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Recursively expand template strings in declarative configurations.


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Expand template strings in declarative configurations.



get(data, lookup, options)

Retrieve a value from the data object with all template strings resolved.

data a configuration object
lookup a dot-notated key
options sent to _.template when resolving values.


var data = {
  key: '<%= uppercase("foo") %>'
expander.get(data, 'key', {
  imports: {
    uppercase: function (str) {
      return str.toUpperCase();
}); // FOO

getRaw(data, lookup)

Retrieve a literal value from the data object.

data a configuration object
lookup a dot-notated string representing a key in the configuration

set(data, lookup, value)

Set a value in the data object.

data a configuration object
lookup a dot-notated string representing a key in the data
value the value to set

process(data, lookup, options)

Resolve any arbitrary template string.

data a configuration object
lookup any string value, typically a template string, e.g. "<%= key %>"
options sent to _.template when resolving values.

interface(data, options)

Bind the above API to a provided data object so you can access it more succinctly.

data a configuration object
options sent to _.template automatically when resolving values.

Note: When using the interface API, passing options to get or process will perform a shallow merge over options provided when the interface was instantiated.


var configRaw = {
  key: 'value',
  keyRef: '<%= key %>'
var config = expander.interface(configRaw);
config('key'); // value
config.get('key'); // value
config('keyRef'); // value
config.get('keyRef'); // value
config('key', 'changed'); // changed
config('key'); // changed


var expander = require('expander');

var data = {
  key: 'value',
  keyRef: '<%= key %>',
  recursiveKeyRef: '<%= keyRef %>',
  arrayRef: ['test', '<%= key %>'],
  recursiveArrayRef: ['test', '${ arrayRef }'],
  obj: {
    keyRef: '<%= key %>',
    recursiveKeyRef: '<%= keyRef %>',
    arrayRef: ['test', '<%= key %>'],
    recursiveArrayRef: ['test', '${ arrayRef }']
  dotRef: '<%= obj.keyRef %>',
  objRef: '${ obj }',
  interpolated: 'test <%= key %>',
  interpolatedRecursiveRef: 'test <%= keyRef %>',
  methodRef: expander.fn(function (config) {
    // config is the entire config
    return config.key;
  methodRefContext: expander.fn(function (config) {
    // this is a reference to expander
    return this.get(config, 'keyRef');

expander.get(data, 'keyRef'); // value
expander.get(data, 'recursiveKeyRef'); // value
expander.get(data, 'arrayRef'); // ['test', 'value']
expander.get(data, 'recursiveArrayRef'); // ['test', ['test', 'value']]
expander.get(data, 'obj'); // {
                           //   keyRef: 'value',
                           //   recursiveKeyRef: 'value',
                           //   arrayRef: ['test', 'value'],
                           //   recursiveArrayRef: ['test', ['test', 'value']]
                           // }
expander.get(data, 'objRef'); // {
                              //   keyRef: 'value',
                              //   recursiveKeyRef: 'value',
                              //   arrayRef: ['test', 'value'],
                              //   recursiveArrayRef: ['test', ['test', 'value']]
                              // }
expander.get(data, 'interpolated'); // test value
expander.get(data, 'interpolatedRecursiveRef'); // test value
expander.get(data, 'methodRef'); // value
expander.get(data, 'methodRefContext'); // value

Release History

  • 2014-02-21 - v0.3.3 - allow overriding default options for _.template in interface api
  • 2014-02-20 - v0.3.2 - allow passing options to _.template
  • 2014-02-11 - v0.3.1 - interface emits events on set
  • 2014-02-10 - v0.3.0 - support a getter/setter api
  • 2013-12-15 - v0.2.2 - support auto expansion of functions
  • 2013-11-21 - v0.2.1 - support ${value} strings
  • 2013-11-08 - v0.2.0 - correctly handle recursively interpolated values
  • 2013-11-05 - v0.1.0 - initial release


Recursively expand template strings in declarative configurations.







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