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The Make_Heap algorithm

The Make_Heap algorithm takes an array and return a heap with the same values. Its signature is the following:

function Make_Heap (A : T_Arr) return Heap

Specification of Make_Heap

The specification of Make_Heap is the following:

function Make_Heap
  (A : T_Arr)
   return Heap with
   Pre            => A'Length <= MAX_SIZE and A'Last < Positive'Last,
   Contract_Cases =>
   (A'Length > 0 =>
      Make_Heap'Result.Size = A'Length
      and then Is_Heap_Def (Make_Heap'Result)
      and then Multiset_Unchanged
	(Make_Heap'Result.A (1 .. Make_Heap'Result.Size), A),
    others => Make_Heap'Result = (A => (others => 0), Size => 0));

The function takes an array that should have a length less than the maximum size of a heap. The postconditions are expresse through contract cases:

  • if this array is empty, the returned heap will be also empty
  • if this array is not empty, the returned heap will have the same size than the array and its encapsulated array will be a permutation of the entry array and respect the properties of a heap

Implementation of Make_Heap

Implementation without lemmas

The implementation of Make_Heap is the following:

function Make_Heap
  (A : T_Arr)
   return Heap
   Result : Heap;
   if A'Length > 0 then

      Result.A (1) := A (A'First);
      Result.Size  := 1;

      for J in A'First + 1 .. A'Last loop
	    Size : constant Positive := Result.Size + 1;
	    Result.Size := Size;
	    Result.A (Size) := A (J);

	    Push_Heap (Result);

	    pragma Loop_Invariant
	      (Result.Size = J - A'First + 1 and Result.Size = Size);
	    pragma Loop_Invariant (Is_Heap_Def (Result));
	    pragma Loop_Invariant
	      (Multiset_Unchanged (A (A'First .. J), Result.A (1 .. Size)));

      end loop;

   return Result;
end Make_Heap;

The loop invariants specify the fact that:

  • the size of the heap is increasing at each loop
  • the encapsulated array verifies the properties of a heap
  • the current slice of the encapsulated array of the heap is a permutation of the corresponding slice of the input array.

As usual, we need to help the prover with some lemmas to prove the multiset predicate.

The Unchanged_Transitivity lemma

This lemma helps proving the transitivity property of Multiset_Unchanged. Its specification is:

procedure Unchanged_Transitivity (A, B, C : T_Arr) with
   Pre => A'Length > 0 and then B'Length = A'Length
   and then C'Length = B'Length and then Multiset_Unchanged (A, B)
   and then (Multiset_Unchanged (B, C) or else B = C),
   Post => Multiset_Unchanged (A, C);

Its implementation is:

procedure Unchanged_Transitivity (A, B, C : T_Arr) is
   if B = C then
      Equal_Implies_Multiset_Unchanged (B, C);
   end if;
end Unchanged_Transitivity;

We use the predicate Equal_Implies_Multiset_Unchanged already defined in the case where B=C.

The New_Element lemma

This lemma is used when we add the I th element of A at the end of the array of the heap. when their last element is removed, the two partial arrays are permutations of each other. It helps proving that when adding the same element at the end of both arrays they are still permutations.

Its specification is:

procedure New_Element (A, B : T_Arr) with
   Pre => A'Length > 0 and then B'Length = A'Length
   and then Multiset_Unchanged (Remove_Last (A), Remove_Last (B))
   and then A (A'Last) = B (B'Last),
   Post => Multiset_Unchanged (A, B);

Its trivial implementation is:

procedure New_Element (A, B : T_Arr) is
end New_Element;

The Multiset_With_Eq lemma

We also need a lemma to prove a property about Multiset_Unchanged. When Multiset_Unchanged (A, B) is verified and A (Eq .. A'Last) = B (Eq - A'First + B'First .. B'Last) for a valid index Eq, then Multiset_Unchanged(A (A'First .. Eq - 1), B (B'First .. Eq - A'First + B'First - 1)) holds.

We first define a Partial_Eq lemma to deal with the number of occurrences of a particular value. This lemma states that if a value E as the same number of occurrences in two arrays and that the arrays are equal starting from an index Eq, then the number of occurrences of E before Eq in both arrays is the same. Its specification is:

procedure Partial_Eq
  (A, B : T_Arr;
   Eq   : Positive;
   E    : T) with
   Pre => A'Length = B'Length and then A'Length >= 1
   and then Eq in A'First + 1 .. A'Last
   and then (for all J in Eq .. A'Last => A (J) = B (J - A'First + B'First))
   and then Occ (A, E) = Occ (B, E),
   Post => Occ (A (A'First .. Eq - 1), E) =
   Occ (B (B'First .. Eq - A'First + B'First - 1), E);

Its implementation is:

procedure Partial_Eq
  (A, B : T_Arr;
   Eq   : Positive;
   E    : T)
   if A'Last = Eq then
   end if;

   if A (A'Last) = E then
      pragma Assert (B (B'Last) = E);
      pragma Assert (B (B'Last) /= E);
   end if;

   Partial_Eq (Remove_Last (A), Remove_Last (B), Eq, E);
end Partial_Eq;

The implementation may seem very difficult but we just adapt the lemma for the cases where A and B does not have the same first index, to allow the user to use it outside of our function.

We can now write the Multiset_With_Eq lemma:

procedure Multiset_With_Eq
  (A, B : T_Arr;
   Eq   : Positive) with
   Pre => A'Length = B'Length and then B'Last < Positive'Last
   and then A'Length >= 1 and then Eq in A'First + 1 .. A'Last
   and then Multiset_Unchanged (A, B)
   and then
   (for all J in Eq .. A'Last => A (J) = B (J - A'First + B'First)),
   Post => Multiset_Unchanged
     (A (A'First .. Eq - 1), B (B'First .. Eq - A'First + B'First - 1));

And its implementation is rather straightforward using Partial_Eq:

procedure Multiset_With_Eq
  (A, B : T_Arr;
   Eq   : Positive)
   Eq_B : constant Positive := Eq - A'First + B'First;
   for E in T loop
      Partial_Eq (A, B, Eq, E);
      pragma Loop_Invariant
	(for all F in T'First .. E =>
	   Occ (A (A'First .. Eq - 1), F) =
	   Occ (B (B'First .. Eq_B - 1), F));
   end loop;

end Multiset_With_Eq;

Final implementation of Make_Heap

The final implementation of Make_Heap with all necessary calls to lemmas is:

function Make_Heap
  (A : T_Arr)
   return Heap
   Result : Heap;
   A_Save : T_Arr := Result.A with
   if A'Length > 0 then

      Result.A (1) := A (A'First);
      Result.Size  := 1;

      pragma Assert
	(Multiset_Unchanged (A (A'First .. A'First), Result.A (1 .. 1)));

      for J in A'First + 1 .. A'Last loop
	    Size : constant Positive := Result.Size + 1;
	    Result.Size := Size;
	    A_Save      := Result.A;

	      (A (A'First .. J - 1), Result.A (1 .. Size - 1),
	       A_Save (1 .. Size - 1));

	    Result.A (Size) := A (J);

	      (A (A'First .. J - 1), A_Save (1 .. Size - 1),
	       Result.A (1 .. Size - 1));
	    New_Element (A (A'First .. J), Result.A (1 .. Size));

	    A_Save := Result.A;

	      (A (A'First .. J), Result.A (1 .. Size), A_Save (1 .. Size));

	    Push_Heap (Result);

	    if Size < MAX_SIZE then
	       Multiset_With_Eq (A_Save, Result.A, Size + 1);
	    end if;

	      (A (A'First .. J), A_Save (1 .. Size), Result.A (1 .. Size));

	    pragma Loop_Invariant
	      (Result.Size = J - A'First + 1 and Result.Size = Size);
	    pragma Loop_Invariant (Is_Heap_Def (Result));
	    pragma Loop_Invariant
	      (Multiset_Unchanged (A (A'First .. J), Result.A (1 .. Size)));

      end loop;

   end if;
   return Result;
end Make_Heap;

Everything is proved Using GNATprove.