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Analyze Intune Logs with Kusto Query Language (KQL)!

Log Analytics Workspace

Before we can examine the logs, we need a central repository where the logs can be stored. In this case, that would be a Log Analytics Workspace in Azure.

Log Analytics Workspace

If you don't have one yet, here's how to create a Log Analytics workspace.

Intune Reports

In order for the logs to be examined, we must first make the tenant aware that we want to collect the logs. This means that we have to set up the Diagnostic Settings.

Setup Diagnostic settings

Diagnostic settings

As you have done the preparation it now takes some time until you can examine the logs. Give the portal a few hours/days. After that you can start the log analysis.

Log Query

KQL Examples

  1. List of Devices and the assigned UserName.
// List of Devices and the assigned UserName.
//| where OS == "Windows"
| where PrimaryUser !startswith "000000"
| project DeviceName, UserName

Example 1

If you remove the comment (//), you will search only for Windows devices.

  1. Visualize device compliance
// Visualize device compliance
| where TimeGenerated > ago (30d)
| summarize arg_max(DeviceName, *) by DeviceName
| where isnotempty(CompliantState)
| summarize ComplianceCount=count()by CompliantState
| render piechart      
    with (title="Device compliance")

Example 2

  1. Autopilot process
// Show how long the Autopilot process took in seconds and minutes.
| where TimeGenerated > ago(30d)
| extend DeviceId = tostring(todynamic(Properties).DeviceId)
| extend Time_Seconds = todynamic(Properties).TimeDiff
| extend Autopilot = todynamic(Properties).IsAutopilot
| extend Status = todynamic(Properties).Status
| extend Time_Minutes = Time_Seconds/60
| where Status == "Completed"
| where isnotempty(Autopilot)
| join kind=leftouter IntuneDevices on DeviceId 
| project ['Is Autopilot?'] = Autopilot, Status, DeviceName, Time_Minutes, Time_Seconds

Example 3

  1. Devices and timestamp the last time they successfully connected to Intune.
// Devices and timestamp the last time they successfully connected to Intune.
| where todatetime(LastContact) > ago(30d)
| extend Date=format_datetime(todatetime(LastContact), "dd.MM.yyyy")
| extend Time=format_datetime(todatetime(LastContact), "hh:mm tt")
| extend ['Last successful connection']=strcat(Date," ",Time)
| sort by Date
| project DeviceName, ['Last successful connection']
| project-rename ['Device name'] = DeviceName

Example 4

  1. Percentage of free storage on devices
// Percentage of free storage on devices
| where OS == "Windows"
| where StorageFree != "0" and StorageTotal != "0"
| where DeviceName != "User deleted for this device" and DeviceName != ""
| extend ['Free Storage'] = StorageFree
| extend ['Total Storage'] = StorageTotal
| extend Percentage = round(todouble(StorageFree) * 100 / todouble(StorageTotal), 2)
| distinct DeviceName, ['Free Storage'], ['Total Storage'], Percentage, UserName
| sort by Percentage asc

Example 5

  1. Devices, with Device Name, Result and OS that have been enrolled to Intune
// A list of Devices, with Device Name, Result and OS that have been enrolled to Intune.
| where TimeGenerated > ago(7d) // Change the value in () as you desire e.g. 12h, 10d, 30d. d = day, h = hour.
| extend DeviceId = tostring(todynamic(Properties).IntuneDeviceId)
| extend OS = tostring(todynamic(Properties).Os)
| where Result == "Success"
| where OperationName has "Enrollment"
//| where OS == "Windows" // You can filter by OS Platform e.g. iOS, Android, Windows. Just replace the vaule between the " " and delete the // infront of |.
| join kind=leftouter IntuneDevices on DeviceId // DeviceName from IntuneDevices. Can be delayed.
| project TimeGenerated, DeviceName, Result, OperationName, OS
| summarize TimeGenerated = max(TimeGenerated) by DeviceName, Result, OperationName, OS
| sort by TimeGenerated desc

Example 6

  1. Audit Actions
// Audit Actions
| where TimeGenerated > ago(14d)
| parse Properties with * ',"TargetDisplayNames":["' Object '"],' *
| where Object != ""
| extend User = todynamic(Properties).Actor.UPN
| extend ['Azure Application'] = todynamic(Properties).Actor.ApplicationName
| extend DeviceID = replace_regex(tostring(todynamic(Properties).TargetObjectIds), @'["\[\]]', "")
| project OperationName, DeviceID, ['Task'] = Object, ['Azure Application'], User

Example 7

  1. Visualize Windows Versions
// Visualize Windows Versions
| where OS contains "Windows"
| where todatetime(LastContact) > ago(30d) 
| summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated, *) by DeviceName
| summarize Versionen=count() by OSVersion
| sort by Versionen desc 
| render piechart with ( title="Windows Build Versions")

Example 8

Note: Thanks to @ugurkocde for the KQL foundation!