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Cluster Linking & Schema linking

The idea of this demo is to create a source cluster and a destination cluster, the product schema and data is created in the source cluster and it is replicated to the destination cluster using schema and cluster linking. We make use of schema contexts to isolate subjects and topic prefixing.

Start the cluster

    docker-compose up -d

Two CP clusters are running:

Create the topic product and the schema product-value in the source cluster

Create the schema product-value

    curl -v -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/vnd.schemaregistry.v1+json" --data @data/product.avsc http://localhost:8085/subjects/product-value/versions

Create the topic product

    docker-compose exec srcKafka kafka-topics --bootstrap-server srcKafka:19092 --topic product --create --partitions 1 --replication-factor 1

Open a consumer on src cluster

    docker-compose exec srcSchemaregistry \
        kafka-avro-console-consumer --bootstrap-server srcKafka:19092 \
        --property schema.registry.url=http://srcSchemaregistry:8085 \
        --group test-group \
        --from-beginning \
        --topic product

Produce some data (the last lines with the product data)

   docker-compose exec srcSchemaregistry kafka-avro-console-producer \
    --bootstrap-server srcKafka:19092 \
    --topic product \
    --property \
    --property schema.registry.url=http://srcSchemaregistry:8085 \
    --property auto.register=false \
    --property use.latest.version=true

    { "product_id": 1, "product_name" : "rice"} 
    { "product_id": 2, "product_name" : "beans"} 

Check current offset

    docker-compose exec srcKafka kafka-consumer-groups --bootstrap-server srcKafka:19092 --group test-group --describe

GROUP           TOPIC           PARTITION  CURRENT-OFFSET  LOG-END-OFFSET  LAG             CONSUMER-ID                                           HOST            CLIENT-ID
test-group    product         0          2               2               0               console-consumer-7ad3463a-282e-475e-b852-f0363abf66a9 /     console-consumer

As you can see offset is 2 (two messages consumed).

Create the schema linking

Create a config file on Source Schema Registry host.

    docker-compose exec srcSchemaregistry bash -c 'echo "schema.registry.url=http://destSchemaregistry:8086" > /home/appuser/config.txt'

As we will the schema with a new name, we need to set this new subject to import mode

    curl --silent -X PUT http://localhost:8086/mode/:.source:source.product-value -d "{  \"mode\": \"IMPORT\"}"    -H "Content-Type: application/json"
    # confirm change was applied
    curl --silent -X GET http://localhost:8086/mode/:.source:source.product-value

Create the schema exporter

    docker-compose exec srcSchemaregistry bash -c "\
    schema-exporter --create --name source-to-destination-sl --subjects \":*:\" \
    --config-file ~/config.txt \
    --schema.registry.url http://srcSchemaregistry:8085 \
    --subject-format 'source.\${subject}' \
    --context-type CUSTOM --context-name source"

Validate exporter is working

    docker-compose exec srcSchemaregistry bash -c '\
    schema-exporter --list \
    --schema.registry.url http://srcSchemaregistry:8085'

Check the exporter is running

    docker-compose exec srcSchemaregistry bash -c '\
    schema-exporter --get-status --name source-to-destination-sl --schema.registry.url http://srcSchemaregistry:8085' | jq

Check the schema is the same in the source and destination

    curl http://localhost:8085/subjects/product-value/versions/1 | jq
    curl http://localhost:8086/subjects/:.source:source.product-value/versions/1 | jq

Check the name is prefixed with :.source:, it is the context. Also the subject is prefixed, as we forced it too, by source..

Create the cluster linking

Create config file to configure the cluster linking itself (this config will be used in all mirroring)

docker-compose exec destKafka bash -c 'echo "\
consumer.offset.sync.enable=true"{\"groupFilters\": [{\"name\": \"*\",\"patternType\": \"LITERAL\",\"filterType\": \"INCLUDE\"}]}"
" > /home/appuser/'

Create the cluster link on the destination cluster. We are using some extra configuration options.

    docker-compose exec destKafka \
    kafka-cluster-links --bootstrap-server destKafka:29092 \
    --create --link source-to-destination-cl \
    --config-file /home/appuser/

Create the mirroring

    docker-compose exec destKafka \
    kafka-mirrors --create \
    --source-topic product \
    --mirror-topic source.product \
    --link source-to-destination-cl \
    --bootstrap-server destKafka:29092        

Verifying cluster linking is up

    docker-compose exec destKafka kafka-cluster-links --bootstrap-server destKafka:29092 --link source-to-destination-cl --list

Output is similar to Link name: 'source-to-destination-cl', link ID: 'CdDrHuV5Q5Sqyq0TCXnLsw', remote cluster ID: 'nBu7YnBiRsmDR_WilKe6Og', local cluster ID: '1wnpnQRORZ-C2tdxEStVtA', remote cluster available: 'true'

Verifying consumer group offset is migrated

docker-compose exec srcKafka kafka-consumer-groups --bootstrap-server destKafka:29092 --group source.test-group --describe

Consumer group 'source.test-group' has no active members.

source.test-group source.product  0          2               2               0               -               -               -

Same results from source cluster (note the consumer group is prefixed with source. as we configured the cluster linking to do)

Verifying data is migrated

    docker-compose exec destSchemaregistry \
        kafka-avro-console-consumer --bootstrap-server destKafka:29092 \
        --property schema.registry.url=http://destSchemaregistry:8086 \
        --from-beginning \
        --topic source.product

messages are migrated as expected