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173 lines (125 loc) · 5.64 KB

File metadata and controls

173 lines (125 loc) · 5.64 KB

EP 001 - Better Capture Of Handler Metadata

Status: Drafting. May be incoherent and/or wrong. Don't read.


This EP proposes changes to the way re-frame handlers are registered, to allow for the capture of richer handler metadata. These changes also lay the groundwork for tooling advances, and EPs to follow.


re-frame's API currently includes 7 functions for registering handlers:

  • event: reg-event-db, reg-event-fx and reg-event-ctx
  • subscription: reg-sub and reg-sub-raw
  • effects: reg-fx
  • coeffects: reg-cofx

Two others are on the drawing board:

  • reg-view
  • reg-interceptor

So, there are potentially 9 kinds of handlers.

Internally, re-frame manages registered handlers in a registrar, which is a two-level map, keyed at the first level by the kind of handler and at the second level by the (keyword) id of the handler. The leaf values are the handler functions themselves.


This EP proposes that:

  1. all current registration functions in the API be superseded by a new single macro reg
  2. the leaf nodes of the registrar, which are currently the handler functions themselves, become instead a map of values related to the handler, including a doc string, the file/line where defined, specs, etc, and, of course, the handler itself.


There's pressure from multiple directions to collect and retain more metadata about handlers:

  • tickets like #457 want docstrings for handlers
  • adding specs for events, so they can be checked at dev time
  • when re-frame becomes less of a framework and more of a library, handlers might need be "grouped" into "packages". So "package" information about handlers need to be supplied and retained.
  • Tooling support - we'd like re-frame-10x to actively help programmers when they are learning a new code base. That's one of the four stated goals. Ideally, re-frame would be capable of providing tooling with "a complete inventory" of an app's handlers, along with useful metadata on each handles. When an event is processed, the audit trail of handlers involved should be rich with information.


As part of the retained handler metadata, we'd like to automatically capture source code coordinates, like namespace and line number. To make this happen, a macro will need to be introduced for registration, and that's a shift in approach because, until now, macros have been manfully resisted.

Introducing docstrings into registrations also encourages a macro solution because docstrings should be removed from production builds.


A new macro reg will become the method of registering handlers. The existing 7 registration functions will ultimately be deprecated.

reg will take one argument, a map, which captures all aspects of the handler.


Previously, reg-event-db was used like this:

   (fn [db event]
     (assoc db :some :thing)))

now, use reg would be used like this:

  {:kind  :event-db
   :id    :event-id 
   :fn    (fn [db event]
            (assoc db :some :thing))})

The map argument must contain the keys :kind, :id and :fn, with other valid keys being dependent on the kind of handler being registered.

The value :kind can be one these 7 (mapping to 7 existing reg-* functions):

  • :event-db :event-fx :event-ctx
  • :sub :sub-raw
  • :fx
  • :cofx

Optionally, for all kinds of handlers the the map can also have these additional keys:

  • :doc a doc string
  • :ns the namespace where the handler was registered
  • :line line number where the handler was registered
  • :file the name file where the handler was registered

In a dev build, the reg macro will supply the final 3 (source code coordinates), if not explicitly supplied in the map.

In a production build, the :doc string will be elided, so we do not appear in the final source code at all.

The key :pkg is reserved for future use, and might eventually indicate the "package" to which this handler belongs. See EP 002.

Other keys: XXX

  • :cept for interceptors (when registering events)
  • :ins for input signals (when registering subscriptions)
  • :ret for return spec (subscriptions and events)
  • :spec for event spec (when registering events) ??? Too much ??

XXX I'm not entirely happy about using short names like :cept. But, then again, there's the aesthetics of formatting the code and lining things up.

XXX could have a :cofx key for event handlers to make them more explicit.

Multiple Registrations

The argument to reg can also be a vector of maps to allow for multiple handlers to be registered at once:

  [{:kind :event-db ...}
   {:kind :event-db ...}
   {:kind :event-fx ...}
   {:kind :sub ...])

XXX maybe not needed. Provide the most minimal API? Then let towers of abstraction be built on top.


Each entry stored in the registrar will become a map instead of just a handler.

Map keys:

  • :kind - somehow redundant
  • :id
  • :doc
  • :line
  • :ns
  • :doc
  • :fn the handler

XXX look into reg-sub

Backwards Compatibility



  • XXX implications for Cursive - it currently special-cases re-frame registration function -- give ColinF a heads up??
  • XXX Dear God, consider changes to documentation/tutorials
  • XXX means giving up syntax sugar for reg-sub ?
  • XXX any format for :doc for display in HTML? Or just texual.