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Provide a higher-level abstraction over IDispatch #229

Keithcat1 opened this issue May 11, 2021 · 11 comments

Provide a higher-level abstraction over IDispatch #229

Keithcat1 opened this issue May 11, 2021 · 11 comments
enhancement New feature or request help wanted Good candidate for others to work on


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One day I had a problem, wanting to use SAPI in my application via COM. Now I have two problems.
It would be nice if there was an extension on IDispatch which had some functions that accepted a List or something as arguments and automatically converted them to COM types and called the specified method or set the specified property.
I saw the example/idispatch.dart wrapper class, but that doesn't seem to compile anymore and calling a method is still pretty complicated.

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The idispatch.dart example should work, at least if you're on today's stable builds. (We're investigating a potential regression in the latest dev builds: see dart-lang/sdk#46004). If it doesn't work, I'd love any more information you can provide.

You're right -- it's a very low level way of making a COM call, and could benefit from some abstraction. I don't know that I'm going to have time to do this any time soon, but keeping the issue open and retitling it so that others can offer help.

@timsneath timsneath changed the title Make using COM easier Provide a higher-level abstraction over IDispatch May 19, 2021
@timsneath timsneath added enhancement New feature or request help wanted Good candidate for others to work on labels May 19, 2021
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mabDc commented Mar 16, 2022

i had found the way to tts (text to speech) using sapi with code below by calling windowsSpeakAsync("something")
but i have problems in how to stop and get vtable index as // vtable begins at 3, is 4 entries long.

import 'dart:ffi';
import 'package:ffi/ffi.dart';
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';

const CLSID_SpVoice = '{96749377-3391-11D2-9EE3-00C04F797396}';

const IID_ISpVoice = '{6C44DF74-72B9-4992-A1EC-EF996E0422D4}';

final ptr = calloc<COMObject>()..ref.genNew();
int _speak(
  Pointer<Utf16> pwcs,
  int dwFlags,
  int pulStreamNumber,
) =>
                Int32 Function(
      Pointer obj,
      Pointer<Utf16> pwcs,
      Uint32 dwFlags,
      Uint32 pulStreamNumber,
            int Function(
      Pointer obj,
      Pointer<Utf16> pwcs,
      int dwFlags,
      int pulStreamNumber,
    )>()(ptr.ref.lpVtbl, pwcs, dwFlags, pulStreamNumber);

int windowsSpeak(String s) {
  // Initialize COM
  var hr = CoInitializeEx(nullptr, COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED);
  if (FAILED(hr)) {
    throw "WindowsException(hr)";

  hr = CoCreateInstance(

  var i = _speak(s.toNativeUtf16(), 0, NULL);
  if (FAILED(hr)) throw "失败";
  return i;

Future<int> windowsSpeakAsync(String s) {
  return compute(windowsSpeak, s);


const NULL = 0;

/// @nodoc

/// @nodoc

/// @nodoc

/// @nodoc

/// @nodoc

/// @nodoc

// *** COM STRUCTS ***

// typedef struct _GUID {
//     unsigned long  Data1;
//     unsigned short Data2;
//     unsigned short Data3;
//     unsigned char  Data4[ 8 ];
// } GUID;

/// Represents a globally unique identifier (GUID).
/// {@category Struct}
class GUID extends Struct {
  int Data1;
  int Data2;
  int Data3;
  int Data4;

  factory GUID.allocate() => calloc<GUID>().ref
    ..Data1 = 0
    ..Data2 = 0
    ..Data3 = 0
    ..Data4 = 0;

  /// Create GUID from common {FDD39AD0-238F-46AF-ADB4-6C85480369C7} format
  factory GUID.fromString(String guidString) {
    assert(guidString.length == 38);
    final guid = calloc<GUID>().ref;
    guid.Data1 = int.parse(guidString.substring(1, 9), radix: 16);
    guid.Data2 = int.parse(guidString.substring(10, 14), radix: 16);
    guid.Data3 = int.parse(guidString.substring(15, 19), radix: 16);

    // final component is pushed on the stack in reverse order per x64
    // calling convention. This is a funky workaround until FFI supports
    // passing structs by value.
    final rawString = guidString.substring(35, 37) +
        guidString.substring(33, 35) +
        guidString.substring(31, 33) +
        guidString.substring(29, 31) +
        guidString.substring(27, 29) +
        guidString.substring(25, 27) +
        guidString.substring(22, 24) +
        guidString.substring(20, 22);

    // We need to split this to avoid overflowing a signed int.parse()
    guid.Data4 = (int.parse(rawString.substring(0, 4), radix: 16) << 48) +
        int.parse(rawString.substring(4, 16), radix: 16);

    return guid;

  /// Print GUID in common {FDD39AD0-238F-46AF-ADB4-6C85480369C7} format
  String toString() {
    final comp1 = (Data4 & 0xFF).toRadixString(16).padLeft(2, '0') +
        ((Data4 & 0xFF00) >> 8).toRadixString(16).padLeft(2, '0');

    // This is hacky as all get-out :)
    final comp2 = ((Data4 & 0xFF0000) >> 16).toRadixString(16).padLeft(2, '0') +
        ((Data4 & 0xFF000000) >> 24).toRadixString(16).padLeft(2, '0') +
        ((Data4 & 0xFF00000000) >> 32).toRadixString(16).padLeft(2, '0') +
        ((Data4 & 0xFF0000000000) >> 40).toRadixString(16).padLeft(2, '0') +
        ((Data4 & 0xFF000000000000) >> 48).toRadixString(16).padLeft(2, '0') +
        (BigInt.from(Data4 & 0xFF00000000000000).toUnsigned(64) >> 56)
            .padLeft(2, '0');

    return '{${Data1.toRadixString(16).padLeft(8, '0').toUpperCase()}-'
        '${Data2.toRadixString(16).padLeft(4, '0').toUpperCase()}-'
        '${Data3.toRadixString(16).padLeft(4, '0').toUpperCase()}-'

  /// Create GUID from common {FDD39AD0-238F-46AF-ADB4-6C85480369C7} format
  void setGUID(String guidString) {
    assert(guidString.length == 38);
    Data1 = int.parse(guidString.substring(1, 9), radix: 16);
    Data2 = int.parse(guidString.substring(10, 14), radix: 16);
    Data3 = int.parse(guidString.substring(15, 19), radix: 16);

    // Final component is pushed on the stack in reverse order per x64
    // calling convention.
    final rawString = guidString.substring(35, 37) +
        guidString.substring(33, 35) +
        guidString.substring(31, 33) +
        guidString.substring(29, 31) +
        guidString.substring(27, 29) +
        guidString.substring(25, 27) +
        guidString.substring(22, 24) +
        guidString.substring(20, 22);

    // We need to split this to avoid overflowing a signed int.parse()
    Data4 = (int.parse(rawString.substring(0, 4), radix: 16) << 48) +
        int.parse(rawString.substring(4, 16), radix: 16);

Pointer<GUID> GUIDFromString(String guid) => calloc<GUID>()..ref.setGUID(guid);

/// A representation of a generic COM object. All Dart COM objects inherit from
/// this class.
/// {@category com}
class COMObject extends Struct {
  Pointer<IntPtr> lpVtbl;

  Pointer<IntPtr> get vtable => Pointer.fromAddress(lpVtbl.value);

  genNew() {
    lpVtbl = calloc<IntPtr>();

final _ole32 ='ole32.dll');

final CoInitializeEx = _ole32.lookupFunction<
    Int32 Function(Pointer<Void> pvReserved, Uint32 dwCoInit),
    int Function(Pointer<Void> pvReserved, int dwCoInit)>('CoInitializeEx');

/// Creates a single uninitialized object of the class associated with a
/// specified CLSID. Call CoCreateInstance when you want to create only one
/// object on the local system. To create a single object on a remote
/// system, call the CoCreateInstanceEx function. To create multiple
/// objects based on a single CLSID, call the CoGetClassObject function.
/// ```c
/// HRESULT CoCreateInstance(
///   REFCLSID  rclsid,
///   LPUNKNOWN pUnkOuter,
///   DWORD     dwClsContext,
///   REFIID    riid,
///   LPVOID    *ppv
/// );
/// ```
/// {@category ole32}
final CoCreateInstance = _ole32.lookupFunction<
    Int32 Function(Pointer<GUID> rclsid, Pointer<IntPtr> pUnkOuter, Uint32 dwClsContext,
        Pointer<GUID> riid, Pointer<COMObject> ppv),
    int Function(Pointer<GUID> rclsid, Pointer<IntPtr> pUnkOuter, int dwClsContext,
        Pointer<GUID> riid, Pointer<COMObject> ppv)>('CoCreateInstance');

/// Closes the COM library on the current thread, unloads all DLLs loaded
/// by the thread, frees any other resources that the thread maintains, and
/// forces all RPC connections on the thread to close.
/// ```c
/// void CoUninitialize();
/// ```
/// {@category ole32}
final CoUninitialize =
    _ole32.lookupFunction<Void Function(), void Function()>('CoUninitialize');

// #define FAILED(hr) (((HRESULT)(hr)) < 0)
bool FAILED(int result) => result < 0;

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mabDc commented Mar 16, 2022

okay, i found it is the same order from sapi51.h and below code works fine.

// from sapi51.h
//     MIDL_INTERFACE("6C44DF74-72B9-4992-A1EC-EF996E0422D4")
//     ISpVoice : public ISpEventSource
//     {
//     public:
//         virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE SetOutput(
//             /* [in] */ IUnknown *pUnkOutput,
//             /* [in] */ BOOL fAllowFormatChanges) = 0;

//         virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetOutputObjectToken(
//             /* [out][annotation] */
//             _Outptr_  ISpObjectToken **ppObjectToken) = 0;

//         virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetOutputStream(
//             /* [out] */ ISpStreamFormat **ppStream) = 0;

//         virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Pause( void) = 0;

//         virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Resume( void) = 0;

//         virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE SetVoice(
//             /* [in] */ ISpObjectToken *pToken) = 0;

//         virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetVoice(
//             /* [out][annotation] */
//             _Outptr_  ISpObjectToken **ppToken) = 0;

//         virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Speak(
//             /* [string][in][annotation] */
//             _In_opt_  LPCWSTR pwcs,
//             /* [in] */ DWORD dwFlags,
//             /* [out][annotation] */
//             _Out_opt_  ULONG *pulStreamNumber) = 0;

//         virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE SpeakStream(
//             /* [in] */ IStream *pStream,
//             /* [in] */ DWORD dwFlags,
//             /* [out][annotation] */
//             _Out_opt_  ULONG *pulStreamNumber) = 0;

//         virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetStatus(
//             /* [out] */ SPVOICESTATUS *pStatus,
//             /* [out][annotation] */
//             _Outptr_  LPWSTR *ppszLastBookmark) = 0;

//         virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Skip(
//             /* [string][in] */ LPCWSTR pItemType,
//             /* [in] */ long lNumItems,
//             /* [out] */ ULONG *pulNumSkipped) = 0;

//         virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE SetPriority(
//             /* [in] */ SPVPRIORITY ePriority) = 0;

//         virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetPriority(
//             /* [out] */ SPVPRIORITY *pePriority) = 0;

//         virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE SetAlertBoundary(
//             /* [in] */ SPEVENTENUM eBoundary) = 0;

//         virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetAlertBoundary(
//             /* [out] */ SPEVENTENUM *peBoundary) = 0;

//         virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE SetRate(
//             /* [in] */ long RateAdjust) = 0;

//         virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetRate(
//             /* [out] */ long *pRateAdjust) = 0;

//         virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE SetVolume(
//             /* [in] */ USHORT usVolume) = 0;

//         virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetVolume(
//             /* [out] */ USHORT *pusVolume) = 0;

//         virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE WaitUntilDone(
//             /* [in] */ ULONG msTimeout) = 0;

//         virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE SetSyncSpeakTimeout(
//             /* [in] */ ULONG msTimeout) = 0;

//         virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetSyncSpeakTimeout(
//             /* [out] */ ULONG *pmsTimeout) = 0;

//         virtual /* [local] */ HANDLE STDMETHODCALLTYPE SpeakCompleteEvent( void) = 0;

//         virtual /* [local] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE IsUISupported(
//             /* [in] */ LPCWSTR pszTypeOfUI,
//             /* [in] */ void *pvExtraData,
//             /* [in] */ ULONG cbExtraData,
//             /* [out] */ BOOL *pfSupported) = 0;

//         virtual /* [local] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE DisplayUI(
//             /* [in] */ HWND hwndParent,
//             /* [in] */ LPCWSTR pszTitle,
//             /* [in] */ LPCWSTR pszTypeOfUI,
//             /* [in] */ void *pvExtraData,
//             /* [in] */ ULONG cbExtraData) = 0;

//     };

import 'dart:ffi';

import 'package:ffi/ffi.dart';
import 'package:win32/win32.dart';

class ISapi extends IUnknown {
// vtable begins at 13, is 30 entries long.
  ISapi(Pointer<COMObject> ptr) : super(ptr);

  int Pause() => Pointer<
                  Int32 Function(
        Pointer obj,
              int Function(
        Pointer obj,

  int Resume() => Pointer<
                  Int32 Function(
        Pointer obj,
              int Function(
        Pointer obj,

  int Speak(
    Pointer<Utf16> pwcs,
    int dwFlags,
    int pulStreamNumber,
  ) =>
                  Int32 Function(
        Pointer obj,
        Pointer<Utf16> pwcs,
        Uint32 dwFlags,
        Uint32 pulStreamNumber,
              int Function(
        Pointer obj,
        Pointer<Utf16> pwcs,
        int dwFlags,
        int pulStreamNumber,
      )>()(ptr.ref.lpVtbl, pwcs, dwFlags, pulStreamNumber);

const CLSID_SpVoice = '{96749377-3391-11D2-9EE3-00C04F797396}';

const IID_ISpVoice = '{6C44DF74-72B9-4992-A1EC-EF996E0422D4}';

class Sapi {
  final ISapi iSapi;

  factory Sapi.createInstance() {
    final ptr = COMObject.createFromID(CLSID_SpVoice, IID_ISpVoice);
    final iSapi = ISapi(ptr);
    return Sapi(iSapi);

  final SVSFlagsAsync = 1;
  final SVSFPurgeBeforeSpeak = 2;

  int speak(String s) {
    final pwcs = s.toNativeUtf16();
    try {
      final hr = iSapi.Speak(pwcs, SVSFlagsAsync | SVSFPurgeBeforeSpeak, NULL);
      if (FAILED(hr)) {
        throw WindowsException(hr);
      } else {
        final hr = iSapi.Resume();
        if (FAILED(hr)) {
          throw WindowsException(hr);
        } else {
          return hr;
    } finally {

  int pause() {
    try {
      final hr = iSapi.Pause();
      if (FAILED(hr)) {
        throw WindowsException(hr);
      } else {
        return hr;
    } finally {}

  int resume() {
    try {
      final hr = iSapi.Resume();
      if (FAILED(hr)) {
        throw WindowsException(hr);
      } else {
        return hr;
    } finally {}

  void dispose() {

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timsneath commented Mar 20, 2022

@mabDc I've added the speech client APIs directly to win32 (#379), so now you don't have to handcraft these COM interfaces.

This should greatly simplify your code. Here's a very straightforward example:

import 'dart:ffi';

import 'package:ffi/ffi.dart';
import 'package:win32/win32.dart';

const textToSpeak =
    'Dart is a portable, high-performance language from Google.';

void main() {
  CoInitializeEx(nullptr, COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED);
  final speechEngine = SpVoice.createInstance();
  final pText = textToSpeak.toNativeUtf16();
  speechEngine.Speak(pText, SPEAKFLAGS.SPF_IS_NOT_XML, nullptr);

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mabDc commented Mar 20, 2022

nice. thanks.

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Keithcat1 commented Mar 23, 2022

What have you done! COM is supposed to be all painful and headache-inducing and you should have to look at a piece of code for half an hour before figuring out what it does. It's not supposed to be mostly readable.
Anyway, you managed to add this pretty much when I was regaining interest and was about to ask for it. Thanks!
Oh and what's that nullptr for? I thought that Speak only took 2 parameters?

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Thank you for the kind comments, @Keithcat1!

The MSDN documentation is kinda messed up, but it looks like the third parameter is the stream number (for when you have multiple simultaneous streams):

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mabDc commented Mar 27, 2022

What have you done! COM is supposed to be all painful and headache-inducing and you should have to look at a piece of code for half an hour before figuring out what it does. It's not supposed to be mostly readable. Anyway, you managed to add this pretty much when I was regaining interest and was about to ask for it. Thanks! Oh and what's that nullptr for? I thought that Speak only took 2 parameters?

@Keithcat1 u need look at sapi51.h for some information as i ve mentioned

    ISpVoice : public ISpEventSource
        virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE SetOutput(
            /* [in] */ IUnknown *pUnkOutput,
            /* [in] */ BOOL fAllowFormatChanges) = 0;

        virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetOutputObjectToken(
            /* [out][annotation] */
            _Outptr_  ISpObjectToken **ppObjectToken) = 0;

        virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetOutputStream(
            /* [out] */ ISpStreamFormat **ppStream) = 0;

        virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Pause( void) = 0;

        virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Resume( void) = 0;

            /* [in] */ ISpObjectToken *pToken) = 0;

            /* [out][annotation] */
            _Outptr_  ISpObjectToken **ppToken) = 0;

            /* [string][in][annotation] */
            _In_opt_  LPCWSTR pwcs,
            /* [in] */ DWORD dwFlags,
            /* [out][annotation] */
            _Out_opt_  ULONG *pulStreamNumber) = 0;

        virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE SpeakStream(
            /* [in] */ IStream *pStream,
            /* [in] */ DWORD dwFlags,
            /* [out][annotation] */
            _Out_opt_  ULONG *pulStreamNumber) = 0;

        virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetStatus(
            /* [out] */ SPVOICESTATUS *pStatus,
            /* [out][annotation] */
            _Outptr_  LPWSTR *ppszLastBookmark) = 0;

            /* [string][in] */ LPCWSTR pItemType,
            /* [in] */ long lNumItems,
            /* [out] */ ULONG *pulNumSkipped) = 0;

        virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE SetPriority(
            /* [in] */ SPVPRIORITY ePriority) = 0;

        virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetPriority(
            /* [out] */ SPVPRIORITY *pePriority) = 0;

        virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE SetAlertBoundary(
            /* [in] */ SPEVENTENUM eBoundary) = 0;

        virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetAlertBoundary(
            /* [out] */ SPEVENTENUM *peBoundary) = 0;

            /* [in] */ long RateAdjust) = 0;

            /* [out] */ long *pRateAdjust) = 0;

        virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE SetVolume(
            /* [in] */ USHORT usVolume) = 0;

        virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetVolume(
            /* [out] */ USHORT *pusVolume) = 0;

        virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE WaitUntilDone(
            /* [in] */ ULONG msTimeout) = 0;

        virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE SetSyncSpeakTimeout(
            /* [in] */ ULONG msTimeout) = 0;

        virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetSyncSpeakTimeout(
            /* [out] */ ULONG *pmsTimeout) = 0;

        virtual /* [local] */ HANDLE STDMETHODCALLTYPE SpeakCompleteEvent( void) = 0;

        virtual /* [local] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE IsUISupported(
            /* [in] */ LPCWSTR pszTypeOfUI,
            /* [in] */ void *pvExtraData,
            /* [in] */ ULONG cbExtraData,
            /* [out] */ BOOL *pfSupported) = 0;

        virtual /* [local] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE DisplayUI(
            /* [in] */ HWND hwndParent,
            /* [in] */ LPCWSTR pszTitle,
            /* [in] */ LPCWSTR pszTypeOfUI,
            /* [in] */ void *pvExtraData,
            /* [in] */ ULONG cbExtraData) = 0;


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How can I get an error message string from a HRESULT error code?
Also, the GetVoices method is missing. Apparently the ISpeechObjectToken interface, I think it's called. I was planning to use it

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I've added ISpeechObjectToken (and ISpeechObjectTokens, which I think is the one you really want) in 78d7e12.

If you throw WindowsException(hr), an HRESULT will be displayed with a friendly message. You can also check the code of WindowsException to see how to format an HRESULT as a string using Win32 APIs.

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Didn't know that. I'll throw a WindowsException if the HRESULT returned from a call to a SAPI function is not 0.

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enhancement New feature or request help wanted Good candidate for others to work on
None yet

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3 participants