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To install the dependencies for this project, run:

pnpm install


To build the project, run:

pnpm build

package.json and Scripts

The package.json file contains all the metadata necessary for your project to be installed and run.

Here are some custom scripts defined in the scripts object:

  • dev - Starts the development server using Vite.
  • build - Compiles the TypeScript files and creates a production build with Vite.
  • lint - Runs ESLint to check for linting issues in .ts and .tsx files, without allowing any warnings.
  • fix:lint - Runs ESLint and automatically fixes problems.
  • type - Generates a TypeScript coverage report.
  • prettier - Checks if your files are formatted.
  • prettier:fix - Formats your files using Prettier.
  • watch - Runs the TypeScript compiler in watch mode.

Dockerfile Usage

The included Dockerfile defines the environment in which your project can be run inside a Docker container. To use it, simply build the image with:

docker build -t Ascension_To_Hell .

And then you can run your application in a container using:

docker run --rm -p 3000:3000 Ascension_To_Hell

Replace 3000:3000 with the appropriate port mapping for your application.

docker-compose Usage

To simplify the management of Docker containers, a docker-compose.yml file is used. This file defines the services, networks, and volumes that compose your application.

To start the application with docker-compose, run:

docker-compose up

This will start all the services defined in your docker-compose.yml file in the foreground.

For more information on how to use docker-compose, visit Docker Compose Documentation.




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