favor now; times change.)

Assuming there is agreement that a change in Quamina is a good idea, the mechanics of forking the repository, committing changes, and submitting a pull request are well-described in many places; there is nothing unusual about Quamina.

Code Style

The coding style suggested by the Go community is used in Quamina. See the style doc for details.

Try to limit column width to 120 characters for both code and markdown documents such as this one.

Format of the Commit Message

We follow the conventions described in How to Write a Git Commit Message.

Be sure to include any related GitHub issue references in the commit message, e.g. Closes: #<number>.

The and release page uses commit message prefixes for grouping and highlighting. A commit message that starts with [prefix:] will place this commit under the respective section in the CHANGELOG.

The following example creates a commit referencing the issue: 1234 and puts the commit message in the pat CHANGELOG section:

git commit -s -m "pat: Add complex-number predicate" -m "Closes: #1234"

Currently the following prefixes are used:

  • api: - Use for API-related changes
  • pat: - Use for changes to the Quamina pattern language
  • chore: - Use for repository related activities
  • fix: - Use for bug fixes
  • kaizen: - Use for code improvements or performance optimization
  • docs: - Use for changes to the documentation

If your contribution falls into multiple categories, e.g. api and pat it is recommended to break up your commits using distinct prefixes.

Signing commits

Commits should be signed (not just the -s “signd off on”) with any of the styles GitHub supports. Note that you can use git config to arrange that your commits are automatically signed with the right key.

Running Tests

In any repo subdirectory, go test runs unit tests with all the defaults, which is a decent check for basic sanity and correctness.

Running the following command in the root repository runs all the available tests with race-detection enabled, and is an essential step before submitting any changes:

go test -race -v -count 1 ./...

The following command runs the Go linter; submissions need to be free of lint errors.

golangci-lint run  

At the moment we don’t have a script for running this in all the Quamina subdirectories so you’ll have to do this by hand. golangci-lint has a home page with instructions for installing it.

Reporting Bugs and Creating Issues

When opening a new issue, try to roughly follow the commit message format conventions above.