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Humanizer Functions for AdaptiveExpression

This library provides humanizer functions to AdaptiveExpressions


To install dotnet install Iciclecreek.AdaptiveExpressions.Humanizer

To add to your schema for usage in Bot Framework Composer from cli:

bf dialog:merge -p yourproj.proj -o your.schema


This library creates expression functions which are bound to humanizer functions.

Text Capitalization

Function Description Example Output
allCaps(text) returns text all caps humanizer.allCaps("This is a test") "THIS IS A TEST"
lowerCase(text) returns text all lower humanizer.lowerCase("This is a test") "this is a test"
sentence(text) returns text as sentence cap humanizer.sentence("this is a test") "This is a test"
title(text) returns text with each word cap humanizer.sentence("this is a test") "This Is A Test"


The HumanizeXX functions turn complex structures like Dates and TimeSpans into human phrases

Function Description Example Output
humanizeDateTime(date, ?culture) humanize a date relative to a now humanizer.humanizeDateTime(date) "yesterday"
humanizeDateTime(date, relDate, ?culture) humanize a date relative to a date humanizer.humanizeDateTime(date, timeInPast) "an hour before"
humanizeTimeSpan(span, ?culture) humanize timespan humanizer.humanizeTimeSpan(span) "a couple of minutes"
humanizeTimeSpan(span, GrammaticalCase,?culture) humanize timespan humanizer.humanizeTimeSpan(span, GrammaticalCase) a couple of minutes
dateTimeToOrdinalWords(date, ?culture) turn a date time into words humanizer.dateTimeToOrdinalWords(date) "May 5th, 2020"
dateTimeToOrdinalWords(date, ?GrammaticalCase, ?culture) turn a date time into words humanizer.dateTimeToOrdinalWords(date, 'Accusitive') "May 5th, 2020"


Functions for creating TimeSpans from numbers.

Function Description Example Output
weeks(number) creates timespan from number of weeks humanizer.weeks(13) TimeSpan.FromWeeks(13)
days(number) creates timespan from number of days humanizer.days(13) TimeSpan.FromDays(13)
hours(number) creates timespan from number of hours humanizer.hours(13) TimeSpan.FromHours(13)
minutes(number) creates timespan from number of minutes humanizer.minutes(13) TimeSpan.FromMinutes(13)
seconds(number) creates timespan from number of seconds humanizer.seconds(13) TimeSpan.FromSeconds(13)
milliseconds(number) creates timespan from number of milliseconds humanizer.milliseconds(13) TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(13)


Functions for converting intepreting number as binary units and converting to text.

Function Description Example Output
bits(number) converts number as bits to text humanizer.bits(32) "32 bits"
bytes(number) converts number as bytes to text humanizer.bytes(32) "32 B"
kilobytes(number) converts number as kilboytes to text humanizer.kilobytes(65) "65 Kb"
megabytes(number) converts number as megabytes to text humanizer.megabytes(1.3) "1.3 Mb"
gigabytes(number) converts number as gigabytes to text humanizer.gigabytes(1.3) "1.3 Gb"
terabytes(number) converts number as terbytes to text humanizer.terabytes(1.3) "1.3 Gb"


Converts degrees to direction headings and back

Function Description Example Output
degress2heading(number, ?culture) converts number as degrees to heading text humanizer.degrees2heading(10) "NE"
degress2heading(number, headingstyle, ?culture) converts number as degrees to heading text as style humanizer.degrees2heading(10, 'Full') "north-northeast"
heading2degrees(heading()) gets degrees from heading text humanizer.heading2degrees('ne') 45

Text transforms

Text transformation functions.

Function Description Example Output
pluralize(text, ?isKnownToBeSinglar) turns singular word into plural humanizer.pluraize('cat') "cats"
singularlize(text, ?isKnownToBePlural) turns plural word into singular humanizer.pluraize('cats') "cat"
camelize(text) transform text into camelcase humanizer.camelize('this is a test') "thisIsATest"
dashorize(text) transform text to replace underscore with dash humanizer.dashorize('this_is_a_test') "this-is-a-test"
hyphenate(text) transform text to replace underscore with dash humanizer.hyphenate('this_is_a_test') "this-is-a-test"
kebaberize(text) transform text to replace whitespace with dash humanizer.kebaberize('this is a test') "this-is-a-test"
pascalize(text) transform text to replace whitespace with Uppercase word boundaries humanizer.pascalize('this is a test') "ThisIsATest"
titleize(text) transform text to upercase words on word boundary humanizer.titleize('this is a test') "This Is A Test"
truncate(text, chars, truncation) transform text to truncate at number of chars, appending trunction humanizer.truncate('this is a test', 3, '...') "thi..."
truncateWords(text, words, truncation) transform text to truncate at number of words, appending trunction humanizer.truncateWords('this is a test', 2, '...') "this is a..."

Number functions

for working with numbers, units and text.

Function Description Example Output
number2metric(text) convert number to metric text humanizer.number2metric(1300) '1.3k'
metric2number(text, ?hasSpace, ?decimals) interpret text as metric humanizer.metric2number('1.3k') 1300
number2words(number, ?culture) convert number to words humanizer.number2words(1500) 'one thousand five hundred'
number2words(number, ?gender, ?culture) convert number to words humanizer.number2words(1500, 'Masculine') 'one thousand five hundred'
number2ordinalWords(number, ?culture) convert number to ordinal words (first, second) humanizer.number2ordinalWords(1) 'first'
number2ordinalWords(number, ?gender, ?culture) convert number to ordinal words (first, second) humanizer.number2ordinalWords(1, 'Masculine') 'first'
number2ordinal(number) convert number to ordinal (1st, 2nd) words humanizer.number2ordinal(1) '1st'
number2ordinal(number, ?gender) convert number to ordinal (1st, 2nd) words humanizer.number2ordinal(1, 'Masculine') '1st'
fromRoman(text) convert text to number humanizer.fromRoman('IV') 4
toRoman(number) convert number to roman numeral text humanizer.toRoman(4) 'IV'
toQuantity(name, quantity, ?style) convert name and quantity to grammatically correct name humanizer.toQuantity('cats',0) 'no cats'
toQuantity(name, quantity, ?style) convert name and quantity to grammatically correct name humanizer.toQuantity('cats',1, 'Numeric') '1 cat'
toQuantity(name, quantity, ?style) convert name and quantity to grammatically correct name humanizer.toQuantity('cats',2, 'Words') 'Two cats'

Dotnet format functions

Functions which map to dotnet standard format strings.

Function Description Example Output
numberToString(format,?culture) format number dotnet.numberToString(1.3, "C") "$1.30"
intToString(format,?culture) format integer dotnet.numberToString(1, "D2") "1"
dateTimeToString(format,?culture) format dateTime dotnet.dateTimeToString(date, "YYYY-MM-DD") "2020-05-25"
timeSpanToString(format,?culture) format dateTime dotnet.timeSpanToString(span, "N") "00:43:00"

NOTE: these functions are not part of humanizer, and are dotnet only, so they are in dotnet namespace.

Language Support

By default the Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture property will be used for locale sensitive conversations. Any method which has a ?culture argument can also accept the culture as a string like 'fr'

Humanizer has broad open source language support:

Code Language
af Afrikaans
ar Arabic
bg Bulgarian
bn-BD Bangla (Bangladesh)
cs Czech
da Danish
de German
el Greek
es Spanish
fa Persian
fi-FI Finnish (Finland)
fr French
fr-BE French (Belgium)
he Hebrew
hr Croatian
hu Hungarian
hy Armenian
id Indonesian
it Italian
ko-KR Korean (Korea)
lv Latvian
ms-MY Malay (Malaysia)
mt Maltese
nb Norwegian Bokmål
nb-NO Norwegian Bokmål (Norway)
nl Dutch
pl Polish
pt Portuguese
ro Romanian
ru Russian
sk Slovak
sl Slovenian
sr Serbian
sr-Latn Serbian (Latin)
sv Swedish
th-TH Thai (Thailand)
tr Turkish
uk Ukrainian
uz-Cyrl-UZ Uzbek (Cyrillic, Uzbekistan)
uz-Latn-UZ Uzbek (Latin, Uzbekistan)
vi Vietnamese
zh-CN Chinese (Simplified, China)
zh-Hans Chinese (Simplified)
zh-Hant Chinese (Traditional)