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Pipeline Steps

A number of steps are able to be included within the pipeline, and you can control which steps to include through the -r option on the command line. All of them utilize samtools, bwa or both and thus are necessary to download. In addition, if you decide to use the -l (slurm) option, then each file that is run on each step of the pipeline will be submitted as a slurm job, provided your server uses lmod.

This section will explain each step in further detail so you can determine if it's necessary to include within your pipeline.

Extract Mito

Tools from command line: samtools
Input: bam file
Output: bam file
samtools index $START/$FILENAME.bam
samtools view -H $START/$FILENAME.bam > $START/$FILENAME.header.bam
grep -i SN:MT $START/$FILENAME.header.bam > $START/$FILENAME.MT.bam
grep -i SN:chrM_rCRS $START/$FILENAME.header.bam > $START/$FILENAME.chrM_rCRS.bam
grep -i SN:chrM $START/$FILENAME.header.bam > $START/$FILENAME.chrM.bam
grep -i SN:M $START/$FILENAME.header.bam > $START/$FILENAME.M.bam

This snippet extracts the mitochondrial genome from the bam file that was passed in where $START is the directory that contains the bam files and $FILENAME is the filename. Since the mitochondrial genome can have different notations based on which reference genome it was aligned to, the script takes into account all the different mitochondrial genome tags. Output is a bam file.


Tools from command line: samtools
Input: bam file
Output: fastq file(s), "_1/_2" naming convention if paired end

This step is particularly for Complete Genomics data. Complete Genomics uses a technique called DNA Nanoball Sequencing.

The downside to this technique is that each read ends up having a 'gap' in the middle of the read that doesn't match to the reference genome. For example, a reference genome read of 'ATCGA' on a DNA Nanoball Sequencing read could be 'ATA' where the cigar string would be 2M2N1M. To fix this, we use the sam file's format cigar string to split the read where the matches are into two reads. So the previous examples reads would be split into 'AT' and 'A' with 2M and 1M being their respective cigar strings.

#regex matches any amount of numbers followed by one capital letter
matches = re.findall(r'[0-9]+[A-Z]{1}', cigar)
curr_num = 0
temp_idx = 0
let = ""
for match in matches:
    num = int(match[:-1])
    let = match[-1]
    #append next reads and quals if not an M or an I
    if let != 'M' or let != 'I' and curr_num != 0:
        add_next_seq(temp_idx, curr_num, new_reads, reads, new_quals, quals)
        temp_idx += curr_num
        curr_num = 0
        curr_num += num

The above code block finds all cigar blocks, i.e. any number followed by a capital letter like 1M, 5N, 40I, etc. It then appends on the next reads only if the letter is not an M or an I, which are the reads that match up to the reference genome.

Although this does decrease the read size since they are being split, the quality of the reads drastically improve. Output is a bam file.


Tools from command line: samtools, bwa
Tools from tools directory: bam2fastq, seqtk
Input: bam file
Output: fastq file(s), "_1/_2" naming convention if paired end

The clipping step takes in as input a bam file, either from the mitochondrial bam file extracted from the previous step, or as a starting point. First, it changes the bam file into a fastq format:

$TOOLS/bam2fastq/bam2fastq -f -o $OUT/$1_bam2fastq_#.fastq $START/$1$filetype.bam

Then, depending on if it's a paired end or single end, will trim the first and last two pairs from every read.

if [ -e "$OUT/$1_bam2fastq_1.fastq" ]
        echo "--CLIPPED: Removing first and last 2 base pairs from every read"
        $TOOLS/seqtk/seqtk trimfq -b 2 -e 2 $OUT/$1_bam2fastq_1.fastq > $OUT/$1_1.fastq
        $TOOLS/seqtk/seqtk trimfq -b 2 -e 2 $OUT/$1_bam2fastq_2.fastq > $OUT/$1_2.fastq
        echo "--CLIPPED: Removing first and last 2 base pairs from every read"
        $TOOLS/seqtk/seqtk trimfq -b 2 -e 2 $OUT/$1_bam2fastq.fastq > $OUT/$1.fastq

The output of this step will be $filename.fastq or $filename_1.fastq and $filename_2.fastq, depending on if it's a paired end read or not.

Remove NuMTs

Tools from command line: samtools, bwa
Reference genomes from genome directory: hg38 mitochondrial reference genome (rCRS-MT.fa), hg38 human genome without mitochondrial genome (hg38-norcrs.fa), and hg38 human genome (hg38.fa)
Input: fastq file(s) "_1/_2" naming convention if paired end
Output: bam file

NuMTs are DNA sequences harbored in the nuclear genome, but closely resemble sequences in the mitochondrial genome. We remove these as quality control and to reduce noise in the following steps. The output of this step is a bam file with NuMTs removed

To do this, we first align our input fastq files to both the mitochondrial genome and hg38 without the mitochondrial genome to find any close matches. Then, we extract the perfect matches to the nuclear genome, realign the resulting fastq file back to hg38 reference genome, and extract the mitochondrial genome. Output is bam file.


Tools from tools directory: GenomeAnalysisTK.jar
Reference genomes from genome directory: hg38 mitochondrial reference genome (rCRS-MT.fa)
Input: bam file
Output: vcf file

The gatk script were adapted from the suggested pipeline by GATK. In particular, the following steps are run in order:

Picard's AddOrReplaceReadGroups, Picard's MarkDuplicates, GATK's RealignerTargetCreator, GATK's IndelRealigner, GATK's FixMateInformation, GATK's BaseRecalibrator, GATK's PrintReads, GATK's HaplotypeCaller, GATK's VariantFiltration.

An example of how gatk is called:

java -Xmx10g -jar $TOOLS/gatk/GenomeAnalysisTK.jar \
-T HaplotypeCaller \
-R $REFS/rCRS-MT.fa \
-I $TMPDIR/$ \
--maxReadsInRegionPerSample 200 \
--sample_ploidy 100 \
-stand_call_conf 50 \
-stand_emit_conf 10 \
--pcr_indel_model HOSTILE \
-minPruning 10 \
-A StrandAlleleCountsBySample \
--dbsnp $5/dbsnp/mtONLY.vcf \
-o $TMPDIR/$1.tcga.snps.vcf

Something important to note is that the gatk.jar executable must be placed within a folder called gatk within the tool's directory. Output is vcf file.


Tools from tools directory: snpEff.jar
Input: vcf file
Output: vcf file

This use's snpeff's most basic command and using the most recent mitochondrial reference genome GRCh38.86

java -Xmx4g -jar $TOOLS/snpEff/snpEff.jar GRCh38.86 $VCFS/$1$filetype.vcf > $SNPEFF/$1_snpEff.vcf

This is the standard usage of snpEff. You can read more about it on their website. Also note that the snpEff executable must be placed within a snpEff folder within the tool's directory just like gatk.


Tools from tools directory: Annovar's, Annovar's
Input: vcf file
Output: vcf file

Annovar can only be downloaded after registering on their website.

#convert vcf file to avinput file
perl $TOOLS/ -format vcf4 $VCFS/$1$filetype.vcf  > $ANNOVAR/$1.avinput

perl $TOOLS/ $ANNOVAR/$1.avinput $TOOLS/humandb/ -remove -protocol dbnsfp33a -operation f -build hg38 -nastring . > $3/$1.avoutput

One thing to note is that you have to first download the -buildver and databases for hg38 through a different script called You can read more about these files on their guide.