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Based on font-awesome, social_colors_rails provide official colors of social brand icons. See them on the Social colors rails official page.


Add these line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'font-awesome-rails'
gem 'social_colors_rails'

And then execute bundle install

-- Simple use --

For simple use, add it to your rails asset-pipeline

 *= require font-awesome
 *= require social_colors_rails
 * Or for production
 *= require social_colors_rails.min

in your application.css file

Or if you work with SASS

@import "font-awesome";
@import "social_colors_rails";

-- Customized --

You can customize the social_colors_rails plugin by importing the sass file and overwrite variables.

// Import your custom variables before the social_colors lib
@import "_custom_variables";

@import "font-awesome";
@import "social_colors_rails/init";


The prefered method is to use the social_tag helper

#  => <a class="icon-stack stack-circle facebook" target="_blank" rel="external nofollow" href="#">
#       <i class="fa fa-facebook"></i>
#     </a>

social_tag url: ""
#  => <a class="icon-stack stack-square facebook" target="_blank" rel="external nofollow" href="">
#       <i class="fa fa-facebook"></i>
#     </a>

social_tag "github", ""
#  => <a class="icon-stack stack-circle github" target="_blank" rel="external nofollow" href="">
#       <i class="fa fa-github"></i>
#     </a>

social_tag "github", "", style: "square"
#  => <a class="icon-stack stack-square github" target="_blank" rel="external nofollow" href="">
#       <i class="fa fa-github"></i>
#     </a>

social_tag "github", "", size: "2x"
#  => <a class="icon-stack stack-circle github stack-2x" target="_blank" rel="external nofollow" href="">
#       <i class="fa fa-github"></i>
#     </a>

social_tag "github", "", title: "My awesome link title"
#  => <a class="icon-stack stack-circle github" target="_blank" rel="external nofollow" title="My awesome link title" href="">
#       <i class="fa fa-github"></i>
#     </a>

social_tag "github", "", nofollow: false
#  => <a class="icon-stack stack-circle github" target="_blank" rel="external" href="">
#       <i class="fa fa-github"></i>
#     </a>

social_tag "github", "", external: false
#  => <a class="icon-stack stack-circle github" target="_blank" href="">
#       <i class="fa fa-github"></i>
#     </a>

But if you prefer, you can just wrap your font-awesome icon with these classes

<div class="icon-stack |brand-name|"></div>


New button are available with text possibilities. To add it with a rails helper, just use a link_to

link_to "Your text", "#", class: "btn btn-social btn-|size| |brand-name|"
<!-- Plain button -->
<a href="#" class="btn btn-social |brand-name| btn-|size|">
  Your text here <i class="fa fa-|brand-name|"></i>

<!-- Outline button -->
<a href="#" class="btn btn-social-outline |brand-name| btn-|size|">
  Your text here <i class="fa fa-|brand-name|"></i>

-- Options --

Options are available for stack style and stack size. Add them next to icon-stack class to apply them!

Stack styles

stack-circle stack-square stack-square-o

Stack & button Sizes

(stack||btn)-2x (stack||btn)-3x (stack||btn)-4x

-- Sass variables --

// Stack parameters
$stack-lighten-amount:         10%;
$stack-darken-amount:          10%;
$stack-alpha-amount:           0;
$stack-hover-color:            #424242;
$stack-hover-color-inverse:    #424242;

$stack-shadow-color:           transparentize(#000, 0.8);
$stack-shadow-length:          6;
$stack-shadow-blur:            4px;

$border-width:                 3px;
$border-width-2x:              4px;
$border-width-3x:              5px;
$border-width-4x:              6px;

$stack-square-radius:          20%;
$btn-outline-radius:           8px;

$stack-4x:                     3em;
$stack-3x:                     2.5em;
$stack-2x:                     2em;

$stack-anim-duration:          .3s;
$stack-anim-ease:              ease;

// Font-awesome icon shadow parameters
$icon-shadow-blur:             1px;
$icon-shadow-lighten-amount:   20%;
$icon-shadow-darken-amount:    30%;
$icon-shadow-alpha-amount:     0.7;
$icon-shadow-color:            #000;
$icon-shadow-color-inverse:    #000;
$icon-shadow-length:           100;
$icon-shadow-length-o:         6;

$icon-color:                   #fff;

$icon-hover-lighten-amount:    10%;
$icon-bg-hover-lighten-amount: 3%;

$icon-anim-duration:           .4s;
$icon-anim-ease:               ease;

//  Button parameters

$btn-hover-lighten-amount:     10%;
$btn-bg-hover-lighten-amount:  3%;


<div class="icon-stack stack-circle github stack-4x">
  <i class="fa fa-github"></i>

Available brand colors

Brand names
Amazon Android
Behance Bitbucket
Delicious Deviantart Dropbox
Facebook Firefox Flickr
Github Gitlab Google-plus
Lastfm Linkedin
Reddit Rss
Skype Slack Snapchat
Soundcloud Spotify Stack-Exchange
Stack-Overflow Steam Stumbleupon
Trello Tripadvisor Tumblr
Viadeo Vimeo Vine
Wechat Whatsapp
Yahoo Yelp Youtube


You can contribute by forking this project. Enjoy!


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.