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Cluster Linking & Transaction

The idea of this demo is to create a main cluster and a disaster recovery cluster, the product topic is created in the main cluster and it is replicated in the disaster recovery cluster using cluster linking. In the main cluster, a producer will produce data using transactions. In the recovery cluster, a consumer (isolation.level=read_committed) will read events from `product topic. When the producer is in the main of a transaction we will simulate cluster failover. Then stop the main cluster, promote the mirror topic, find the hanging transaction and abort it. Finally, we move producers to disaster recovery.

Start the clusters

docker-compose up -d

Two CP clusters are running:

Create the topic product in the main cluster

Create the topic product (and another topic)

docker-compose exec mainKafka-1 kafka-topics --bootstrap-server mainKafka-1:19092 --topic product --create --partitions 1 --replication-factor 1
docker-compose exec mainKafka-1 kafka-topics --bootstrap-server mainKafka-1:19092 --topic other-topic --create --partitions 1 --replication-factor 1

Create the cluster linking (main to disaster cluster)

Create config file to configure the cluster linking

docker-compose exec disasterKafka-1 bash -c '\
echo "\
consumer.offset.sync.enable=true"{\"groupFilters\": [{\"name\": \"*\",\"patternType\": \"LITERAL\",\"filterType\": \"INCLUDE\"}]}"
" > /home/appuser/'

Create the cluster link on the destination cluster. We are using some extra configuration options.

docker-compose exec disasterKafka-1 \
    kafka-cluster-links --bootstrap-server disasterKafka-1:29092 \
    --create --link main-to-disaster-cl \
    --config-file /home/appuser/

Create the mirroring

docker-compose exec disasterKafka-1 \
    kafka-mirrors --create \
    --source-topic product \
    --mirror-topic product \
    --link main-to-disaster-cl \
    --bootstrap-server disasterKafka-1:29092

Verifying cluster linking is up

docker-compose exec disasterKafka-1 kafka-cluster-links --bootstrap-server disasterKafka-1:29092 --link main-to-disaster-cl --list

Output is similar to Link name: 'main-to-disaster-cl', link ID: 'CdDrHuV5Q5Sqyq0TCXnLsw', remote cluster ID: 'nBu7YnBiRsmDR_WilKe6Og', local cluster ID: '1wnpnQRORZ-C2tdxEStVtA', remote cluster available: 'true'

Verifying data is migrated

docker-compose exec disasterKafka-1 \
        kafka-console-consumer --bootstrap-server disasterKafka-1:29092 \
        --from-beginning \
        --consumer-property "isolation.level=read_committed" \
        --topic product

messages are migrated as expected

Produce transaction data.

Produce data. We are using an application provide by confluent in the following link.

# enter the docker machine
docker exec -it java_app \
java -jar build/libs/transactional-producer.jar build/resources/main/ tt1

Press enter five tiemes. The output of the command will be similar to

*** Begin Transaction ***
*** tt1 ***
Sent 0:2

Sent 1:6

Sent 2:7

Sent 3:7

Sent 4:4

*** Commit Transaction ***

Produce data again but this time we will not commit the transaction. For example, just press enter two times.

Validate transaction is ongoing

docker-compose exec disasterKafka-1 \
kafka-transactions --bootstrap-server mainKafka-1:19092 list

Stop coordinator broker.

docker-compose stop <<mainKafka-1>> mainControlCenter

Simulating a disaster

Stop main cluster (and all consumer or producers you have created)

docker-compose stop mainKafka-1 mainKafka-2 mainKafka-3 mainZookeeper mainSchemaregistry mainControlCenter

FAILOVER: Promote disaster cluster to principal cluster

Promote topic to writable

  1. Stop mirroring

Note: we are using --failover because the main cluster is unavailable, if we want to sync before promoting the topic, we should use the option --promote instead.

docker-compose exec disasterKafka-1 \
        kafka-mirrors --bootstrap-server disasterKafka-1:29092 \
        --failover --topics product
  1. Verify that the mirror topic is not a mirror anymore
docker-compose exec disasterKafka-1 \
        kafka-mirrors --bootstrap-server disasterKafka-1:29092 \
        --describe --topics product

The result should have the State: STOPPED as part of it.

Find hanging transaction

When the topic is promoted is time to find hanghing transacions

docker-compose exec disasterKafka-1 \
kafka-transactions --bootstrap-server disasterKafka-1:29092 find-hanging --topic product --max-transaction-timeout 1

Repit this command changing the broker-id The output should be

Topic  	Partition	ProducerId	ProducerEpoch	CoordinatorEpoch	StartOffset	LastTimestamp	Duration(min)	
product	0        	2000      	2            	0               	12         	1711021818135	5

Abort hanging transaction

It is time to abort hanging transaction

docker-compose exec disasterKafka-1 \
kafka-transactions --bootstrap-server disasterKafka-1:29092 abort --producer-id 200 --start-offset 12 --partition 0 --topic product

Produce some data

docker-compose exec java_app \
java -jar build/libs/transactional-producer.jar build/resources/main/ tt1

The consumer on destination will start to consume again.