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Loading logs into Kibana Using Fluentd

What You Will Build

This example shows how to set up Fluentd and Kibana to scrape logs from a Coherence cluster started with the Coherence CLI.

The example startup Kibana 7.13.1 and Elastic Search:7.13.1images using Docker and then startup a cluster using cohctl.

Please refer to the official Coherence Operator docs on logging here.

What You Need

  1. JDK 17+
  2. Docker and docker-compose
  3. Maven 3.8.x
  4. The Coherence CLI installed and on the PATH
  5. Clone of this repository using git clone

Note: Make sure java and mvn are in your PATH.

Open a terminal and change to the directory logging.

Setup fluentd image

Edit Fluentd config

You must edit the file fluentd/conf/fluentd.conf and ensure the following entry matches the cluster name you are creating below. E.g. in this case it is my-cluster.

  path /logs/my-cluster/storage-*.log

Update the docker-compose.yaml

You must edit the file docker-compose.yaml and change the following line to match your home directory. E.g. replace timmiddleton with your username.

      - /Users/timmiddleton/.cohctl/logs:/logs

You must also change the TZ below to match your own timezone so that Kibana will show data correctly.

       - TZ=Australia/Perth

Build the image

Run the following to build the fluentd_logging image:

docker build -t coherence/fluentd_logging:latest fluentd

Running the Example

  1. Create and start a Coherence Cluster using the following:

    $ cohctl create cluster my-cluster
    Cluster name:         my-cluster
    Cluster version:      22.09
    Cluster port:         7574
    Management port:      30000
    Replica count:        3
    Initial memory:       512m
    Persistence mode:     on-demand
    Group ID:   
    Additional artifacts: 
    Startup Profile:      
    Dependency Tool:      mvn
    Are you sure you want to create the cluster with the above details? (y/n) y
    Checking 3 Maven dependencies...
     - org.jline:jline:3.20.0
    Starting 3 cluster members for cluster my-cluster
    Starting cluster member storage-0...
    Starting cluster member storage-1...
    Starting cluster member storage-2...
    Cluster added and started
    Current context is now my-cluster
  2. Startup Grafana and Prometheus

    Ensure you are in the logging directory, have Docker running and then issue the following:

    $ docker-compose up -d  
    [+] Running 4/4
    Network logging_default      Created                                                                                                                                                                        0.0s
    Container elasticsearch      Started                                                                                                                                                                        0.6s
    Container logging-fluentd-1  Started                                                                                                                                                                        1.5s
    Container logging-kibana-1   Started  
    $ docker ps
    CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                                                  COMMAND                  CREATED          STATUS          PORTS                                                                                                    NAMES
    11b0180ae4e5                 "/bin/tini -- /usr/l…"   27 seconds ago   Up 23 seconds>5601/tcp, :::5601->5601/tcp                                                                logging-kibana-1
    b686efc1b65d   coherence/fluentd_logging:latest                       "tini -- /bin/entryp…"   27 seconds ago   Up 23 seconds   5140/tcp,>24224/tcp,>24224/udp, :::24224->24224/tcp, :::24224->24224/udp   logging-fluentd-1
    a88fbd2c2497   "/bin/tini -- /usr/l…"   27 seconds ago   Up 24 seconds>9200/tcp, :::9200->9200/tcp, 9300/tcp                                                      elasticsearch
  3. Check Kibana

    Open Kibana dashboard at

    Click on Create Index Pattern, and enter coherence-cluster* in the index pattern name, and you should see a pattern below called coherence-cluster*. Click Next Step and choose @timestamp as your time field. Click Create Index Pattern.

  4. View logs in Kibana.

    Open Kibana at and search for data.

    Refer to the following regarding searching for logs:

  5. Import dashboards

    If you would like import the out-of-the-box dashboards from the Coherence Operator, please do the following:

    1. Clone the Coherence Operator repository -
    2. Access: and click on Import
    3. Select the file kibana-dashboard-data.ndjson from coherence-operator/dashboards/kibana directory and import
    4. Access the dashboards via

Shutting everything down

  1. Stop all Docker processes using docker-compose down
  2. Stop the Coherence cluster using cohctl stop cluster my-cluster -y