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Multi-Tenancy with Tenant Identifiers and Shared Process Definitions

This example demonstrates how to use multi-tenancy with shared process definitions. A shared process definition is a definition which is deployed without a tenant id and is used by all tenants. When a tenant creates an instance of such a process definition then the instance gets the id of the tenant.

You learn

  • How to provide tenant ids for instances of shared process definitions
  • How to override default process definitions with tenant specific once

The example contains two shared process definitions (main proces and sub-process):

Calling Process

Called Sub Process

How it works

Please refer to the User Guide for details about multi-tenancy.

Provide Tenant Ids for Instances of Shared Process Definitions

Implement the SPI TenantIdProvider. In this example, the tenant-id is resolved based on the current authenticated tenant.

public class CustomTenantIdProvider implements TenantIdProvider {

  public String provideTenantIdForProcessInstance(TenantIdProviderProcessInstanceContext ctx) {
    return getTenantIdOfCurrentAuthentication();

  public String provideTenantIdForCaseInstance(TenantIdProviderCaseInstanceContext ctx) {
    return getTenantIdOfCurrentAuthentication();

  public String provideTenantIdForHistoricDecisionInstance(TenantIdProviderHistoricDecisionInstanceContext ctx) {
    return getTenantIdOfCurrentAuthentication();

  protected String getTenantIdOfCurrentAuthentication() {

    IdentityService identityService = Context.getProcessEngineConfiguration().getIdentityService();
    Authentication currentAuthentication = identityService.getCurrentAuthentication();

    if (currentAuthentication != null) {

      List<String> tenantIds = currentAuthentication.getTenantIds();
      if (tenantIds.size() == 1) {
        return tenantIds.get(0);

      } else if (tenantIds.isEmpty()) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("no authenticated tenant");

      } else {
        throw new IllegalStateException("more than one authenticated tenant");

    } else {
      throw new IllegalStateException("no authentication");


Now, set the custom TenantIdProvider on the ProcessEngineConfiguration.

<bean id="processEngineConfiguration" 
  <!-- set the custom tenant id provider -->
  <property name="tenantIdProvider" ref="tenantIdProvider" />

<!-- provides the tenant id of process instances --> 
<bean id="tenantIdProvider" class="org.camunda.bpm.tutorial.multitenancy.CustomTenantIdProvider" />

That's it!

To verify the behavior you have to

  • deploy the process definitions without a tenant id
  • set the authenticated tenant
  • create an instance of a shared process definition
// deploy shared process definitions (which belongs to no tenant)

// set the authenticated tenant and start a process instance
identityService.setAuthentication("john", null, Collections.singletonList("tenant1"));


// check that the process instance got the tenant id from the custom tenant id provider
ProcessInstance processInstance = runtimeService.createProcessInstanceQuery()

assertThat(processInstance.getTenantId(), is("tenant1"));

Override Default Process Definitions with tenant specific once

Assuming that all tenants share mostly the same process but can differ in small parts. These parts are extracted as sub-processes which are called by the main process.

In this example, one tenant (tenant 2) should have a different sub-process:

Tenant Specific Sub Process

The sub-process has the same process definition key like the default one and is deployed for the specific tenant.

In order to use the tenant specific sub-process, the tenant id of the called element has to be set on the call activity using the camunda:calledElementTenantId attribute.

<bpmn:callActivity id="CallActivity_0ahffuc" name="subprocess" 
  camunda:calledElementTenantId="${ calledElementTenantIdProvider.resolveTenantId(execution) }">
  <!-- ... --->    

Here, a bean is invoked to resolve the tenant id. It checks if a process definition is deployed for the tenant and returns their id. Otherwise, it returns null to use the default definition.

public class CalledElementTenantIdProvider {

  public String resolveTenantId(DelegateExecution execution) {
    RepositoryService repositoryService = execution.getProcessEngineServices().getRepositoryService();

    String tenantId = execution.getTenantId();

    // resolve the process definition key
    CallActivity callActivity = (CallActivity) execution.getBpmnModelElementInstance();
    String processDefinitionKey = callActivity.getCalledElement();

    // and check if a process definition is deployed for the tenant
    ProcessDefinition processDefinition = repositoryService.createProcessDefinitionQuery()

    if (processDefinition != null) {
      // use tenant-specific process definition
      return tenantId;
    } else {
      // use default process definition
      return null;


To verify the behavior you have to

  • deploy the default process definitions without a tenant id
  • deploy the sub-process definition for tenant ('tenant2')
  • set the authenticated tenant
  • create an instance of a shared process definition
  • and checks if it calls the default or the tenant specific sub-process
// deploy default process definitions (which belongs to no tenant)

// deploy custom process definition for 'tenant2'

// set the authenticated tenant and start a process instance
identityService.setAuthentication("mary", null, Collections.singletonList("tenant2"));


// check that the process instance has the tenant id 'tenant2'
ProcessInstance processInstance = runtimeService.createProcessInstanceQuery()

assertThat(processInstance.getTenantId(), is("tenant2"));

// and started the tenant-specific sub-process which overrides the default one
Task task = taskService.createTaskQuery().processDefinitionKey("subProcess").singleResult();
assertThat(task.getName(), is("task in tenant specific subprocess"));

How to use it?

  1. Checkout the project with Git
  2. Import the project into your IDE
  3. Inspect the sources and run the unit tests.