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SAAF - Serverless Application Analytics Framework - Python

SAAF is a programming framework that allows for tracing FaaS function server infrastructure for code deployments. This framework includes functions to enable tracing code containers and hosts (VMs) created by FaaS platform providers for hosting FaaS functions. This information can help verify the state of infrastructure (COLD vs. WARM) to understand performance results, and help preserve infrastructure for better FaaS performance.

Getting Started

To use the core SAAF framework, download the script into an existing Python project and simply import the module as shown below.

SAAF also includes tools to deploy and develop new functions for each supported platform automatically. To make use of these tools, download the entire repository and follow the directions in the deploy directory.

Import the Module into an Existing Project

from Inspector import *
inspector = Inspector()

Initializing the Inspector should be the first line of your function as it begins recording the runtime.

Example Hello World Function

from Inspector import *

def myFunction(request):
  # Import the module and collect data
  inspector = Inspector()

  # Add custom message and finish the function
  inspector.addAttribute("message", "Hello " + request['name'] + "!")

  return inspector.finish()

Example JSON Output

  "version": 0.2,
  "lang": "python",
  "cpuType": "Intel(R) Xeon(R) Processor @ 2.50GHz",
  "cpuModel": 63,
  "vmuptime": 1551727835,
  "uuid": "d241c618-78d8-48e2-9736-997dc1a931d4",
  "newcontainer": 1,
  "cpuUsr": "904",
  "cpuNice": "0",
  "cpuKrn": "585",
  "cpuIdle": "82428",
  "cpuIowait": "226",
  "cpuIrq": "0",
  "cpuSoftIrq": "7",
  "vmcpusteal": "1594",
  "frameworkRuntime": 35.72,
  "message": "Hello Bob!",
  "runtime": 38.94


Attributes Collected by Each Function

The amount of data collected is detemined by which functions are called. If some attributes are not needed, then some functions many not need to be called. If you would like to collect every attribute, the inspectAll() method will run all methods.

Core Attributes

Field Description
version The version of the SAAF Framework.
lang The language of the function.
runtime The server-side runtime from when the function is initialized until Inspector.finish() is called.
startTime The Unix Epoch that the Inspector was initialized in ms.


Field Description
uuid A unique identifier assigned to a container if one does not already exist.
newcontainer Whether a container is new (no assigned uuid) or if it has been used before.
vmuptime Time when the host booted in seconds since January 1, 1970 (Unix epoch).


Field Description
cpuType The model name of the CPU.
cpuModel The model number of the CPU.
cpuUsr Time spent normally executing in user mode.
cpuNice Time spent executing niced processes in user mode.
cpuKrn Time spent executing processes in kernel mode.
cpuIdle Time spent idle.
cpuIowait Time spent waiting for I/O to complete.
cpuIrq Time spent servicing interrupts.
cpuSoftIrq Time spent servicing software interrupts.
vmcpusteal Cycles spent waiting for real CPU while hypervisor is using another virtual CPU.
contextSwitches The number of context switches that the function instance has done.


Field Description
cpuUsrDelta Change in cpuUsr compared to when inspectCPU was called.
cpuNiceDelta Change in cpuNice compared to when inspectCPU was called.
cpuKrnDelta Change in cpuKrn compared to when inspectCPU was called.
cpuIdleDelta Change in cpuIdle compared to when inspectCPU was called.
cpuIowaitDelta Change in cpuIowait compared to when inspectCPU was called.
cpuIrqDelta Change in cpuIrq compared to when inspectCPU was called.
cpuSoftIrqDelta Change in cpuSoftIrq compared to when inspectCPU was called.
vmcpustealDelta Change in vmcpusteal compared to when inspectCPU was called.
contextSwitchesDelta Chance in contextSwitches compared to when inspectCPU was called.


Field Description
totalMemory Total memory allocated to the function instance in kB.
freeMemory Current free memory in kB when inspectMemory is called.
pageFaults Total number of page faults experiences by the function instance since boot.
majorPageFaults Total number of major page faults experiences by the function instance since boot.


Field Description
pageFaultsDelta Change in page faults since inspectMemory was called.
majorPageFaultsDelta Change in major page faults since inspectMemory was called.


These attributes are dependent on the FaaS platform. On some platforms not all metrics will be returned.

Field Description
platform The FaaS platform hosting this function.
containerID A platform specific container identifier.
vmID A platform specific virtual machine identifier.
functionName The name of the function on the FaaS platform.
functionMemory The configured memory setting on the FaaS Platform.
functionRegion The cloud platform's region the function is deployed to.


Field Description
linuxVersion The version of the linux kernel.

Helper Functions


This should be the last method called. It will return the final object containing all of the attributes collected.

Field Description
runtime The overall runtime of the function from start to finish in ms.
endTime The Unix Epoch in ms at the end of the function invocation.


Calls all initial inspect methods such as inspectPlatform, inspectCPU, ect. Should be called immediately after initializing the Inspector.

Field Description
frameworkRuntime The time in ms to calculate all initial metrics.


Calls all methods that calculate deltas, such as inspectCPUDelta. This should be called at the end of your function, before calling the finish() method.

Field Description
userRuntime The time in ms between when frameworkRuntime is calculated and when inspectAllDeltas is called. This attribute is meant to calculate the time executing user code, not SAAF data collection.
frameworkRuntimeDeltas The time in ms used to collect metric deltas.

addAttribute(key, value)

Add a custom attribute to the data return by SAAF.


Get an attribute already stored in SAAF.

addTimeStamp(key, optional timeSince)

Add a custom time stamp to SAAF. By default this will store the time in ms from when SAAF started to when this method was called. If a secondary time stamp is supplied the different between the current time and that will be calculated.