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A middleware which makes it easy to send metrics from your front end application and forward them to a stats-d server of your choice.

Best used with @shopify/performance and/or @shopify/react-performance.


$ yarn add @shopify/koa-performance


Basic server setup

First add the middleware to your Koa app. We recommend using koa-mount or koa-router to restrict it to a specific endpoint.

// server.ts
import Koa from 'koa';
import mount from 'koa-mount';
import {clientPerformanceMetrics} from '@shopify/koa-performance';

const app = new Koa();

app.use(mount('/client-metrics', clientPerformanceMetrics({
  prefix: 'MyApp.',
  // when development is true the middleware will skip sending metrics
  development: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development',
  // the host of the statsd server you want to send metrics to
  statsdHost: 'localhost',
  // the port of the statsd server you want to send metrics to
  statsdPort: 3000,

app.listen(3000, () => {
  console.log('listening on port 3000');

Now the app will respond to requests to /client-metrics. The middleware returned from clientPerformanceMetrics expects to receive JSON POST requests meeting the following interface:

interface Metrics {
  // the path the app was responding to when metrics were collected
  pathname: string;
  // data from `navigator.connection`
  connection: Partial<BrowserConnection>;
  // @shopify/performance lifecycle events
  events: LifecycleEvent[];
  // @shopify/performance navigation data
  navigations: {
    details: NavigationDefinition;
    metadata: NavigationMetadata;

To confirm the endpoint is working we can make a CURL request. Run your server and paste this in your terminal.

curl 'http://localhost:3000/client-metrics' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --data-binary '{"connection":{"onchange":null,"effectiveType":"4g","rtt":100,"downlink":1.75,"saveData":false},"events":[{"type":"ttfb","start":5631.300000008196,"duration":0},{"type":"ttfp","start":5895.370000012917,"duration":0},{"type":"ttfcp","start":5895.370000012917,"duration":0},{"type":"dcl","start":9874.819999997271,"duration":0},{"type":"load","start":10426.089999993565,"duration":0}],"navigations":[],"pathname":"/some-path"}' --compressed

You should get a 200 response back, and see console logs about metrics being skipped (since we are in development).

Fullstack usage with @shopify/react-performance


