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Loading or creating transformations

Linear or affine registrations (eg FSL FLIRT)

API link: regtricks.transforms.linear.Registration

Registrations can be created from a np.array, a path to a text file that numpy can read, or by calling a wrapper for FLIRT. In all cases, the matrix should be 4x4 and the last row should be 0,0,0,1.

import regtricks as rt 

# From an array
m = np.eye(4)
r = rt.Registration(m)

# From a file that numpy can read (NB if using a FLIRT matrix see below example)
p = '/a/path/to/file.txt'
r = rt.Registration(r)

# From a FLIRT matrix: provide the original source and reference images 
src = 'the_source.nii.gz'
ref = 'the_reference.nii.gz'
p = 'the_flirt_matrix.mat'
r = rt.Registration.from_flirt(p, src=src, ref=ref)

# Alternatively, you can run FLIRT directly and return a Reigstration object
src = 'the_source.nii.gz'
ref = 'the_reference.nii.gz'
r = rt.flirt(src, ref, **kwargs)

Motion corrections (eg FSL MCFLIRT)

API link: regtricks.transforms.linear.MotionCorrection

Motion corrections are stored as a sequence of Registrations (eg, for a timeseries of 50 volumes, there will be 50 registrations). They can be created from a list of np.array, a path to a text file that shaped (4xN) x 4, a path to a folder containing only files for the individual arrays, or by calling a wrapper for MCFLIRT.

# From a list of arrays
m = [ np.eye(4) for _ in range(10) ] 
mc = rt.MotionCorrection(m)

# From a file that numpy can read, shaped (4xN) x 4
p = '/a/path/to/file.txt'
mc = rt.Registration(p)

# From a directory containing individual files, named in order
p = 'a/path/to/dir'
mc = rt.MotionCorrection(p)

# From a MCFLIRT -mats directory: provide the original src and ref images
# Unless using MCFLIRT's -reffile option, the src and the ref are the same!
src = 'the_source.nii.gz'
p = '/path/to/mcflirt.mat'
mc = rt.Registration.from_flirt(p, src=src, ref=src)

# Run MCFLIRT directly and return a MotionCorrection object
src = 'the_source.nii.gz'
mc = rt.mcflirt(src, **kwargs)

Non-linear registrations (ie FSL FNIRT)

API link: regtricks.transforms.nonlinear.NonLinearRegistration

For the moment, the only way of loading in NonLinearRegistrations is via FNIRT output (or epi_reg, topup).

# From a FNIRT coefficients file, or displacement fields
p = '/a/path/to/fnirt.nii.gz'
src = 'src_image.nii.gz'
ref = 'ref_image.nii.gz'

# use intensity_correct = True if you want to use the Jacobian
nl = rt.NonLinearRegistration.from_fnirt(p, src, ref)

Combining and applying transformations

Transformations, of any type and in any number, can be combined into a single transformation using rt.chain. The order of application will be the order the transformations are given. For example, rt.chain(A, B, C) will apply A, then B, then C.

# Prepare some transformations 
A = rt.Registration(some_matrix)
B = rt.MotionCorrection([some_matrices])
C = rt.NonLinearRegistration.from_fnirt(some_fnirt_file, src, ref)

# Register, motion correct and warp, in that order
combined = rt.chain(A, B, C)

# Now apply to images 
transformed = combined.apply_to_image(some_nifti)

Working with ImageSpaces (voxel grids)

API link: regtricks.image_space.ImageSpace

Many operations can be achieved by directly manipulating the voxel grid of an image. For example, cropping, extending, reorienting, or changing the voxel size can be achieved using methods on the ImageSpace object.

spc = rt.ImageSpace(some_nifti)

spc.resize # change dimensions of voxel grid 
spc.create_axis_aligned # create a voxel grid 
spc.resize_voxels # resize voxels of a grid 
spc.make_nifti # make a NIFTI object from ImageSpace
spc.bbox_origin # corner of grid's bounding box 
spc.touch # write empty NIFTI for ImageSpace at path 
spc.voxel_centres # array of all voxel centre coordinates 
spc.world2FSL # transformation from world to FSL coords 
spc.world2vox # transformation from world to voxel coords 
spc.FSL2world # transformation from FSL to world coords 
spc.vox2world # transformation from voxel to world coords 
spc.transform # transform NIFTI sform header directly