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The Tine Broadcasthub for broadcasting status messages about files and containers from the Tine Server to the Tine clients in the browsers.


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Developer README for tine Broadcasthub

See user documentation for an introduction and user guide, including configuration

This README has focus on developing, testing and building the tine Broadcasthub.


Prerequisites to run the tine Broadcasthub

Initial development and test setup:

  • Developed and tested on Kubuntu 20.04
  • tine Server with tine JSON API
  • Redis Server
  • node with npm, developed and tested against lts/fermium: node v14.17.5 (npm v7.20.6). Upgraded and tested against lts/gallium v16.15.0 (npm v8.5.5).

The Broadcasthub is integrated into the tine20/docker setup.

Installation of the tine Broadcasthub

The necessary npm packages are defined in the package.json and pinned to an exact version in the package-lock.json.


git clone <tine20_broadcasthub_repo>
cd <tine20_broadcasthub_repo>
npm install --production
# Make sure to set NODE_ENV=production (!)

Development and CI:

git clone <tine20_broadcasthub_repo>
cd <tine20_broadcasthub_repo>
npm install
# Make sure NODE_ENV is not set or is not "production"
# development dependencies have to get installed

Start and stop the tine Broadcasthub


node app.js


Kill the node process, with strg+c for example; stop the container etc.

Build and push production container image

  • Make sure your local changes are working by running the tests and manual testing
  • Merge your changes into master branch
  • Set a new tag on the commit and push it
  • Gitlab CI will build the image and publish it to the docker registries, see .gitlab-ci.yml for details
  • The credentials for the registries are stored as project variables in Gitlab
  • The image will be tagged with the tag on the commit
  • tine and the tine docker setup depend on this container image
  • Gitlab CI is trigged by any tag in any branch, so be careful with pushing tags


Jest ( is used as test framework.

Integration tests

Run npm run-script integrationtest to execute the integration tests. These tests work standalone with a Redis mock and a tine JSON API mock. The tine Broadcasthub is started at the beginning of the tests and shutdown at the end of the tests. The tests setup a Redis publisher to simulate the tine Server sending a message to the Redis channel. The tests also setup websocket clients that connect to the tine Broadcasthub websocket server. The tests verify that the websocket clients receive the data they should receive.

End to end tests

Run npm run-script e2etest to execute the end to end tests. Broadcasthub env ENABLE_MULTITENANCY_MODE has to be set to false for testing single tenancy mode and in an other run to true for testing multi tennancy mode. These tests require an external Redis, an external tine JSON API and an external already running tine Broadcasthub. In addition the test domains used in the multi-tenancy tests need to point to the external tine JSON API. If you run the tests locally and use the tine docker setup then you can edit your /etc/hosts file and resolve the test domains to

Like the integration tests the end to end tests setup a Redis publisher and websocket clients and verify that the websocket clients receive the data they should receive.

Often arbitary tests fail because the timeout for waiting for the websocket message is reached. Try to minimize system load by other processes as far as possible, deactivate running virus scanner for example. Alternatively the timeout can be temporarily increased by setting the timeouts in test/e2etest/test.js to a higher value.

Tests in Gitlab CI

See .gitlab-ci.yml for configuration and for background information.

In the Gitlab CI for this project only the integration tests are executed. Running the end to end tests in the Gitlab CI seems not to be worth the trouble. Rather real end to end tests from change in tine file manager to tine client in a browser should be implemented. But that is out of scope of this repository, should be implemented in the tine repository resp. in the tine docker setup.

Logging and debug output

The package debug ( is used for logging. For the namespaces for the logging in the application see file src/Logger.js:

  App (currently not used)

For the namespaces for the logging in the tests see file tests/Util/Logger.js:


Loggers in namespaces ending with * are logging always as soon as the DEBUG environment variable is set to any value. They are supposed to log always no matter if DEBUG is set or not, but they do not.

For available logging configuration see section "Configuration of the tine Broadcasthub".

Logging in the application

There are three levels of logging:

  • Info
  • Error
  • Debug

Configure what is logged

  • Without DEBUG_DEFAULT_LOGGING and DEBUG being set on invocation: Only errors are logged
  • With DEBUG_DEFAULT_LOGGING set to "on" and without DEBUG being set on invocation: Infos and errors are logged
  • With DEBUG being set: All loggers in namespace with suffix * and all loggers in the specified namespaces logg. With DEBUG=Tine20Broadcasthub:* node app.js for example all loggers log (info, error and debug)

Configure where it is logged to

  • When DEBUG_LOG_TO_FILE is not set or set to another value than "on" or when DEBUG_LOG_FILE is not set: Logs go to stderr
  • With DEBUG_LOG_TO_FILE set to "on" and DEBUG_LOG_FILE set to an absolute path in the filesystem: Logs are appended to that file, file gets created when it does not exist
  • With DEBUG_LOG_TO_FILE set to "on" and DEBUG_LOG_FILE set to an path relative to src/Logger.js: Logs are appended to that file, file gets created when it does not exist

Attention! The tine Broadcasthub exits with status 1 when logging to file is configured and the file can not be created or is not writeable.

Attention! When logs go to file make sure to not unlink that file. Otherwise the logger will continue to log to the file (by inode number, open file handler) and the file will be deleted by the system once the application is stopped/restarted and the logging process keeping the file open does not exist anymore. There is no way to recover the log file once the last link to the inode is gone. If logrotate is used make sure to use option truncatecopy to keep the original file and to just rotate the content of the file. This is valid for Linux/Unix systems only. Other systems have not been tested.

Logging in the tests

There are two levels of logging:

  • Error
  • Debug

Configure what is logged in the integration tests

The tine Broadcasthub is started from within the tests. The logs can be configured as described above. The debug output is logged in addition to the standard Jest output.

  • Without DEBUG being set on test invocation:

    • Tests: Error

    • Application: Depends on DEBUG_DEFAULT_LOGGING

      • DEBUG_DEFAULT_LOGGING not set or set to another value than "on": Error
      • DEBUG_DEFAULT_LOGGING set to "on": Info, error
  • All test invocations with DEBUG being set activate the loggers in the namespaces with * suffix as well as the the loggers in the specified namespaces, for example:

    • With DEBUG=Test:*:

      • Tests: Error, debug
      • Application: Info, error
    • With DEBUG=Tine20Broadcasthub:*,Test:*:

      • Tests: Error, debug
      • Application: Info, error, debug

Configure where it is logged to in the integration tests

The tests log to stderr only. Logging to file is deactivated in the tests.

Configure logging in the end to end tests

The tine Broadcasthub is run external from the tests. See "Logging in the application" for configuration of the logs of the tine Broadcasthub.

By default the end to end tests do not log anything. Logs can be enabled by setting DEBUG at test invocation, for example DEBUG=Test:* for error and debug output or DEBUG=Test:Error:* for error output only. The end to end tests only log to stderr. Logging to file is deactivated in the tests.


Development within the tine docker setup

See README of tine20/docker, section "Add tine Broadcasthub/Development".

Development with local node application

For basic development the standalone integration tests (use mocks for external services) might be sufficient: Change the code, adapt tests if necessary, run integration tests and check if everything is fine.

For full local development and running the end to end tests locally a local tine development instance is necessary (tine JSON API for checking the token). Furthermore a local Redis server is necessary. Adapt the code as necessary and check if it works with the following steps:

  • Stop the local tine Broadcasthub if it is already running (code changes only take effect after node restart)
  • Start the tine Broadcasthub locally, optional with enabled debug output to check what is going on: DEBUG=Tine20Broadcasthub:* node app.js
  • Start the local test client that simulates the tine Client in the browser: node dev/client.js
  • In order to simulate the tine Server publishing into the Redis channel the tine Broadcasthub listens to, run the trigger file: node dev/trigger.js.
  • Each time the trigger is run, the tine Broadcasthub receives a message from the Redis channel it is listening to and broadcasts the message to the connected test client. Check the logs of the running tine Broadcasthub as well as of the test client and trigger.

The tine Broadcasthub can also be started by using nodemon which watches for file changes and reloads the node application automatically. nodemon can be used like node:

node_modules/.bin/nodemon app.js

Type rs in the nodemon output to force a reload. Or just change/save or touch a file.

Setup local tine development instance

In general see README in tine20/docker repository. Webpack build etc. for the frontend can be omitted, since we only need the tine Server JSON API.

Setup auth token channel for development

This is already integrated and should be applied automatically in the tine20/docker repository. authTokenChanelsis configured inconfigs/broadcasthub/, which is mounted in the Broadcasthub container in compose/broadcasthub.yml`.

The entry in table tine20_auth_token is generated with the tine setup task setup.php --add_auth_token -- executed in cli/Commands/Tine/TineInstallCommand.php.

This is how it was done before the automation and integration of the Broadcasthub into the the tine20/docker setup:

Prior to any execution or build in the local tine20/docker project modify the following file:


# Add to array that is returned

'authTokenChanels' => ['records' =>
   [ 'name' => 'broadcasthub' ],

When the local tine Server is up, open phpMyAdmin (see tine20/docker README) and add this record:

INSERT INTO tine20_auth_token (id, auth_token, account_id, valid_until, channels) VALUES ('longlongid', 'longlongtoken', (select id from tine20_accounts where login_name = "tine20admin"), ADDDATE(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 YEAR), '["broadcasthub"]');

For later commits of tine20/docker which already include the tine Broadcasthub copy the .pullup.json to pullup.json and remove entry broadcasthub from the key composeFiles. This way the startup of the tine Broadcasthub should be prevented within the tine docker setup.

Start local Redis server

cd dev/redis-docker
docker-compose up -d

Test production image locally

  • Code changes can be tested like described in previous sections

  • But changes in the docker image (Dockerfile) should be tested like described in this section before they are pushed into the registries

  • Build the docker image locally:

      cd <project_dir>
      docker build -t .
  • Set the tag X.Y-test in tine docker setup in docker-compose file for the Broadcasthub

  • Start tine docker setup

  • Perform manual tests with test client dev/client.js

    • Change the Broadcasthub port in dev/client.js to the one used by the tine docker setup
    • Run the client from the project directory: node dev/client.js
    • Create, change and delete a file in the local tine in the file manager
    • The test client should print the messages from the Broadcasthub

Integration tests do not work in the production image since development dependencies are not installed.

E2E tests cannot be run against the Broadcasthub container in the tine docker setup since redis is not exposed and thus the redis publisher in the tests cannot publish messages which should be received by the clients in the tests.


The Tine Broadcasthub for broadcasting status messages about files and containers from the Tine Server to the Tine clients in the browsers.







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