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This project enables you to set up your own elasticsearch cluster with many different configuration options based on vagrant boxes. If you have your vagrant cluster running on vagrant, you can use the delivered shell installer scripts and execute them on your real nodes, that means it is possible to move your configuration from your vagrant boxes to your real environment.


If you want to start up an elasticsearch cluster via vagrant, you need the following packages installed:

  • virtualization:
    • virtualbox (I used 4.3.28)
    • vagrant (I used 1.7.4)
    • vagrant "hosts" plugin (installation see chapter below)
  • ssl cert creation:
    • java keytool
    • openssl
  • if you want to use snapshots:
    • nfs-kernel-server

How to quick start?

Interactive starter

The quickest way to start an ELK cluster is to run the interactive starter script:


The interactive starter will ask you for your installation details, and if you always choose the default (just click [enter] for all questions), you will get a working, nice elasticsearch cluster.

Manually start the cluster

If you do not want to use the interactive starter, just perform the following steps to start the cluster:

  • execute the ./ shell script (which will create all required ssl certs for you)
  • execute vagrant up elkdata1 elkmaster1 elkclient1 to start a minimum cluster
  • execute vagrant ssh elkclient1 to connect to the client node and run sudo systemctl start kibana to start kibana
  • execute vagrant up logstash1 if you want to use logstash. It will connect automatically

This will start a fully connected and working cluster with three nodes (master, client, and data node) with the following setup:

  • no ssl
  • no https
  • no authentication
  • no plugins
  • no redis

it will run collectd on all ELK nodes and store them in the index "collectd-*", so that you automatically will have some data to play with (requires logstash1 node!)

General info after startup

External URLs:

  • Kibana: http(s):// OR http(s)://localhost:15601
  • ELK REST API: http(s):// OR http(s)://localhost:19200

Hiera configuration

Hiera is used to configure the complete cluster. You can for example activate SSL between the nodes, HTTPs for kibana, activate Redis and add Plugins for elasticsearch or kibana. There are two places where you can configure the cluster via hiera:

  • /hiera/common.yaml (global configuration)
  • /hiera/nodes/.yaml (node specific configuration)

Global configuration (common.yaml)


Node specific configuration (nodes/.yaml)

For every node created, there must be a specific configuration yaml file in the hiera/nodes directory. The file name must match the hostname of the node to be applied correctly.

Have a look at the following example configurations: There is a configuration for each type of node.

Elasticsearch client node

If you want to configure an ELK client node, use this node configuration:

      network.publish_host: false
      node.master: false

The combination of and node.master will determine the role of the node in the cluster. Setting both to false will bring up a client node. Set publish_host to the hosts IP and bind_host to the listening interface IP.

Elasticsearch data node

If you want to configure an ELK data node, use this node configuration:

      network.publish_host: true
      node.master: false
      http.enabled: false

The combination of and node.master will determine the role of the node in the cluster. Setting true and node.master: false will bring up a data node. Set http.enabled: false if you have dedicated client nodes. Set publish_host to the hosts IP and bind_host to the listening interface IP.

Elasticsearch master node

If you want to configure an ELK master node, use this node configuration:

      network.publish_host: false
      node.master: true
      http.enabled: false

The combination of and node.master will determine the role of the node in the cluster. Setting false and node.master: true will bring up a master node. Set http.enabled: false if you have dedicated client nodes. Set publish_host to the hosts IP and bind_host to the listening interface IP.

Logstash node (without redis)

If you want to configure an ELK logstash node without redis setup, use this node configuration:

installlogstash::logstash_role: default

Setting installlogstash::logstash_role: default will bring up a logstash node without redis. It already contains some basic logstash configuration:

  • input: collectd (via udp)
  • output: elasticsearch cluster, file (/tmp/output)

Logstash node (with redis, indexer mode)

If you want to configure an ELK logstash node with redis between, use this configuration for the indexers:

installlogstash::logstash_role: indexer
installlogstash::redis_ssl: false
#  redis1:
#    accept:
#    connect:
#  redis2:
#    accept:
#    connect:

Setting installlogstash::logstash_role: indexer will bring up a logstash indexer node, receiving traffic from redis and sending it to elasticsearch. If you set installlogstash::redis_ssl: true, you have to provide the installlogstash::configstunnel::bindings: section which is commented in the example above.

Please ensure that the complete redis:: section is enabled in the common.yaml. See the common section for details. Please note: The sample data from collectd will also be available with this setup, but the data will be placed in the "default-" index instead of the "collectd-" index.

Redis Node

If you want to set up a logstash indexer/shipper setup, you have to configure a redis node between. For this redis node, use this node configuration:

installredis::redis_ssl: false

Set server:accept to the public IP of your node. Additionally you can enable ssl with the redis_ssl flag.

Logstash node (with redis, shipper mode)

If you want to configure an ELK logstash node with redis between, you need a shipper node which reads data and sends it to the redis node. Use this node configuration for the shippers:

installlogstash::logstash_role: shipper
installlogstash::redis_ssl: false
#  redis1:
#    accept:
#    connect:
#  redis2:
#    accept:
#    connect:

Setting installlogstash::logstash_role: shipper will bring up a logstash shipper node sending its traffic to the redis nodes (these are configured in common.yaml, in redis::nodes). If you set installlogstash::redis_ssl: true, you have to provide the installlogstash::configstunnel::bindings: section which is commented in the example above.

Before starting up the node, you have to modify the common.yaml and add your shipper node to this following list (replace <> with "logstashshipper1" for example):

    port: 25826

Also ensure that the complete redis:: section is enabled in the common.yaml. See the common section for details.

Other stuff

Kibana snapshots

You can use the elasticsearch snapshot mechanism to store some ELK artifacts, for example dashboards and visualizations and load them on the next run without manually creating them. You have to perform the following steps to activate it:

  • Install NFS (on ubuntu, this is done via sudo apt-get install nfs-kernel-server)
  • Uncomment the snapshot shared NFS folder line in the Vagrantfile
  • Ensure that path.repo is set in hiera/common.yaml. (defaults to: /tmp/elkinstalldir/snapshots)
  • Start the cluster

Now you can either use the elasticsearch REST API directly or use the scripts in the "tools" directory.

The REST way

The scripted way

If you want to snapshot only your kibana data, use the scripts in the "tools" directory:

./ <snapshotname>

This will create a snapshot of your kibana data and write it into the "snapshots" directory. To reinject your kibana data, execute this script:

./ <snapshotname>

Extended setup

In the Vagrantfile, there are many vms defined. The default setup contains for example:

  • 3 data nodes
  • 2 master nodes
  • 2 client nodes
  • 1 logstash node
  • 1 redis master
  • 1 redis slave

If you have a huge amount of hardware resources, you could run "vagrant up" to start all nodes. If not, try one of the following setups:

  • vagrant up elkdata1 elkmaster1 elkclient1 (For a minimum ELK cluster setup)
  • vagrant up elkdata1 elkdata2 elkmaster1 elkclient1 (For a setup with two data nodes)
  • execute vagrant up elkdata1 elkmaster1 elkclient1 logstash1
  • vagrant up elkdata1 elkmaster1 elkclient1 redis1 logstashshipper1 logstashindexer1 (For a full logstash/redis/elk pipeline)

Please note: If you start up less nodes than mentioned in your redis configuration (e.g. if you do not start up all nodes which are listed in the common.yaml -> redis::nodes), you might get some errors because some hosts are not reachable.

If you add new nodes on your own, you also have to create new hiera files under "hiera/nodes" where the filename must match the hostname of the new nodes. Simply copy from an existing file and adjust the filname and contents of the file! You also have to re-run the "" script and reprovision all already running nodes!


Most configuration is done in the hiere files in the "hiera" directory. Here are some of the most important properties which are not coming via external puppet modules:

  • installkibana::configkibana::enablehttps: (true/false) enable https for kibana frontend
  • elasticsearch::config:shield:transport.ssl: (true/false) enable ssl for encrypted communication between nodes
  • elasticsearch::config:shield:http.ssl: (true/false) enable https for elk REST API
  • installelknode::configureshield::defaultadminname: the admin user

Installation of Kibana plugins

Kibana plugins can be installed by passing them in via hiera. Have a look at the default hiera/common.yaml where you can find two examples, where the timelion and the marvel plugin are installed automatically.

Installation of vagrant hosts plugin

The installation of the vagrant hosts plugin will be done by:

vagrant plugin install vagrant-hosts

If you have any problems with nokogiri gem installation, try this before installation:

sudo apt-get install zlib1g-dev

Redis and Logstash scenarios

There are two redis nodes (redis1 and redis2) which start up as independent nodes. They do NOT build a cluster or are configured with a failover mechanism.

If you want to use redis, you can set up two logstash instances: one shipper and one indexer. Depending on their configuration they will use redis as input and elasticsearch as output (indexer) or file input and redis output (shipper).


vagrant cluster for complete elasticsearch installation






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