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Moderate Coreset: A Universal Method of Data Selection For Real-world Data-efficient Deep Learning

This is the code for the paper: Moderate Coreset: A Universal Method of Data Selection For Real-world Data-efficient Deep Learning (ICLR 2023).


Deep learning methods nowadays rely on massive data, resulting in substantial costs of data storage and model training. Data selection is a useful tool to alleviate such costs, where a coreset of massive data is extracted to practically perform on par with full data. Based on carefully-designed score criteria, existing methods first count the score of each data point and then select the data points whose scores lie in a certain range to construct a coreset. These methods work well in their respective preconceived scenarios but are not robust to the change of scenarios, since the optimal range of scores varies as the scenario changes. The issue limits the application of these methods, because realistic scenarios often mismatch preconceived ones, and it is inconvenient or unfeasible to tune the criteria and methods accordingly. In this paper, to address the issue, a concept of the moderate coreset is discussed. Specifically, given any score criterion of data selection, different scenarios prefer data points with scores in different intervals. As the score median is a proxy of the score distribution in statistics, the data points with scores close to the score median can be seen as a proxy of full data and generalize different scenarios, which are used to construct the moderate coreset. As a proof-of-concept, a universal method that inherits the moderate coreset and uses the distance of a data point to its class center as the score criterion, is proposed to meet complex realistic scenarios. Extensive experiments confirm the advance of our method over prior state-of-the-art methods, leading to a strong baseline for future research.

Getting started

Download CIFAR-100

Download CIFAR-100 to data and unzip.

Download Tiny ImageNet

Download Tiny ImageNet to data and unzip.

Run to re-organize validation set. Script should take ~2 min to complete.

Experiment on Ideal Datasets

Train a base model on original dataset.

On CIFAR-100:

python --dataset CIFAR100 --data data 

On Tiny ImageNet:

python --dataset tiny --data data/tiny-imagenet-200 --epoch 90 --batch_size 256

By default, this will save model checkpoint to ckpt/${dataset}/resnet50/.

Get image index to be pruned.

On CIFAR-100:

python --dataset CIFAR100 --ckpt ckpt/CIFAR100/resnet50/best.pth --rate 0.2

On Tiny ImageNet:

python --dataset tiny --data data/tiny-imagenet-200 --ckpt ckpt/tiny/resnet50/best.pth --rate 0.2 

Change the rate argument to the selection ratio you desire. By default, ids will be saved to index/${dataset}.bin

Train on selected coreset.

On CIFAR-100:

python --dataset CIFAR100 --data data --prune index/CIFAR100.bin

On Tiny ImageNet:

python --dataset tiny --data data/tiny-imagenet-200 --prune index/tiny.bin --batch_size 256  --epoch 90

Experiment on Complex Scenes

The code used for perturbing datasets is stored in robust folder. Paths in the scripts are hard coded, please do not change the path configs.

cd robust

Corrupt CIFAR-100

The script will corrupt part of the training image and save corrupted trainset into a pickle file.

Per-corrupt ratio can be altered in Line 19. You can alter the directory to save corrupted data in Line 16, but it is not recommended.


Corrupt Tiny ImageNet

The script will corrupt images in-place. Per-corrupt ratio can be altered in Line 18.

cp -r ../data/tiny-imagenet-200 ../data/tiny-imagenet-200-corrupt

Attack CIFAR-100

The script will perform either PGD attack or GSA attack on CIFAR-100. You can change attack types in Line 18.


Attack Tiny ImageNet

The script will perform either PGD attack or GSA attack on Tiny ImageNet. You can change attack types in Line 18.


Add Label Noise to CIFAR-100

The script will add random noise to a part of the trainset. You can change mislabeled data ratio at Line 7. Labels are saved at data/noisy/cifar.npy


Add Label Noise to Tiny ImageNet

Mislabeled data ratio can be changed at Line 9.

Images are saved at data/noisy/tiny_img.npy,labels are saved at data/noisy/tiny_target.npy


Data Selection on Perturbed Dataset

Performing data selection on perturbed dataset is almost the same as performing on ideal dataset. Simply add one of C A N to dataset name, where C is for corrupted, A is for attacked, N is for noisy label. Here are some examples for training on perturbed dataset.

# Train on corrupted CIFAR-100
python --dataset CIFAR100C --data data 

# Train on attacked CIFAR-100
python --dataset CIFAR100A --data data 

# Train on mislabeled CIFAR-100
python --dataset CIFAR100N --data data 

# Train on corrupted Tiny ImageNet
python --dataset tinyC --data data/tiny-imagenet-200-corrupt --epoch 90 --batch_size 256

# Train on attacked Tiny ImageNet
python --dataset tinyA --data data/tiny-imagenet-200 --epoch 90 --batch_size 256

# Train on mislabeled Tiny ImageNet
python --dataset tinyN --data data/tiny-imagenet-200 --epoch 90 --batch_size 256


If you find our code useful for your research, please cite our paper.

  title={Moderate Coreset: A Universal Method of Data Selection for Real-world Data-efficient Deep Learning},
  author={Xia, Xiaobo and Liu, Jiale and Yu, Jun and Shen, Xu and Han, Bo and Liu, Tongliang},


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