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Current Versions of the TLA+ Tools

This document describes differences between the descriptions of the TLA+ tools in the book Specifying Systems and the currently released versions. References are to the version of the book currently available on the web. The book and this document do not describe the features provided by the TLA+ Toolbox for using the tools. They are described by the Toolbox's help pages and the TLA+ Hyperbook.

SANY (The Semantic Analyzer)

The current release of SANY has no known limitations.



Below are all the known ways in which the current release of TLC differs from the version described in the book.

TLC doesn't implement the \cdot (action composition) operator.

TLC cannot handle definitions that comes from a parametrized instantiation. For example, suppose a module M, which has the variable parameter x, defines the specification Spec. If you define ISpec by

ISpec == IM(xbar)!Spec

then TLC will not be able to check the property ISpec. However, TLC will be able to check ISpec if it's defined in the following equivalent way:

IM == INSTANCE M WITH x <- xbar
ISpec == IM!Spec

TLC cannot handle natural numbers greater than 231 - 1.

When running the model checking in BFS mode with multiple workers on a medium-small model, the reported diameter might differ across runs. This is a limitation we accept to avoid putting additional synchronization that would limit the scalability. For small models, use a single worker. For large models, the diameter will almost always appear deterministic.

Additional Features

Enhanced Replacement

Most users now run TLC from the Toolbox, where overriding of definitions is performed in the Definition Override section of the model's Advanced Model Options page. Search for "override" in the Toolbox's Help pages.

When running TLC from the command line, definition overriding is specified by the configuration file. As described in Specifying Systems, when running TLC on a module M, a replacement

foo <- bar

replaces foo by bar in all operators either defined in M or imported into M through EXTEND statements. (For example, if M extends M1 which extends M2, then the replacement will occur in operators defined in M1 and M2, as well as in M.) It does not perform the replacement on any operators imported into M by an INSTANCE statement. The replacement

foo <- [Mod] bar

replaces foo by bar in all operators defined in module Mod or imported into Mod through EXTEND statements. You should use this if you want the replacement to be made in a module Mod that is instantiated either by the module M on which TLC is being run, or by some module imported into M through EXTEND statements.

An operator may be imported into the current module by multiple paths. For example, the identifier Nat can be imported directly from the Integers module by an EXTENDS statement or indirectly through an instantiated module, often under a different name. In that case, to redefine Nat to equal 0..2, it's safest to put both of the following in the configuration file:

Nat <- 0..2
Nat <- [Integers] 0..2


TLA+ defines strings to be sequences, but the TLC implementation does not regard them as first-class sequences. The Java implementation of the Sequences module has been enhanced so that \o and Len do what they should for strings. For example, TLC knows that "ab" \o "c" equals "abc" and that Len("abc") equals 3. However, Len does not work right for strings containing special characters written with \. (See the bottom of page 307 of the TLA+ book.)

New Features in the TLC Module

TLCGet and TLCSet

TLC can now read and set a special list of values while evaluating expressions. This works as follows. The TLC module defines two new operators:

TLCGet(i) == CHOOSE n : TRUE
TLCSet(i, v) == TRUE

When TLC evaluates TLCSet(i, v), for any positive integer i and arbitrary value v, in addition to obtaining the value TRUE, it sets the ith element of the list to v. When TLC evaluates TLCGet(i), the value it obtains is the current value of the ith element of this list. For example, when TLC evaluates the formula

/\ TLCSet(42, <<"a", 1>>)
/\ \A i \in {1, 2, 3} :
    /\ Print(TLCGet(42), TRUE)
    /\ TLCSet(42, [TLCGet(42) EXCEPT ![2] = @ + 1])

it prints

<< "a", 1 >> TRUE
<< "a", 2 >> TRUE
<< "a", 3 >> TRUE

One use of this feature is to check TLC's progress during long computations. For example, suppose TLC is evaluating a formula \A x \in S : P where S is a large set, so it evaluates P many times. You can use TLCGet, TLCSet, and Print to print something after every 1000th time TLC evaluates P.

As explained in the description of the TLCEval operator below, you may also want to use this feature to count how many times TLC is evaluating an expression e. To use value number i as the counter, just replace e by

IF TLCSet(i, TLCGet(i) + 1) THEN e ELSE 42

(The ELSE expression is never evaluated.)

For certain strings str, the value of TLCGet(str) equals a number describing some aspect of TLC's current execution. Here is the meaning of TLCGet(str) for strings str.

"generated" The number of states generated.

"distinct" The number of distinct states found.

"queue" The number of states waiting in the queue to be processed.

"duration" The number of seconds elapsed since model checking began.

"level" The length of the path in the state graph from an initial state to the current state.

"diameter" The maximum value of TLCGet("level") of all states examined thus far.

For the following two strings str, evaluating TLCSet(str) causes TLC to take this action:

"pause" Pauses model checking.

"exit" Terminates model checking when all workers have finished processing their current state.

For reasons of efficiency, TLCGet and TLCSet behave somewhat strangely when TLC is run with multiple worker threads (using the -workers option). Each worker thread maintains its own individual copy of the list of values on which it evaluates TLCGet and TLCSet. The worker threads are activated only after the computation and invariance checking of the initial states. Before then, evaluating TLCSet(i, v) sets the element i of the list maintained by all threads. Thus, the lists of all the worker threads can be initialized by putting the appropriate TLCSet expression in an ASSUME expression or in the initial predicate.

To allow information collected with TLCGet and TLCSet to be reported when TLC finishes, TLC now allows the cfg file to contain the statement


where Op is a constant-level operator with no arguments defined in the spec or the model. After executing the model, TLC evaluates the operator Op.


TLC often uses lazy evaluation. For example, it may not enumerate the elements of a set of the form {x \in T : P(x)} unless it has to; and it doesn't have to if it only needs to check if an element e is in that set. (TLC can do that by evaluating x \in T and P(e).) TLC uses heuristics to determine when it should completely evaluate an expression. Those heuristics work well most of the time. However, sometimes lazy evaluation can result in the expression ultimately being evaluated multiple times instead of just once. This can especially be a problem when evaluating a recursively defined operator.

You can solve this problem with the TLCEval operator. The TLC module defines the operator TLCEval by

TLCEval(x) == x

TLC evaluates the expression TLCEval(e) by completely evaluating e.

If TLC is taking a long time to evaluate something, you can check if lazy evaluation is the source of the problem by using the TLC module's TLCSet and TLCGet operators to count how many times expressions are being evaluated, as described above.


Originally, TLA+ allowed only functions to be defined recursively. One problem with this was that it's sometimes a nuisance to have to write the domain of the function f. There were two reasons it might be a nuisance: the domain might be complicated, or TLC might spend a lot of time when evaluating f[x] in checking that x is in the domain of f. The operator Any was added to the TLC module as a hack to work around this problem. With the introduction of recursive operator definitions, this problem disappeared and there is no reason to use Any. However, it is retained for backwards compatibility. Here is its description.

The definition of the constant Any doesn't matter. This constant has the special property that, for any value v, TLC evaluates the expression v \in Any to equal TRUE. You can avoid having to specify the domain in a function definition by letting the domain be Any.

The use of Any sounds dangerous, since it acts like the set of all sets and raises the specter of Russell's paradox. However, suppose a specification uses Any only in function definitions without doing anything sneaky. Then for any execution of TLC that terminates successfully, there is a finite set that can be substituted for Any that yields the same execution of TLC. That set is just the set of all values v for which TLC evaluates v \in Any during its execution. However, unrestricted use of Any can get TLC to verify incorrect modules. For example, it will evaluate Any \in Any to equal TRUE, even though it equals false for any actual set Any.

You should not use Any in an actual specification; it is intended only to help in using TLC. In the actual specification, you should write the definition like

f[x \in Dom] == ...

where the domain Dom is either defined or declared as a constant parameter. In the configuration file, you can tell TLC to substitute Any for Dom.


The TLC module defines

PrintT(out) == TRUE

However, evaluating PrintT(out) causes TLC to print the value of out. This allows you to eliminate the annoying "TRUE" produced by evaluating Print(out, TRUE).


The TLC module defines

RandomElement(S) == CHOOSE x \in S : TRUE

so RandomElement(S) is an arbitrarily chosen element of the set S. However, contrary to what the definition says, TLC actually makes an independent choice every time it evaluates RandomElement(S), so it could evaluate

RandomElement(S) = RandomElement(S)

to equal FALSE.

When TLC evaluates RandomElement(S), it chooses the element of S pseudo-randomly with a uniform probability distribution. This feature was added to enable the computation of statistical properties of a specification's executions by running TLC in simulation mode. We haven't had a chance to do this yet; let us know if you try it.


TLA+ defines ToString(v) to be an arbitrarily chosen string whose value depends on v. TLC evaluates it to be a string that is the TLA+ expression whose value equals the value of v. By using ToString and string concatenation \o in the argument of the Print or PrintT, you can get TLC to print nicer-looking output than it ordinarily does.

The Randomization Module

The RandomElement operator of the TLC module computes all the elements of its argument set before choosing one. This makes it unusable for very large sets. The Randomization module provides operators that can be used to randomly choose a subset of a very, very large set (including a subset with a single element).

Typed Model Values

One way that TLC finds bugs is by reporting an error if it tries to compare two incomparable values—for example, a string and a set. The use of model values can cause TLC to miss bugs because it will compare a model value to any value without complaining (finding it unequal to anything but itself). Typed model values have been introduced to solve this problem.

For any character τ, a model value whose name begins with the two-character string "τ_" is defined to have type τ. For example, the model value x_1 has type x. Any other model value is untyped. TLC treats untyped model values as before, being willing to compare them to anything. However it reports an error if it tries to compare a typed model value to anything other than a model value of the same type or an untyped model value. Thus, TLC will find the model value x_1 unequal to the model values x_ab2 and none, but will report an error if it tries to compare x_1 to a_1.

Overriding Modules

TLC permits definitions from a module M to be overridden by Java code in a file M.class. This is used primarily for implementing standard modules, but it can be applied to any module if you are willing to write the appropriate Java code. You can put the .class file in the same folder/directory as the module's .tla file. The files in the tlc2.module package contain examples of how the Java code is written.

Command-Line Options

Several command-line options have been added to TLC since Specifying Systems was written. Moreover, the book did not list all the options available then. Most users now run TLC from the Toolbox, which provides a convenient way to specify the most commonly used TLC options; few people will use command-line options. However, since there is no conveniently available list of all those options, they are presented here. A parameter file is the path name of a file—either an absolute path or one relative to the directory from which TLC is run. Similarly, a parameter dir is the absolute or relative path name of a directory.

-aril num Adjusts the seed for random simulation. (See page 251 of the book.) It defaults to 0 if not specified.

-checkpoint num Tells TLC to take a checkpoint every num minutes. The default is 30.

-cleanup Cleans up the states directory, removing all existing checkpoint files.

-config file Provides the configuration (.cfg) file. Defaults to spec.cfg if not provided.

-continue Normally, TLC stops when it finds a violation of a property it is checking. This option tells TLC to continue running when it finds a violation of a safety property. (It always stops when a liveness property is violated.) This option cannot be used from the Toolbox.

-coverage num This option tells TLC to print coverage information every num minutes. Without the option, TLC prints no coverage information.

-deadlock This tells TLC not to check for deadlock.

-debug Tells TLC to print information useful for debugging its own code.

-depth num Specifies the depth (number of steps) of a random simulation. Without this option, the default depth is 100.

-dfid num Directs TLC to do depth-first model checking with iterative deepening, beginning with initial depth num.

-postCondition mod!oper Evaluates the given (constant-level) operator oper in the TLA+ module mod at the end of model-checking.

Example: -postCondition MyModule!SomePostCondition.

-difftrace Tells TLC to show only the differences between successive states when printing an error trace. Otherwise, it prints the full state descriptions.

-dumpTrace format file In case of a property violation, formats the TLA+ error trace to the given format format and dumps the output to the specified file file. The file file is relative to the same directory as the main spec. At the time of writing, TLC supports the tla and the json formats. To dump to multiple formats, the -dumpTrace parameter may appear multiple times. The git commits 1eb815620 and 386eaa19f show that adding new formats is easy.

Example: -dumpTrace tla file.tla -dumpTrace json file.json.

-dump format file The format parameter can be omitted, or it can be a comma-separated list beginning with dot that may also contain one or both of the items colorize and actionlabels. If format is omitted, TLC writes a list of all reachable states, described by TLA+ formulas, on file. Otherwise, TLC writes the state graph in dot format, the input format of the GraphViz program for displaying graphs. The parameter colorize indicates that state transitions should be colored according to the action generating the transition, and actionlabels indicates that they should be labeled with the name of the action.

Example: -dump dot,colorize,actionlabels

-fp num TLC's state fingerprinting algorithm uses one of a list of irreducible polynomials, numbered 0 through 130. This option tells it to use polynomial number num. Through release version 1.5.7 of the tools, The default is to used number 0. In later versions the default will be to use a randomly chosen one.

-fpbits num Directs TLC to partition its fingerprint set into 2num separate disk files. (On some systems, using multiple files can improve efficiency of reading and writing fingerprints when they don't fit in memory.) The default value of num is 0.

-fpmem num Tells TLC how much memory to use to store the fingerprints of found states. If num is an integer, it specifies the number of megabytes; if it's a fraction between 0 and 1, it specifies that fraction of the memory size.The default value of num is .25.

-gzip This tells TLC to compress the state queue when writing it to disk.

-help Causes TLC to output a help message containing the information in this section and stop.

-lncheck param If this is omitted or param equals default, TLC performs liveness checking periodically, roughly whenever the number of distinct states it finds increases by 10%. If param equals final, TLC does liveness checking only after it has computed the complete state graph.

-maxSetSize num The cardinality of the largest set that TLC can handle. TLC reports an error if it tries to compute a set containing more elements. It defaults to 1000000 if this option is not specified.

-metadir dir Tells TLC to store its metadata in the directory given by dir. Without this option, the default is to use the states subfolder of the directory containing the specification file.

-modelcheck Tells TLC to run in model checking mode, which is the default.

-nowarning Tells TLC not to issue any warnings. Otherwise, TLC reports all warnings. (A warning indicates a possible error, but does not cause TLC to stop.)

-recover dir Recover from the checkpoint found in the directory specified by dir. If not specified, TLC performs a fresh execution of the model.

-seed num Provide the seed for the pseudo-random number generator used for random simulation. Defaults to a randomly chosen seed if not specified.

-simulate file=pname num=num stats=(basic|full) This tells TLC to run in simulation mode. If the file argument is present, then TLC writes each trace it finds to the file whose name, including complete directory path, is pname. If the num argument is present, then num is the number of behaviors to generate. If the stats argument is present, you must select either basic mode or full mode. Both modes generate a DOT file representing an action graph named in the <spec> format. Basic mode generates an action graph where nodes are actions, solid edges are seen transitions, and dashed edges are unseen transitions during the simulation. Full mode also generates an action graph, but now there are clusters of actions (actions might appear more than once) representing interactions between actions with parameters, for example actions A(1) points to A(2) which points to B(1), whereas in basic mode you'd only see A points to B. Either or all arguments may be omitted; if more than one is present, they must be separated by a comma.

Example: -simulate file=trace.txt,num=100,stats=full

-terse Tells TLA not to expand values in the output produced by Print and PrintT. If not specified, the values are expanded.

-tool Tells TLC to print its output in a format to be read by a program such as the Toolbox.

-userFile file It tells TLC to write output produced by the Print and PrintT operators in file.

-view If the configuration file specifies a VIEW, then this option tells TLC to apply that view to the states when printing an error trace.

-workers num or auto Specifies the number of TLC worker threads, where auto means to use as many threads as there are cores on the computer. Without this option, TLC uses only a single worker thread.

Java System Properties

In addition to command line options, TLC also uses several Java system properties to choose between different algorithms for certain tasks. You set a Java system property by adding it to TLC's command line via java -Dkey=value -jar tla2tools.jar .... In particular, the following properties can improve performance when TLC is run with many worker on a large number of cores.

tlc2.tool.fp.FPSet.impl Defines which fingerprint set implementation to use. For better many-core performance, pass -Dtlc2.tool.fp.FPSet.impl=tlc2.tool.fp.OffHeapDiskFPSet.

tlc2.tool.ModelChecker.BAQueue If run with -Dtlc2.tool.ModelChecker.BAQueue=true, TLC will use the ByteArrayQueue, a prototype implementation that increases many-core throughput by reducing the critical section of the queue of unseen states.



There are some bugs in TLATEX that cause an occasional misalignment in the output. TLATEX also doesn't do a good job of formatting CASE statements. We would appreciate suggestions for how case statements should be formatted.

Inserting TLA+ in a LATEX Document

There is a version of TLATEX for typesetting pieces of TLA+ specifications in a LATEX document. In the .tex file, you put

An arbitrary portion of a TLA+ specification

Running TLATEX on the file inserts a tlatex environment immediately after this tla environment that contains the typeset version of that portion of the TLA+ specification, replacing any previous version of the tlatex environment.

There are analogous LATEX pcal and ppcal environments for formatting PlusCal code. The pcal environment is for code written in PlusCal's C-syntax; the ppcal environment is for P-syntax code.

You run this version of TLATEX with the command java tlatex.TeX. Executing

java tlatex.TeX -info

will type out reasonably detailed directions on using the program.


The PlusCal manual describes the current release of the PlusCal translator. It can be found here.