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Azure DevOps Wiki Editor Bookmarklet

Save these as a bookmarklets in your browser's bookmark bar by wrapping them in javascript:void function() { ... } and making them single-line.

Use the below snippet in the browser DevTools console to automatically merge and transform into a bookmarklet all of the snippets in this document.

// Use this to avoid trimming or escaping in console, alert, prompt etc. and document-not-focused with Clipboard API
document.querySelector('.highlight pre').textContent =

  // Introduce the void function to self-invoke the bookmark
  'javascript:void function() {' +

  // Collect and transform the snippets' contents
    // Skip the fenced code block for this script itself

    // Extract the individual snippets' text content
    .map(div => div.textContent)

    // Join the text contents into a single script

    // Transform all comments to be single-line friendly
    .replace(/(^|\n\s*)\/\/\s?(?<comment>.+)(\n|$)/g, '/* $<comment> */')

    // Replace newlines and whitespace to make single-line bookmarklet
    .replace(/\n\s*/g, '')

    // Close the void function and make it self-call
    + '}()';

document.querySelector('.highlight clipboard-copy').value = document.querySelector('.highlight pre').textContent;

80 & 120 Character Rulers

// Display lines for 0, 80 and 120 character columns

document.querySelector('textarea').style.background = `
  linear-gradient(to right,
    silver 1px, transparent 0,

    transparent 80ch,
    silver calc(80ch + 1px), transparent 0,

    transparent 120ch,
    silver calc(120ch + 1px), transparent 0

MarkDown Render Area UI Hijack

// Hijack the MarkDown preview render area to display custom UI by other scripts

const markdownRenderArea = document.querySelector('.markdown-render-area');
const textarea = document.querySelector('textarea');

const button = document.createElement('button');
button.className = 'bolt-button';
button.dataset.adoBookmarklet = true;
button.textContent = 'Reset';
button.onclick = () => {
  const text = textarea.value;;
  document.execCommand('insertHTML', false, '');
  document.execCommand('insertHTML', false, text);

function presentUi(...content) {
  if (markdownRenderArea.firstChild?.dataset.adoBookmarklet !== 'true') {
    markdownRenderArea.innerHTML = '';


if (markdownRenderArea.firstChild?.dataset.adoBookmarklet === 'true') {;

Reference Links Summary

// Summarize MarkDown reference links with their usages and duplicate detection

// Find all MarkDown reference link definitions in the ADO wiki editor

  // Tranform to include line numbers, usages and duplicate information
  .map((match, index, array) => {
    const link = match.groups.inner;
    const line = [...match.input.slice(0, match.index).matchAll(/\n/g)].length;
    const original = array.findIndex(item => item.groups.inner === link);
    const dupe = original !== index ? original : undefined;

    const regex = link.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&');
    const usages = [...match.input.matchAll(new RegExp(`([^\n^]\\[${regex}\\]|[\n^]\\[${regex}\\][^:]|\\]\\[${regex}\\])`, 'g'))].map(match => {
      const text = match[0];
      const line = [...match.input.slice(0, match.index).matchAll(/\n/g)].length;
      return { text, line };

    return { link, line, dupe, usages };

  // Transform to an HTML li element to present in the UI
  .map((link, index, array) => {
    const li = document.createElement('li');
    li.textContent = `${} (${link.line})`;

    if (link.dupe !== undefined) {
      li.textContent += ` | duplicate (${array[link.dupe].line})`;

    if (link.usages.length === 0) {
      li.textContent += ' | unused';
    else {
      li.textContent += ` | used ${link.usages.length}x (${ => usage.line).join(', ')})`;

    return li;

  // Prepend the header for the UI section before the actual list items
  .reduce((accumulator, current) => [...accumulator, current], [document.createElement('br'), 'Links:'])

  // Insert the header and the individual list items to the hijacked UI area
  .forEach(item => presentUi(item));


Add a script for summarizing to-do items in the document

Add a script for adorning the textarea with line numbers

Make the UI thing not be a hijack but instead a tabbed UI for render/tool

Introduce tab buttons atop the MarkDown render or in the tool bar and make clicking them change the right pane between MarkDown render and the tool UI.

function makeTab(name, icon, contentDiv) {
  const div = document.createElement('div');
  div.className = 'markdowntoolbar-button';
  div.dataset.bookmarkletTab = name;

  const button = document.createElement('button');
  button.className = 'ms-CommandBarItem-link';
  button.addEventListener('click', () => selectTab(name));

  // AzDevMDL2.woff
  const i = document.createElement('i');
  i.className = 'ms-CommandBarItem-icon root-41';
  i.textContent = icon;

  const span = document.createElement('span'); = 'position: relative; top: -1ex;';

  button.append(i, span);
  document.querySelector('.ms-CommandBar-sideCommands').insertAdjacentElement('afterbegin', div);

  if (!contentDiv) {
    contentDiv = document.createElement('div'); = 'none';
    contentDiv.textContent = name;
    document.querySelector('.markdown-preview').insertAdjacentElement('beforebegin', contentDiv);

  contentDiv.dataset.bookmarkletTabContent = name;

function selectTab(name) {
  const tabContents = document.querySelectorAll('[data-bookmarklet-tab-content]');
  for (const tabContent of tabContents) { = 'none';

  document.querySelector(`[data-bookmarklet-tab-content="${name}"]`).style.display = 'initial';

  const tabs = document.querySelectorAll('[data-bookmarklet-tab]');
  for (const tab of tabs) {
    tab.classList.toggle('is_checked', false);

  document.querySelector(`[data-bookmarklet-tab="${name}"]`).classList.toggle('is_checked', true);

function updateTabIcon(name, icon, badge) {
  document.querySelector(`[data-bookmarklet-tab="${name}"] i`).textContent = icon;
  document.querySelector(`[data-bookmarklet-tab="${name}"] span`).textContent = badge;

function updateTab(name, ...contents) {
  document.querySelector(`[data-bookmarklet-tab-content="${name}"]`).innerHTML = '';

makeTab('links', '\uF302'); // F302 all used/F303 some unused + badge
updateTabIcon('links', '\uF303', 2);
updateTab('links', 'this is the tab for links');

makeTab('todos', '\uE73A'); // E73A all done/E762 some undone + badge
updateTabIcon('todos', '\uE762', 3);
updateTab('todos', 'this is the tab for todos');

makeTab('render', '\uE8A1', document.querySelector('.markdown-preview'));

Update link summary title to include the number of unused links if any

Sort by usage count so unused appear first if there are any, if not, sort by line number (the default).

Consider adding a separate pane to the right of MarkDown content render

With 80 characters per line of the MarkDown source, the MarkDown content can be capped to about 600px without any disruption of the content. Links will break and images will presumably shrink, but those should have the 500px width set in MarkDown anyway.

This leaves room for a pane that could sit side by side with the render and show stats. In edit mode, the above solution with tabs would make sense as in that scenario the third pane would not fit side by side anymore.

  1. Make .wiki-md-container flex
  2. Set .markdown-content width to 600px
  3. Add another child to .wiki-md-container for the extra pane

Add a GitHub Pages site for easy minification of the individual snippets

Right now minification requires opening the Dev Tools and running a certain snippet within the context. A dedicated GitHub Pages site would make things more interactive.

Restructure the readme to have sections/links for the snippets which will sit in their own .js files. The index page downloads now and it will read out the links and fetch the individual scripts. Then it will show a text area for each and on change of each text area will generate the final snippet in its own text area for easy copying.