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Practice writing chinese by drawing stroke in anki and ankidroid

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Practice writing chinese by drawing stroke in anki and ankidroid. I have use existing js library for implementing this in Anki and Ankidroid. Hanziwriter.


Anki Desktop

Download this sample apkg HSK1 for Anki Desktop

Note: This will not work on mobile.

Download this and import to Anki after that add characters and pinyin.


Download this sample apkg for Ankidroid

Note: It is working on Android.

Download this and import to Ankidroid after that add characters and pinyin. Modify as per requirement.


Alt Text


I have not designed the writing chinese js library Hanziwriter, it comes from the awesome Hanzi Writer JavaScript library.

The chinese character and stroke order data used by Hanziwriter is derived from the Make me a Hanzi.


This implemention in javascript. It works because the of Ankidroid use Android Webview for flashcard.


Any contribution will be appreciated.


Did you create writing component?

No, I have just implemet existing js library HanziWriter

Did it work on mobile?

Yes, It is working. But you have to select card template carefully. For more read below.

Does it work offline?

No, It will not work offline. Reason file size is very high. For total approx. 9000 characters size is approx. 30 mb. But It can be made offline.

Check these file

four field used in the deck


front side of card - add this front of the card

back side of card - add this to back of card

css of card - add this to css of card


Hanziwriter is necessary for using this. The full code is added to front side of card. For more check this. Hanziwriter

To Check if your card template support this code or not this simple code.

Create new Deck and add chinese character to front then

<div id = 'frontText'>{{Front}}</div>
<div id = 'ch_length'></div>
var characters = document.getElementById('frontText').innerHTML;
document.getElementById('ch_length').innerHTML = characters.length;

If you are getting correct length then proceed otherwise change card template to basic or use my [sample deck].

Change preferences according to requirements

<!--MIT License-->
    //customize preference
    var char_height = 300;
    var char_width = 300;
    var show_outline = 'true';
    var strokeWidth = 20;   
<!--Change it 0 or 1 for hide or show-->
<div id='ch_sim' style='opacity:1' ;>{{Simplified}}</div>
<!--Change it block or none in display to hide and show-->
<div id='ch_trad' style='display:block' ;>{{Traditional}}</div>

<div id='ch_pin' style='display:block' ;>{{Pinyin}}</div>

<div id='ch_mean' style='display:block' ;>{{Meaning}}</div>

Incorrect length of character ‘我’. It should be 1 but due some error in card template in anki it is showing 3. So check next for correct card template.

Image Incorrect

Add basic type deck in Manage note of AnkiDroid and then add and edit field for Simplified, Traditional, Pinyin and Meaning

Image Correct

Now It gives correct length for characters

Image Correct

For implementing this

Add front side of card

<!--MIT License-->
    //customize preference
    var char_height = 300;
    var char_width = 300;
    var show_outline = true;
    var strokeWidth = 20;   
<!--Change it 0 or 1 for hide or show-->
<div id='ch_sim' style='opacity:1' ;>{{Simplified}}</div>
<!--Change it block or none in display to hide and show-->
<div id='ch_trad' style='display:block' ;>{{Traditional}}</div>

<div id='ch_pin' style='display:block' ;>{{Pinyin}}</div>

<div id='ch_mean' style='display:block' ;>{{Meaning}}</div>

<div id="character-target-div"></div>
<!--Button for showing data-->
<div class="modal-footer">
    <a class="btn" type="button" id='btnRevealChar'><span>?</span></a>
    <a class="btn" type="button" id='btnGoNextCard'><span>></span></a>
<div id='test'></div>

<!--Hanziwriter js code-->
    //do not modify it
    /*! Hanzi Writer v2.2.2 | */
    !function (t, i) { "object" == typeof exports && "object" == typeof module ? module.exports = i() : "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define([], i) : "object" == typeof exports ? exports.HanziWriter = i() : t.HanziWriter = i() }("undefined" != typeof self ? self : this, function () { return function (n) { var r = {}; function o(t) { if (r[t]) return r[t].exports; var i = r[t] = { i: t, l: !1, exports: {} }; return n[t].call(i.exports, i, i.exports, o), i.l = !0, i.exports } return o.m = n, o.c = r, o.d = function (t, i, n) { o.o(t, i) || Object.defineProperty(t, i, { configurable: !1, enumerable: !0, get: n }) }, o.n = function (t) { var i = t && t.t ? function () { return t.default } : function () { return t }; return o.d(i, "a", i), i }, o.o = function (t, i) { return, i) }, o.p = "", o(o.s = 9) }([function (c, t, i) { "use strict"; (function (t) { var u = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (t) { return typeof t } : function (t) { return t && "function" == typeof Symbol && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t }; var i = t.performance && function () { return } || function () { return }, n = t.requestAnimationFrame || function (t) { return setTimeout(function () { return t(i()) }, 1e3 / 60) }, r = t.cancelAnimationFrame || clearTimeout, o = function (t) { for (var n = Object(t), i = arguments.length, r = Array(1 < i ? i - 1 : 0), o = 1; o < i; o++)r[o - 1] = arguments[o]; return r.forEach(function (t) { if (null != t) for (var i in t), i) && (n[i] = t[i]) }), n }, h = Object.assign || o; var s = 0; var e = t.navigator && t.navigator.userAgent || "", a = 0 < e.indexOf("MSIE ") || 0 < e.indexOf("Trident/") || 0 < e.indexOf("Edge/"); c.exports = { e: o, arrLast: function (t) { return t[t.length - 1] }, assign: h, average: function (t) { return t.reduce(function (t, i) { return i + t }, 0) / t.length }, callIfExists: function (t, i) { return t && t(i), i }, cancelAnimationFrame: r, colorStringToVals: function (t) { var i = t.toUpperCase().trim(); if (/^#([A-F0-9]{3}){1,2}$/.test(i)) { var n = i.substring(1).split(""); 3 === n.length && (n = [n[0], n[0], n[1], n[1], n[2], n[2]]); var r = "" + n.join(""); return { r: parseInt(r.slice(0, 2), 16), g: parseInt(r.slice(2, 4), 16), b: parseInt(r.slice(4, 6), 16), a: 1 } } var o = i.match(/^RGBA?\((\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)(?:\s*,\s*(\d*\.?\d+))?\)$/); if (o) return { r: parseInt(o[1], 10), g: parseInt(o[2], 10), b: parseInt(o[3], 10), a: parseFloat(o[4] || 1, 10) }; throw new Error("Invalid color: " + t) }, copyAndMergeDeep: function t(i, n) { var r = h({}, i); for (var o in n) { var s = i[o], e = n[o]; s !== e && (s && e && "object" === (void 0 === s ? "undefined" : u(s)) && "object" === (void 0 === e ? "undefined" : u(e)) && !Array.isArray(e) ? r[o] = t(s, e) : r[o] = e) } return r }, counter: function () { return ++s }, emptyFunc: function () { }, inflate: function (t, i) { for (var n = t.split("."), r = {}, o = r, s = 0; s < n.length; s++) { var e = s === n.length - 1 ? i : {}; o[n[s]] = e, o = e } return r }, objRepeat: function (t, i) { for (var n = {}, r = 0; r < i; r++)n[r] = t; return n }, performanceNow: i, requestAnimationFrame: n, timeout: function () { var n = 0 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : 0; return new Promise(function (t, i) { setTimeout(t, n) }) }, trim: function (t) { return t.replace(/^\s+/, "").replace(/\s+$/, "") }, isMsBrowser: a } }).call(t, i(1)) }, function (Ia, Ja) { var Ka; Ka = function () { return this }(); try { Ka = Ka || Function("return this")() || eval("this") } catch (t) { "object" == typeof window && (Ka = window) } Ia.exports = Ka }, function (t, i, n) { "use strict"; var r = n(0), e = r.average, v = r.arrLast, u = function (t, i) { return { x: t.x - i.x, y: t.y - i.y } }, s = function (t) { return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(t.x, 2) + Math.pow(t.y, 2)) }, l = function (t, i) { return s(u(t, i)) }, h = function (t) { var i = 10 * (1 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : 1); return { x: Math.round(i * t.x) / i, y: Math.round(i * t.y) / i } }, d = function (t) { var r = t[0]; return t.slice(1).reduce(function (t, i) { var n = l(i, r); return r = i, t + n }, 0) }, p = function (t, i, n) { var r = u(i, t), o = n / s(r); return { x: i.x + o * r.x, y: i.y + o * r.y } }, a = function (t) { var e = 1 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : .05, u = t.slice(0, 1); return t.slice(1).forEach(function (t) { var i = u[u.length - 1], n = l(t, i); if (e < n) for (var r = Math.ceil(n / e), o = n / r, s = 0; s < r; s++)u.push(p(t, i, -1 * o * (s + 1))); else u.push(t) }), u }, c = function (t) { for (var i = 1 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : 30, n = d(t) / (i - 1), r = [t[0]], o = v(t), s = t.slice(1), e = 0; e < i - 2; e++)for (var u = v(r), h = n, a = !1; !a;) { var c = l(u, s[0]); if (c < h) h -= c, u = s.shift(); else { var f = p(u, s[0], h - c); r.push(f), a = !0 } } return r.push(o), r }, f = function (t) { if (t.length < 3) return t; var s = [t[0], t[1]]; return t.slice(2).forEach(function (t, i) { var n = s.length, r = u(t, s[n - 1]), o = u(s[n - 1], s[n - 2]); r.y * o.x - r.x * o.y == 0 && s.pop(), s.push(t) }), s }; t.exports = { round: h, equals: function (t, i) { return t.x === i.x && t.y === i.y }, distance: l, getPathString: function (t) { var i = 1 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[1] && arguments[1], n = h(t[0]), r = t.slice(1), o = "M " + n.x + " " + n.y; return r.forEach(function (t) { var i = h(t); o += " L " + i.x + " " + i.y }), i && (o += "Z"), o }, frechetDist: function (r, o) { for (var s = [], t = 0; t < r.length; t++) { s.push([]); for (var i = 0; i < o.length; i++)s[t].push(-1) } return function t(i, n) { return -1 < s[i][n] || (s[i][n] = 0 === i && 0 === n ? l(r[0], o[0]) : 0 < i && 0 === n ? Math.max(t(i - 1, 0), l(r[i], o[0])) : 0 === i && 0 < n ? Math.max(t(0, n - 1), l(r[0], o[n])) : 0 < i && 0 < n ? Math.max(Math.min(t(i - 1, n), t(i - 1, n - 1), t(i, n - 1)), l(r[i], o[n])) : 1 / 0), s[i][n] }(r.length - 1, o.length - 1) }, length: d, rotate: function (t, i) { return (t) { return { x: Math.cos(i) * t.x - Math.sin(i) * t.y, y: Math.sin(i) * t.x + Math.cos(i) * t.y } }) }, subtract: u, extendStart: function (t, i) { var n = f(t); if (n.length < 2) return n; var r = n[1], o = n[0], s = p(r, o, i), e = n.slice(1); return e.unshift(s), e }, cosineSimilarity: function (t, i) { return (t.x * i.x + t.y * i.y) / s(t) / s(i) }, outlineCurve: c, u: p, h: f, subdivideCurve: a, normalizeCurve: function (t) { var i = c(t), n = { x: e( (t) { return t.x })), y: e( (t) { return t.y })) }, r = (t) { return u(t, n) }), o = Math.sqrt(e([Math.pow(r[0].x, 2) + Math.pow(r[0].y, 2), Math.pow(v(r).x, 2) + Math.pow(v(r).y, 2)])), s = (t) { return { x: t.x / o, y: t.y / o } }); return a(s) } } }, function (t, i, n) { "use strict"; (function (n) { function r(t, i, n) { t.setAttributeNS(null, i, n) } t.exports = { createElm: function (t) { return n.document.createElementNS("", t) }, attrs: function (i, n) { Object.keys(n).forEach(function (t) { return r(i, t, n[t]) }) }, attr: r, removeElm: function (t) { t && t.parentNode.removeChild(t) }, urlIdRef: function (t) { var i = ""; return n.location && n.location.href && (i = n.location.href.replace(/#[^#]*$/, "")), "url(" + i + "#" + t + ")" } } }).call(i, n(1)) }, function (t, i, n) { "use strict"; function s(t, i, n) { return i in t ? Object.defineProperty(t, i, { value: n, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0 }) : t[i] = n, t } var u = n(5), e = n(0).objRepeat, h = function (t, i, n) { return [new u("character." + t + ".strokes", e({ opacity: 1, displayPortion: 1 }, i.strokes.length), { duration: n, force: !0 })] }, a = function (t, i, n) { return [new u("character." + t + ".opacity", 0, { duration: n, force: !0 })].concat(h(t, i, 0)) }, c = function (t, i, n) { var r = i.strokeNum, o = (i.getLength() + 600) / (3 * n); return [new u("character." + t, { opacity: 1, strokes: s({}, r, { displayPortion: 0, opacity: 1 }) }), new u("character." + t + ".strokes." + r + ".displayPortion", 1, { duration: o })] }, f = function (n, t, i, r, o) { var s = a(n, t, i); return (s = s.concat(h(n, t, 0))).push(new u("character." + n, { opacity: 1, strokes: e({ opacity: 0 }, t.strokes.length) }, { force: !0 })), t.strokes.forEach(function (t, i) { 0 < i && s.push(new u.Delay(o)), s = s.concat(c(n, t, r)) }), s }; t.exports = { showStrokes: h, showCharacter: function (t, i, n) { return [new u("character." + t, { opacity: 1, strokes: e({ opacity: 1, displayPortion: 1 }, i.strokes.length) }, { duration: n, force: !0 })] }, hideCharacter: a, highlightStroke: function (t, i, n) { var r = t.strokeNum, o = (t.getLength() + 600) / (3 * n); return [new u("character.highlight.strokeColor", i), new u("character.highlight", { opacity: 1, strokes: s({}, r, { displayPortion: 0, opacity: 0 }) }), new u("character.highlight.strokes." + r, { displayPortion: 1, opacity: 1 }, { duration: o }), new u("character.highlight.strokes." + r + ".opacity", 0, { duration: o })] }, animateCharacter: f, animateCharacterLoop: function (t, i, n, r, o, s) { var e = f(t, i, n, r, o); return e.push(new u.Delay(s)), e }, animateStroke: c, animateSingleStroke: function (o, s, t, i) { return [new u("character." + o, function (t) { for (var i = t.character[o], n = { opacity: 1, strokes: {} }, r = 0; r < s.strokes.length; r++)n.strokes[r] = { opacity: i.opacity * i.strokes[r].opacity }; return n })].concat(c(o, s.strokes[t], i)) }, showStroke: function (t, i, n) { return [new u("character." + t + ".strokes." + i, { displayPortion: 1, opacity: 1 }, { duration: n, force: !0 })] }, updateColor: function (t, i, n) { return [new u("options." + t, i, { duration: n })] } } }, function (t, i, n) { "use strict"; var r = n(0), o = r.inflate, s = r.performanceNow, e = r.requestAnimationFrame, u = r.cancelAnimationFrame; function h(t, i) { var n = 2 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : {}; this.scope = t, this.f = i, this.v = n.duration || 0, this.w = n.force, this.k = 0, this.C = this.M.bind(this), this.S = null } function a(t) { this.v = t, this.j = null, this.P = !1 } = function (t) { var i = this; return this.O || this.A(t), 0 === this.v && t.updateState(this.O), 0 === this.v || function t(i, n) { for (var r in n) if (n.hasOwnProperty(r)) { var o = n[r], s = i[r]; if (0 <= o) { if (o !== s) return !1 } else if (!t(s, o)) return !1 } return !0 }(t.state, this.O) ? Promise.resolve() : (this.F = t, this.D = t.state, this.j = s(), this.T = e(this.C), new Promise(function (t) { i.I = t })) }, h.prototype.pause = function () { null === this.S && (this.T && u(this.T), this.S = s()) }, h.prototype.resume = function () { null !== this.S && (this.T = e(this.C), this.k += s() - this.S, this.S = null) }, h.prototype.M = function (t) { if (null === this.S) { var i, n = Math.min(1, (t - this.j - this.k) / this.v); if (1 === n) this.F.updateState(this.O), this.T = null, this.cancel(this.F); else { var r = (i = n, -Math.cos(i * Math.PI) / 2 + .5); this.F.updateState(function t(i, n, r) { var o = {}; for (var s in n) { var e = n[s], u = i[s]; o[s] = 0 <= e ? r * (e - u) + u : t(u, e, r) } return o }(this.D, this.O, r)), this.T = e(this.C) } } }, h.prototype.A = function (t) { var i = this.f; "function" == typeof this.f && (i = this.f(t.state)), this.O = o(this.scope, i) }, h.prototype.cancel = function (t) { this.I && this.I(), this.I = null, this.T && u(this.T), this.T = null, this.w && (this.O || this.A(t), t.updateState(this.O)) }, a.prototype.pause = function () { if (!this.P) { var t = s() - this.j; this.v = Math.max(0, this.v - t), clearTimeout(this.W), this.P = !0 } }, a.prototype.resume = function () { var t = this; this.P && (this.j = s(), this.W = setTimeout(function () { return t.cancel() }, this.v), this.P = !1) }, = function () { var i = this, t = new Promise(function (t) { i.I = t }); return this.j = s(), this.W = setTimeout(function () { return i.cancel() }, this.v), t }, a.prototype.cancel = function () { clearTimeout(this.W), this.I && this.I(), this.I = !1 }, h.Delay = a, t.exports = h }, function (t, i, n) { "use strict"; function r() { } r.prototype.z = function (t) { return .999 * this.R * (1 - t) }, r.prototype.H = function (t) { var i = t.strokeColor, n = t.radicalColor; return n && this.L.isInRadical ? n : i }, t.exports = r }, function (n, t, i) { "use strict"; (function (i) { function t() { } t.prototype.addPointerStartListener = function (i) { var n = this; this.node.addEventListener("mousedown", function (t) { i(n.U(t, n._)) }), this.node.addEventListener("touchstart", function (t) { i(n.U(t, n.K)) }) }, t.prototype.addPointerMoveListener = function (i) { var n = this; this.node.addEventListener("mousemove", function (t) { i(n.U(t, n._)) }), this.node.addEventListener("touchmove", function (t) { i(n.U(t, n.K)) }) }, t.prototype.addPointerEndListener = function (t) { i.document.addEventListener("mouseup", t), i.document.addEventListener("touchend", t) }, t.prototype.getBoundingClientRect = function () { return this.node.getBoundingClientRect() }, t.prototype.U = function (t, i) { var n = this; return { getPoint: function () { return, t) }, preventDefault: function () { return t.preventDefault() } } }, t.prototype._ = function (t) { var i = this.getBoundingClientRect(); return { x: t.clientX - i.left, y: t.clientY - } }, t.prototype.K = function (t) { var i = this.getBoundingClientRect(); return { x: t.touches[0].clientX - i.left, y: t.touches[0].clientY - } }, n.exports = t }).call(t, i(1)) }, function (t, i, n) { "use strict"; t.exports = { drawPath: function (i, t) { i.beginPath(); var n = t[0], r = t.slice(1); i.moveTo(n.x, n.y), r.forEach(function (t) { i.lineTo(t.x, t.y) }), i.stroke() }, pathStringToCanvas: function (t) { var i = t.split(/(^|\s+)(?=[A-Z])/).filter(function (t) { return " " !== t }), e = [function (t) { return t.beginPath() }]; return i.forEach(function (t) { var i, n = t.split(/\s+/), r = (i = n, Array.isArray(i) ? i : Array.from(i)), o = r[0], s = r.slice(1).map(function (t) { return parseFloat(t) }); "M" === o ? e.push(function (t) { return t.moveTo.apply(t, s) }) : "L" === o ? e.push(function (t) { return t.lineTo.apply(t, s) }) : "C" === o ? e.push(function (t) { return t.bezierCurveTo.apply(t, s) }) : "Q" === o && e.push(function (t) { return t.quadraticCurveTo.apply(t, s) }) }), function (i) { return e.forEach(function (t) { return t(i) }) } } } }, function (t, i, n) { "use strict"; var o = n(10), s = n(11), e = n(14), r = n(15), u = n(19), h = n(25), a = n(31), c = n(32), f = n(4), v = n(0), l = v.assign, d = v.callIfExists, p = v.trim, y = v.colorStringToVals, w = { charDataLoader: a, onLoadCharDataError: null, onLoadCharDataSuccess: null, showOutline: !0, showCharacter: !0, renderer: "svg", width: null, height: null, padding: 20, strokeAnimationSpeed: 1, strokeFadeDuration: 400, strokeHighlightDuration: 200, strokeHighlightSpeed: 2, delayBetweenStrokes: 1e3, delayBetweenLoops: 2e3, strokeColor: "#555", radicalColor: null, highlightColor: "#AAF", outlineColor: "#DDD", drawingColor: "#333", leniency: 1, showHintAfterMisses: 3, highlightOnComplete: !0, highlightCompleteColor: null, drawingFadeDuration: 300, drawingWidth: 4, strokeWidth: 2, outlineWidth: 2, rendererOverride: {} }; function g() { if (0 < arguments.length) { var t = void 0, i = {}, n = arguments.length <= 0 ? void 0 : arguments[0]; 1 < arguments.length && (i = "string" == typeof (arguments.length <= 1 ? void 0 : arguments[1]) ? (console.warn("Using new HanziWriter() to set a character is deprecated. Use HanziWriter.create() instead"), t = arguments.length <= 1 ? void 0 : arguments[1], (arguments.length <= 2 ? void 0 : arguments[2]) || {}) : arguments.length <= 1 ? void 0 : arguments[1]), this.N(n, i), t && this.setCharacter(t) } } g.prototype.showCharacter = function () { var t = this, i = 0 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {}; return this.B.showCharacter = !0, this.G(function () { return"main", t.V, "number" == typeof i.duration ? i.duration : t.B.strokeFadeDuration)).then(function (t) { return d(i.onComplete, t) }) }) }, g.prototype.hideCharacter = function () { var t = this, i = 0 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {}; return this.B.showCharacter = !1, this.G(function () { return"main", t.V, "number" == typeof i.duration ? i.duration : t.B.strokeFadeDuration)).then(function (t) { return d(i.onComplete, t) }) }) }, g.prototype.animateCharacter = function () { var t = this, i = 0 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {}; return this.cancelQuiz(), this.G(function () { return"main", t.V, t.B.strokeFadeDuration, t.B.strokeAnimationSpeed, t.B.delayBetweenStrokes)).then(function (t) { return d(i.onComplete, t) }) }) }, g.prototype.animateStroke = function (t) { var i = this, n = 1 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : {}; return this.cancelQuiz(), this.G(function () { return"main", i.V, t, i.B.strokeAnimationSpeed)).then(function (t) { return d(n.onComplete, t) }) }) }, g.prototype.highlightStroke = function (t) { var i = this, n = 1 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : {}; return this.G(function () { return[t], i.B.highlightColor, i.B.strokeHighlightSpeed)).then(function (t) { return d(n.onComplete, t) }) }) }, g.prototype.loopCharacterAnimation = function () { var t = this; 0 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[0] && arguments[0]; return this.cancelQuiz(), this.G(function () { return"main", t.V, t.B.strokeFadeDuration, t.B.strokeAnimationSpeed, t.B.delayBetweenStrokes, t.B.delayBetweenLoops), { loop: !0 }) }) }, g.prototype.pauseAnimation = function () { var t = this; return this.G(function () { return t.F.pauseAll() }) }, g.prototype.resumeAnimation = function () { var t = this; return this.G(function () { return t.F.resumeAll() }) }, g.prototype.showOutline = function () { var t = this, i = 0 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {}; return this.B.showOutline = !0, this.G(function () { return"outline", t.V, "number" == typeof i.duration ? i.duration : t.B.strokeFadeDuration)).then(function (t) { return d(i.onComplete, t) }) }) }, g.prototype.hideOutline = function () { var t = this, i = 0 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {}; return this.B.showOutline = !1, this.G(function () { return"outline", t.V, "number" == typeof i.duration ? i.duration : t.B.strokeFadeDuration)).then(function (t) { return d(i.onComplete, t) }) }) }, g.prototype.updateColor = function (o, s) { var e = this, u = 2 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : {}; return this.G(function () { var t = "number" == typeof u.duration ? u.duration : e.B.strokeFadeDuration, i = s; "radicalColor" !== o || s || (i = e.B.strokeColor); var n = y(i); e.B[o] = s; var r = f.updateColor(o, n, t); return "radicalColor" !== o || s || (r = r.concat(f.updateColor(o, null, 0))), (t) { return d(u.onComplete, t) }) }) }, g.prototype.quiz = function () { var t = this, i = 0 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {}; this.G(function () { t.cancelQuiz(), t.$ = new r(t.V, t.F, t.q), t.$.startQuiz(l({}, t.B, i)) }) }, g.prototype.cancelQuiz = function () { this.$ && (this.$.cancel(), this.$ = null) }, g.prototype.setCharacter = function (n) { var r = this; return this.cancelQuiz(), this.J = n, this.Q && this.Q.destroy(), this.F && this.F.cancelAll(), this.Q = null, this.Z = this.X.loadCharData(n).then(function (t) { if (!r.X.loadingFailed) { r.V = s(n, t), r.q = new e(r.B); var i = new r.Y.HanziWriterRenderer(r.V, r.q); r.Q = i, r.F = new o(r.V, r.B, function (t) { i.render(t) }), r.Q.mount(, r.F.state), r.Q.render(r.F.state) } }), this.Z }, g.prototype.N = function (t, i) { var n = "canvas" === i.renderer ? h : u, r = i.rendererOverride || {}; return this.Y = { HanziWriterRenderer: r.HanziWriterRenderer || n.HanziWriterRenderer, createRenderTarget: r.createRenderTarget || n.createRenderTarget }, = this.Y.createRenderTarget(t, i.width, i.height), this.B =, this.X = new c(this.B),, this.$ = null, this }, = function (t) { var i = l({}, w, t); return t.strokeAnimationDuration && !t.strokeAnimationSpeed && (i.strokeAnimationSpeed = 500 / i.strokeAnimationDuration), t.strokeHighlightDuration && !t.strokeHighlightSpeed && (i.strokeHighlightSpeed = 500 / i.strokeHighlightDuration), t.highlightCompleteColor || (i.highlightCompleteColor = i.highlightColor), this.nt(i) }, g.prototype.nt = function (t) { var i = l({}, t); if (i.width && !i.height) i.height = i.width; else if (i.height && !i.width) i.width = i.height; else if (!i.width && !i.height) { var n =, r = n.width, o = n.height, s = Math.min(r, o); i.width = s, i.height = s } return i }, g.prototype.G = function (t) { var i = this; if (this.X.loadingFailed) throw Error("Failed to load character data. Call setCharacter and try again."); return this.Z.then(function () { if (!i.X.loadingFailed) return t() }) }, = function () { var i = this; (t) { !i.isLoadingCharData && i.$ && (t.preventDefault(), i.rt("startUserStroke", t.getPoint())) }), (t) { !i.isLoadingCharData && i.$ && (t.preventDefault(), i.rt("continueUserStroke", t.getPoint())) }), () { return i.rt("endUserStroke") }) }, g.prototype.rt = function (t) { var i; if (this.$) { for (var n = arguments.length, r = Array(1 < n ? n - 1 : 0), o = 1; o < n; o++)r[o - 1] = arguments[o]; (i = this.$)[t].apply(i, r) } }, g.create = function (t, i) { var n = new g(t, 2 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : {}); return n.setCharacter(i), n }; var k = null, m = null; g.loadCharacterData = function (t) { var i = 1 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : {}, n = void 0; return n = k && m === i ? k : new c(l({}, w, i)), m = i, (k = n).loadCharData(t) }, g.getScalingTransform = function (t, i) { var n = 2 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : 0, r = new e({ width: t, height: i, padding: n }); return { x: r.xOffset, y: r.yOffset, scale: r.scale, transform: p("\n      translate(" + r.xOffset + ", " + (r.height - r.yOffset) + ")\n      scale(" + r.scale + ", " + -1 * r.scale + ")\n    ").replace(/\s+/g, " ") } }, t.exports = g }, function (t, i, n) { "use strict"; var r = n(0), o = r.copyAndMergeDeep, s = r.colorStringToVals; function e(t, i, n) { this.ot = n, = [], this.state = { options: { drawingFadeDuration: i.drawingFadeDuration, drawingWidth: i.drawingWidth, drawingColor: s(i.drawingColor), strokeColor: s(i.strokeColor), outlineColor: s(i.outlineColor), radicalColor: s(i.radicalColor || i.strokeColor), highlightColor: s(i.highlightColor) }, character: { main: { opacity: i.showCharacter ? 1 : 0, strokes: {} }, outline: { opacity: i.showOutline ? 1 : 0, strokes: {} }, highlight: { opacity: 1, strokes: {} } }, userStrokes: null }; for (var r = 0; r < t.strokes.length; r++)this.state.character.main.strokes[r] = { opacity: 1, displayPortion: 1 }, this.state.character.outline.strokes[r] = { opacity: 1, displayPortion: 1 }, this.state.character.highlight.strokes[r] = { opacity: 0, displayPortion: 1 } } e.prototype.updateState = function (t) { var i = o(this.state, t); this.ot(i, this.state), this.state = i }, = function (n) { var r = this, o = 1 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : {}, s = (t) { return t.scope }).filter(function (t) { return t }); return this.cancelMutations(s), new Promise(function (t) { var i = { et: !0, ut: 0, I: t, ht: n, at: o.loop, ct: s };, r.ft(i) }) }, e.prototype.ft = function (i) { var t = this; if ( { var n =; if (i.ut >= n.length) { if (! return = !1, = (t) { return t !== i }), void i.I({ canceled: !1 }); i.ut = 0 }[i.ut].run(this).then(function () { && (i.ut++ , t.ft(i)) }) } }, e.prototype.vt = function () { return (t) { return[t.ut] }) }, e.prototype.pauseAll = function () { this.vt().forEach(function (t) { return t.pause() }) }, e.prototype.resumeAll = function () { this.vt().forEach(function (t) { return t.resume() }) }, e.prototype.cancelMutations = function (t) { var r = this; (n) { n.ct.forEach(function (i) { t.forEach(function (t) { (0 <= i.indexOf(t) || 0 <= t.indexOf(i)) && }) }) }) }, e.prototype.cancelAll = function () { this.cancelMutations([""]) }, = function (i) { = !1; for (var t = i.ut; t <; t++)[t].cancel(this); i.I && i.I({ canceled: !0 }), = (t) { return t !== i }) }, t.exports = e }, function (t, i, n) { "use strict"; var s = function (t, i) { if (Array.isArray(t)) return t; if (Symbol.iterator in Object(t)) return function (t, i) { var n = [], r = !0, o = !1, s = void 0; try { for (var e, u = t[Symbol.iterator](); !(r = (e = && (n.push(e.value), !i || n.length !== i); r = !0); } catch (t) { o = !0, s = t } finally { try { !r && u.return && u.return() } finally { if (o) throw s } } return n }(t, i); throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance") }, e = n(12), r = n(13), o = function (o) { return (t, i) { var n, r = o.medians[i].map(function (t) { var i = s(t, 2); return { x: i[0], y: i[1] } }); return new e(t, r, i, (n = i, o.radStrokes && 0 <= o.radStrokes.indexOf(n))) }) }; t.exports = function (t, i) { var n = o(i); return new r(t, n) } }, function (t, i, n) { "use strict"; var r = n(2), o = r.subtract, s = r.distance, e = r.length; function u(t, i, n) { var r = 3 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[3] && arguments[3]; this.path = t, this.points = i, this.strokeNum = n, this.isInRadical = r } u.prototype.getStartingPoint = function () { return this.points[0] }, u.prototype.getEndingPoint = function () { return this.points[this.points.length - 1] }, u.prototype.getLength = function () { return e(this.points) }, u.prototype.getVectors = function () { var n = this.points[0]; return this.points.slice(1).map(function (t) { var i = o(t, n); return n = t, i }) }, u.prototype.getDistance = function (i) { var t = (t) { return s(t, i) }); return Math.min.apply(Math, t) }, u.prototype.getAverageDistance = function (t) { var n = this; return t.reduce(function (t, i) { return t + n.getDistance(i) }, 0) / t.length }, t.exports = u }, function (t, i, n) { "use strict"; t.exports = function (t, i) { this.symbol = t, this.strokes = i } }, function (t, i, n) { "use strict"; var a = [{ x: 0, y: -124 }, { x: 1024, y: 900 }]; function r(t) { this.B = t, this.width = t.width, this.height = t.height, this.dt() } r.prototype.convertExternalPoint = function (t) { return { x: (t.x - this.xOffset) / this.scale, y: (this.height - this.yOffset - t.y) / this.scale } }, r.prototype.dt = function () { var t = a, i = t[1].x - t[0].x, n = t[1].y - t[0].y, r = this.width - 2 * this.B.padding, o = this.height - 2 * this.B.padding, s = r / i, e = o / n; this.scale = Math.min(s, e); var u = this.B.padding + (r - this.scale * i) / 2, h = this.B.padding + (o - this.scale * n) / 2; this.xOffset = -1 * t[0].x * this.scale + u, this.yOffset = -1 * t[0].y * this.scale + h }, t.exports = r }, function (t, i, n) { "use strict"; var r = n(16), o = n(17), s = n(0), e = s.callIfExists, u = s.counter, h = n(18), a = n(2), c = n(4), f = function (t) { return { pathString: a.getPathString(t.externalPoints), points: (t) { return a.round(t) }) } }; function v(t, i, n) { this.V = t, this.F = i, = !1, this.q = n } v.prototype.startQuiz = function (t) { = !0, this.B = t, = 0, = 0, this.wt = 0, = [],, t.strokeFadeDuration)) }, v.prototype.startUserStroke = function (t) { var i = this.q.convertExternalPoint(t); if (! return null; if (this.kt) return this.endUserStroke(); var n = u(); this.kt = new o(n, i, t),, i)) }, v.prototype.continueUserStroke = function (t) { if (this.kt) { var i = this.q.convertExternalPoint(t); this.kt.appendPoint(i, t); var n = this.kt.points.slice(0);, n)) } }, v.prototype.endUserStroke = function () { if (this.kt) if (, this.B.drawingFadeDuration)), 1 !== this.kt.points.length) { var t =, i = 0 < this.F.state.character.outline.opacity; r(this.kt, this.V,, { isOutlineVisible: i, leniency: this.B.leniency }) ? : (this.Ct(), >= this.B.showHintAfterMisses &&, this.B.highlightColor, this.B.strokeHighlightSpeed))), this.kt = null } else this.kt = null }, v.prototype.cancel = function () { = !1, this.kt &&, this.B.drawingFadeDuration)) }, = function (t) { e(this.B.onCorrectStroke, { character: this.V.symbol, strokeNum:, mistakesOnStroke:, totalMistakes: this.wt, strokesRemaining: this.V.strokes.length - - 1, drawnPath: f(this.kt) }); var i = c.showStroke("main",, this.B.strokeFadeDuration); += 1, = 0, === this.V.strokes.length && ( = !1, e(this.B.onComplete, { character: this.V.symbol, totalMistakes: this.wt }), this.B.highlightOnComplete && (i = i.concat(h.highlightCompleteChar(this.V, this.B.highlightCompleteColor, 2 * this.B.strokeHighlightDuration)))), }, v.prototype.Ct = function () { += 1, this.wt += 1, e(this.B.onMistake, { character: this.V.symbol, strokeNum:, mistakesOnStroke:, totalMistakes: this.wt, strokesRemaining: this.V.strokes.length -, drawnPath: f(this.kt) }) }, = function () { return this.V.strokes[] }, t.exports = v }, function (t, i, n) { "use strict"; var r = n(0), h = r.average, l = r.assign, o = n(2), a = o.cosineSimilarity, d = o.equals, j = o.frechetDist, P = o.distance, c = o.subtract, x = o.normalizeCurve, O = o.rotate, A = o.length, F = function (t, i) { var n, r, o, s = (r = [], o = (n = t)[0], n.slice(1).forEach(function (t) { r.push(c(t, o)), o = t }), r), e = i.getVectors(), u = (i) { var t = (t) { return a(t, i) }); return Math.max.apply(Math, t) }); return 0 < h(u) }, D = [Math.PI / 16, Math.PI / 32, 0, -1 * Math.PI / 32, -1 * Math.PI / 16], p = function (t, i, n) { var r = n.leniency, o = void 0 === r ? 1 : r, s = n.isOutlineVisible, e = void 0 !== s && s, u = i.getAverageDistance(t), h = u <= 350 * (e || 0 < i.strokeNum ? .5 : 1) * o; if (!h) return { isMatch: !1, avgDist: u }; var a, c, f, v, l, d, p, y, w, g, k, m, b = (a = t, f = o, v = P((c = i).getStartingPoint(), a[0]), l = P(c.getEndingPoint(), a[a.length - 1]), v <= 250 * f && l <= 250 * f), C = F(t, i), M = (d = t, p = i.points, y = o, w = x(d), g = x(p), k = 1 / 0, D.forEach(function (t) { var i = j(w, O(g, t)); i < k && (k = i) }), k <= .4 * y), S = (m = i, .35 <= o * (A(t) + 25) / (m.getLength() + 25)); return { isMatch: h && b && C && M && S, avgDist: u } }; t.exports = function (t, i, n) { var r = 3 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[3] ? arguments[3] : {}, o = function (t) { if (t.length < 2) return t; var i = [t[0]]; return t.slice(1).forEach(function (t) { d(t, i[i.length - 1]) || i.push(t) }), i }(t.points); if (o.length < 2) return null; var s = p(o, i.strokes[n], r); if (!s.isMatch) return !1; for (var e = i.strokes.slice(n + 1), u = s.avgDist, h = 0; h < e.length; h++) { var a = p(o, e[h], r); a.isMatch && a.avgDist < u && (u = a.avgDist) } if (u < s.avgDist) { var c = .6 * (u + s.avgDist) / (2 * s.avgDist), f = (r.leniency || 1) * c, v = l({}, r, { leniency: f }); return p(o, i.strokes[n], v).isMatch } return !0 } }, function (t, i, n) { "use strict"; function r(t, i, n) { = t, this.points = [i], this.externalPoints = [n] } r.prototype.appendPoint = function (t, i) { this.points.push(t), this.externalPoints.push(i) }, t.exports = r }, function (t, i, n) { "use strict"; var r = n(5), o = n(4), s = n(0).objRepeat; t.exports = { highlightCompleteChar: function (t, i, n) { return [new r("character.highlight.strokeColor", i)].concat(o.hideCharacter("highlight", t)).concat(o.showCharacter("highlight", t, n / 2)).concat(o.hideCharacter("highlight", t, n / 2)) }, highlightStroke: o.highlightStroke, startQuiz: function (t, i) { return o.hideCharacter("main", t, i).concat([new r("character.highlight", { opacity: 1, strokes: s({ opacity: 0 }, t.strokes.length) }, { force: !0 }), new r("character.main", { opacity: 1, strokes: s({ opacity: 0 }, t.strokes.length) }, { force: !0 })]) }, startUserStroke: function (t, i) { return [new r("quiz.activeUserStrokeId", t, { force: !0 }), new r("userStrokes." + t, { points: [i], opacity: 1 }, { force: !0 })] }, updateUserStroke: function (t, i) { return [new r("userStrokes." + t + ".points", i, { force: !0 })] }, removeUserStroke: function (t, i) { return [new r("userStrokes." + t + ".opacity", 0, { duration: i }), new r("userStrokes." + t, null, { force: !0 })] } } }, function (t, i, n) { "use strict"; var r = n(20), o = n(24); t.exports = { HanziWriterRenderer: r, createRenderTarget: o.init } }, function (t, i, n) { "use strict"; var r = n(21), e = n(23), u = n(0).assign, o = n(3); function s(t, i) { this.V = t, this.q = i, this.Mt = new r(t), this.St = new r(t), this.jt = new r(t), this.Pt = {} } s.prototype.mount = function (t) { var i = t.createSubRenderTarget(), n = i.svg; o.attr(n, "transform", "\n    translate(" + this.q.xOffset + ", " + (this.q.height - this.q.yOffset) + ")\n    scale(" + this.q.scale + ", " + -1 * this.q.scale + ")\n  "), this.St.mount(i), this.Mt.mount(i), this.jt.mount(i), this.xt = i }, s.prototype.render = function (r) { var o = this; this.St.render({ opacity: r.character.outline.opacity, strokes: r.character.outline.strokes, strokeColor: r.options.outlineColor }), this.Mt.render({ opacity: r.character.main.opacity, strokes: r.character.main.strokes, strokeColor: r.options.strokeColor, radicalColor: r.options.radicalColor }), this.jt.render({ opacity: r.character.highlight.opacity, strokes: r.character.highlight.strokes, strokeColor: r.options.highlightColor }); var s = r.userStrokes || {}; Object.keys(this.Pt).forEach(function (t) { s[t] || (o.Pt[t].destroy(), delete o.Pt[t]) }), Object.keys(s).forEach(function (t) { if (s[t]) { var i = u({ strokeWidth: r.options.drawingWidth, strokeColor: r.options.drawingColor }, s[t]), n = o.Pt[t]; n || ((n = new e).mount(o.xt, i), o.Pt[t] = n), n.render(i) } }) }, s.prototype.destroy = function () { o.removeElm(this.xt.svg), this.xt.defs.innerHTML = "" }, t.exports = s }, function (t, i, n) { "use strict"; var r = n(0).isMsBrowser, o = n(22); function s(t) { this.Ot = {}, this.At = (t) { return new o(t) }) } s.prototype.mount = function (t) { var n = t.createSubRenderTarget(); this.Ft = n.svg, this.At.forEach(function (t, i) { t.mount(n) }) }, s.prototype.render = function (t) { if (t !== this.Ot) { t.opacity !== this.Ot.opacity && ( = t.opacity, r || (0 === t.opacity ? = "none" : 0 === this.Ot.opacity &&"display"))); var i = !this.Ot || t.strokeColor !== this.Ot.strokeColor || t.radicalColor !== this.Ot.radicalColor; if (i || t.strokes !== this.Ot.strokes) for (var n = 0; n < this.At.length; n++)!i && this.Ot.strokes && t.strokes[n] === this.Ot.strokes[n] || this.At[n].render({ strokeColor: t.strokeColor, radicalColor: t.radicalColor, opacity: t.strokes[n].opacity, displayPortion: t.strokes[n].displayPortion }); this.Ot = t } }, t.exports = s }, function (t, i, n) { "use strict"; var r = n(0).counter, e = n(3), o = n(2), s = o.extendStart, u = o.getPathString, h = n(6); function a(t) { this.Ot = {}, this.L = t, this.R = t.getLength() + 100 } (a.prototype = Object.create(h.prototype)).mount = function (t) { this.Dt = e.createElm("path"), this.Tt = e.createElm("clipPath"), this.Et = e.createElm("path"); var i = "mask-" + r(); e.attr(this.Tt, "id", i), e.attr(this.Et, "d", this.L.path), = 0, e.attr(this.Dt, "clip-path", e.urlIdRef(i)); var n = s(this.L.points, 100); return e.attr(this.Dt, "d", u(n)), e.attrs(this.Dt, { stroke: "#FFFFFF", "stroke-width": 200, fill: "none", "stroke-linecap": "round", "stroke-linejoin": "miter", "stroke-dasharray": this.R + "," + this.R }), this.Tt.appendChild(this.Et), t.defs.appendChild(this.Tt), t.svg.appendChild(this.Dt), this }, a.prototype.render = function (t) { if (t !== this.Ot) { t.displayPortion !== this.Ot.displayPortion && ( = this.z(t.displayPortion)); var i = this.H(t); if (i !== this.H(this.Ot)) { var n = i.r, r = i.g, o = i.b, s = i.a; e.attrs(this.Dt, { stroke: "rgba(" + n + "," + r + "," + o + "," + s + ")" }) } t.opacity !== this.Ot.opacity && ( = t.opacity), this.Ot = t } }, t.exports = a }, function (t, i, n) { "use strict"; var e = n(3), u = n(2).getPathString; function r() { this.Ot = {} } r.prototype.mount = function (t) { this.It = e.createElm("path"), t.svg.appendChild(this.It) }, r.prototype.render = function (t) { if (t !== this.Ot) { if (t.strokeColor !== this.Ot.strokeColor || t.strokeWidth !== this.Ot.strokeWidth) { var i = t.strokeColor, n = i.r, r = i.g, o = i.b, s = i.a; e.attrs(this.It, { fill: "none", stroke: "rgba(" + n + "," + r + "," + o + "," + s + ")", "stroke-width": t.strokeWidth, "stroke-linecap": "round", "stroke-linejoin": "round" }) } t.opacity !== this.Ot.opacity && e.attr(this.It, "opacity", t.opacity), t.points !== this.Ot.points && e.attr(this.It, "d", u(t.points)), this.Ot = t } }, r.prototype.destroy = function () { e.removeElm(this.It) }, t.exports = r }, function (i, t, r) { "use strict"; (function (u) { var t = r(3), h = t.createElm, a = t.attrs, n = r(7); function c(t, i) { this.svg = t, this.defs = i, this.node = t, this.node.createSVGPoint && (this.Wt = this.node.createSVGPoint()) } (c.prototype = Object.create(n.prototype)).createSubRenderTarget = function () { var t = h("g"); return this.svg.appendChild(t), new c(t, this.defs) }, c.prototype._ = function (t) { if (this.Wt) { this.Wt.x = t.clientX, this.Wt.y = t.clientY; var i = this.Wt.matrixTransform(this.node.getScreenCTM().inverse()); return { x: i.x, y: i.y } } return, t) }, c.prototype.K = function (t) { if (this.Wt) { this.Wt.x = t.touches[0].clientX, this.Wt.y = t.touches[0].clientY; var i = this.Wt.matrixTransform(this.node.getScreenCTM().inverse()); return { x: i.x, y: i.y } } return, t) }, c.init = function (t) { var i = 1 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : "100%", n = 2 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : "100%", r = void 0, o = t; if ("string" == typeof t && (o = u.document.getElementById(t)), !o) throw new Error("HanziWriter target element not found: " + t); var s = o.nodeName.toUpperCase(); "SVG" === s || "G" === s ? r = o : (r = h("svg"), o.appendChild(r)), a(r, { width: i, height: n }); var e = h("defs"); return r.appendChild(e), new c(r, e) }, i.exports = c }).call(t, r(1)) }, function (t, i, n) { "use strict"; var r = n(26), o = n(30); t.exports = { HanziWriterRenderer: r, createRenderTarget: o.init } }, function (t, i, n) { "use strict"; var r = n(27), s = n(29), e = n(0).assign; function o(t, i) { this.V = t, this.q = i, this.Mt = new r(t), this.St = new r(t), this.jt = new r(t) } o.prototype.mount = function (t) { this.zt = t }, o.prototype.Rt = function (t) { var i = this.zt.getContext(); i.clearRect(0, 0, this.q.width, this.q.height),, i.translate(this.q.xOffset, this.q.height - this.q.yOffset), i.transform(1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0), i.scale(this.q.scale, this.q.scale), t(i), i.restore(), i.draw && i.draw() }, o.prototype.render = function (o) { var t = this; this.Rt(function (n) { t.St.render(n, { opacity: o.character.outline.opacity, strokes: o.character.outline.strokes, strokeColor: o.options.outlineColor }), t.Mt.render(n, { opacity: o.character.main.opacity, strokes: o.character.main.strokes, strokeColor: o.options.strokeColor, radicalColor: o.options.radicalColor }), t.jt.render(n, { opacity: o.character.highlight.opacity, strokes: o.character.highlight.strokes, strokeColor: o.options.highlightColor }); var r = o.userStrokes || {}; Object.keys(r).forEach(function (t) { if (r[t]) { var i = e({ strokeWidth: o.options.drawingWidth, strokeColor: o.options.drawingColor }, r[t]); s(n, i) } }) }) }, o.prototype.destroy = function () { }, t.exports = o }, function (t, i, n) { "use strict"; var r = n(28); function o(t) { this.At = (t) { return new r(t) }) } o.prototype.render = function (t, i) { if (!(i.opacity < .05)) for (var n = 0; n < this.At.length; n++)this.At[n].render(t, { strokeColor: i.strokeColor, radicalColor: i.radicalColor, opacity: i.strokes[n].opacity * i.opacity, displayPortion: i.strokes[n].displayPortion }) }, t.exports = o }, function (e, t, u) { "use strict"; (function (n) { var r = u(2).extendStart, t = u(8), a = t.drawPath, o = t.pathStringToCanvas, i = u(6); function s(t) { var i = !(1 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[1]) || arguments[1]; this.L = t, this.R = t.getLength() + 100, i && n.Path2D ? this.Ht = new n.Path2D(this.L.path) : this.Lt = o(this.L.path), this.Ut = r(this.L.points, 100) } (s.prototype = Object.create(i.prototype)).render = function (t, i) { if (!(i.opacity < .05)) {, this.Ht ? t.clip(this.Ht) : (this.Lt(t), t.globalAlpha = 0, t.stroke(), t.clip()); var n = this.H(i), r = n.r, o = n.g, s = n.b, e = n.a, u = 1 === e ? "rgb(" + r + "," + o + "," + s + ")" : "rgb(" + r + "," + o + "," + s + "," + e + ")", h = this.z(i.displayPortion); t.globalAlpha = i.opacity, t.strokeStyle = u, t.fillStyle = u, t.lineWidth = 200, t.lineCap = "round", t.lineJoin = "round", t.setLineDash([this.R, this.R], h), t.lineDashOffset = h, a(t, this.Ut), t.restore() } }, e.exports = s }).call(t, u(1)) }, function (t, i, n) { "use strict"; var u = n(8).drawPath; t.exports = function (t, i) { if (!(i.opacity < .05)) { var n = i.strokeColor, r = n.r, o = n.g, s = n.b, e = n.a;, t.globalAlpha = i.opacity, t.lineWidth = i.strokeWidth, t.strokeStyle = "rgba(" + r + "," + o + "," + s + "," + e + ")", t.lineCap = "round", t.lineJoin = "round", u(t, i.points), t.restore() } } }, function (i, t, n) { "use strict"; (function (s) { var t = n(7); function e(t) { this.node = t } (e.prototype = Object.create(t.prototype)).getContext = function () { return this.node.getContext("2d") }, e.init = function (t) { var i = 1 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : "100%", n = 2 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : "100%", r = void 0, o = t; if ("string" == typeof t && (o = s.document.getElementById(t)), !o) throw new Error("HanziWriter target element not found: " + t); return "CANVAS" === o.nodeName.toUpperCase() ? r = o : (r = s.document.createElement("canvas"), o.appendChild(r)), r.setAttribute("width", i), r.setAttribute("height", n), new e(r) }, i.exports = e }).call(t, n(1)) }, function (t, i, n) { "use strict"; (function (o) { t.exports = function (t, i, n) { var r = new o.XMLHttpRequest; r.overrideMimeType && r.overrideMimeType("application/json"),"GET", "" + t + ".json", !0), r.onerror = function (t) { n(r, t) }, r.onreadystatechange = function () { 4 === r.readyState && (200 === r.status ? i(JSON.parse(r.responseText)) : 0 !== r.status && n && n(r)) }, r.send(null) } }).call(i, n(1)) }, function (t, i, n) { "use strict"; var r = n(0).callIfExists; function o(t) { this._t = 0, this.B = t, this.Kt = !1, this.loadingFailed = !1 } o.prototype.Nt = function (t, i) { var n = this, r = function (t) { i === n._t && n.I(t) }, o = this.B.charDataLoader(t, r, function (t) { i === n._t && n.Bt(t) }); o && r(o) }, o.prototype.Gt = function () { var n = this; return new Promise(function (t, i) { n.I = t, n.Bt = i }).then(function (t) { return n.Kt = !1, r(n.B.onLoadCharDataSuccess, t), t }, function (t) { if (n.Kt = !1, n.loadingFailed = !0, r(n.B.onLoadCharDataError, t), !n.B.onLoadCharDataError) { if (t instanceof Error) throw t; var i = new Error("Failed to load char data for " + n.Vt); throw i.reason = t, i } }) }, o.prototype.loadCharData = function (t) { this.Vt = t; var i = this.Gt(); return this.loadingFailed = !1, this.Kt = !0, this._t++ , this.Nt(t, this._t), i }, t.exports = o }]) });

<!--MIT License-->
    var characters = document.getElementById('ch_sim').innerHTML;
    var grid_data = "<svg xmlns='' width='100%' height='100%' id='grid-background-target'> <line x1='0' y1='0' x2='100%' y2='100%' stroke='#DDD' /><line x1='100%' y1='0' x2='0' y2='100%' stroke='#DDD' /><line x1='50%' y1='0' x2='50%' y2='100%' stroke='#DDD' /><line x1='0' y1='50%' x2='100%' y2='50%' stroke='#DDD' /></svg>";
    (async function () { // <-- add this wrapper
        var chars = characters;
        for (i = 0; i < chars.length; i++) {
            var draw_grid = document.getElementById('character-target-div');
            draw_grid.innerHTML = grid_data;

            await writeFunction(chars[i]); document.getElementById('grid-background-target').innerHTML = "";
            draw_grid.innerHTML = grid_data;
            if (i == chars.length - 1) {
                document.getElementById('test').innerHTML = "Click Show Answer";
                document.getElementById('grid-background-target').innerHTML = "";
                draw_grid.innerHTML = "";
    })(); // execute immediately

    // Make the function async, so it returns a promise
    async function writeFunction(c) {

        // Wrap the code inside a Promise constructor callback:
        return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
            var writer = HanziWriter.create('grid-background-target', c, {
                width: char_width,
                height: char_height,
                showCharacter: false,
                showOutline: show_outline,
                showHintAfterMisses: 2,
                highlightOnComplete: true,
                drawingWidth: strokeWidth,
                padding: 5
            document.getElementById("btnGoNextCard").onclick = function () {
                setTimeout(function () {
                    //After 1 seconds
                }, 1000)
            }; document.getElementById("btnRevealChar").onclick = function () {
                onMistake: function (strokeData) {
                onCorrectStroke: function (strokeData) {
                onComplete: function (summaryData) {
                    // call resolve: that does the magic!
                    setTimeout(function () {
                        //alert("After 1 seconds!"); 
                    }, 1000)


Back Side of card

<div class='center-vertical'>

CSS of card

.card {
 font-family: arial;
 font-size: 20px;
 text-align: center;
 color: black;
 background-color: white;

.modal-footer {
.modal-footer a {
	margin:0 15px;

.btn {
  position: relative;

  display: block;
  margin: 10px auto;
  padding: 0;

  overflow: hidden;

  border-width: 0;
  outline: none;
  border-radius: 2px;
  box-shadow: 0 1px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, .6);
  background-color: #2ecc71;
  color: #ecf0f1;
  transition: background-color .3s;

.btn:hover, .btn:focus {
  background-color: #27ae60;

.btn > * {
  position: relative;

.btn span {
  display: block;
  padding: 12px 24px;

.btn:before {
  content: "";
  position: absolute;
  top: 50%;
  left: 50%;
  display: block;
  width: 0;
  padding-top: 0;
  border-radius: 100%;
  background-color: rgba(236, 240, 241, .3);
  -webkit-transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
  -moz-transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
  -ms-transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
  -o-transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
  transform: translate(-50%, -50%);

.btn:active:before {
  width: 120%;
  padding-top: 120%;
  transition: width .2s ease-out, padding-top .2s ease-out;

Add your word meaning. If everything done correctly then you will get the following result

Image Result

Image - Anki Desktop

Image description Image description Image description

Image - AnkiDroid

Image description


  1. Add sound effects
  2. Auto Show Answer
  3. One Button to Show details about characters fetch from internet
  4. One Button to show and customize preference
  5. Automatic add of word list

Button CSS

I used css for button from following codepen.

Earlier I asked questions on Stackoverflow for showing character one by one

I asked this question on Stackoverflow for my project in Cordova.

License - HanziWriter

The Hanzi Writer source code is released under terms of the MIT license. The MIT License is simple and easy to understand and it places almost no restrictions on what you can do with the Project. You are free to use the Project in any other project (even commercial projects) as long as the copyright header is left intact.

The Hanzi Writer data comes from the Make Me A Hanzi project, which extracted the data from fonts by Arphic Technology, a Taiwanese font forge that released their work under a permissive license in 1999. You can redistribute and/or modify this data under the terms of the Arphic Public License as published by Arphic Technology Co., Ltd. A copy of this license can be found in ARPHICPL.TXT.


License - Anki-maobi

MIT License for this code

The MIT License

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software or code and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.



Practice writing chinese by drawing stroke in anki and ankidroid






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