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Toa Storages

Shared BLOB storage.


BLOBs are stored with the meta-information object (Entry) having the following properties:

  • id - checksum
  • size - size in bytes
  • type - MIME type
  • created - creation timestamp (UNIX time, ms)
  • variants - array of:
    • name - unique name
    • size - size in bytes
    • type - variant MIME type
  • meta - object with application-specific information, empty by default


id: eecd837c
type: image/jpeg
created: 1698004822358
  - name: thumbnail.jpeg
    type: image/jpeg
  - name: thumbnail.webp
    type: image/webp
  face: true
  nudity: false


The Storages extension provides storages aspect, containing named Storage instances, according to the annotation.

async function effect (_, context) {

Storage interface

Maybe<T> = T | Error

async put(path: string, stream: Readable, options?: Options): Maybe<Entry>

interface Options {
  claim?: string
  accept?: string
  meta?: Record<string, string>

Add a BLOB to the storage and create an entry under specified path, with given meta-information.

BLOB type is identified using magick numbers.

If the type argument is specified and the value of the claim does not match the detected BLOB type, then a TYPE_MISMATCH error is returned. If the BLOB type cannot be identified and the value of the claim is not in the list of known types, then the given value is used. If the list of acceptable types is passed and the type of the BLOB does not match any of its values, then a NOT_ACCEPTABLE error is returned.

Known types are: image/jpeg, image/png, image/gif, image/webp, image/heic, image/jxl, image/avif.

See source.

async get(path: string): Maybe<Entry>

Get an entry.

If the entry does not exist, a NOT_FOUND error is returned.

async fetch(path: string): Maybe<Readable>

Fetch the BLOB specified by path. If the path does not exist, a NOT_FOUND error is returned.

path can be an entry id, or a path to the entry, or a path to a variant of the entry.

  • eecd837c - fetch the BLOB by id
  • /path/to/eecd837c - fetch the BLOB by path
  • /path/to/eecd837c.thumbnail.jpeg - fetch the thumbnail.jpeg variant of the BLOB

async delete(path: string): Maybe<void>

Delete the entry specified by path.

async move(path: string, to: string): Maybe<void>

Moves the entry specified by path to the new path.

to may be an absolute or relative path (starting with .), if it ends with /, the entry is moved to the to directory, otherwise, the entry is moved to the to path.

The following examples are equivalent:

await storage.move('/path/to/eecd837c', '/path/to/sub/eecd837c')
await storage.move('/path/to/eecd837c', './sub/eecd837c')
await storage.move('/path/to/eecd837c', './sub/')

async entries(path: string): Entry[]

Get a list of entries under the path.

async diversify(path: string, name: string, stream: Readable): Maybe<void>

Add or replace a name variant of the entry specified by path.

async annotate(path: string, key: string, value: any): Maybe<void>

Set a key property in the meta of the entry specified by path.


Storage uses underlying providers to store BLOBs and entries.

Custom providers are not supported.

Amazon S3

Annotation formats are like:

    provider: s3
    bucket: my-bucket
    region: eu-west-1
    provider: s3
    endpoint: http://localhost:9000
    bucket: my-bucket

Secrets for the AWS access key and secret key can be provided via SECRETS constructs property. If missed standard AWS SDK credentials resolve chain will be used (that means environment variable, shared config file, EC2 metadata service, etc.). See toa conceal for deployment and toa env for local environment. endpoint parameter is optional.


Annotation format is:

    provider: fs
    path: /var/my-storage


Filesystem using OS temporary directory.

Annotation format is:

    provider: tmp
    directory: my-app-tmp


In-memory non-persistent storage.

Annotation value format is:

    provider: mem


BLOBs are stored in the underlying storage with their checksum as the key, ensuring that identical BLOBs are stored only once. Variants, on the other hand, are not deduplicated across different entries.

Underlying directory structure:

  c28f4dfd            # random id
  b4f577e0            # checksum
      b4f577e0        # entry
      thumbnail.jpeg  # variant


Storage extension can be enabled by adding storages key to the component manifest.

storages: [photos, videos]

Value of the storages key is an array of storage names, that should be declared in the context.

It the names are unknown, null declaration can be used:

storages: ~


The storages context annotation is an object with keys that reference the storage name and provider-specific URLs as values.

    provider: s3
    bucket: my-bucket
    provider: fs
    path: /var/my-storage
    provider: s3
    endpoint: http://localhost:9000
    bucket: my-bucket


Secrets declared by storage providers can be deployed by toa conceal, or set locally by toa env.