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71 lines (63 loc) 路 2.23 KB

import SortableTable from "@site/src/components/SortableTable"; import countries from "@site/src/data/countries.json";

馃審 Country

The generic list of country on Earth, according to the ISO 3166-1 standard.

ISO 3166-1 is the international standard to denote countries. The most common form is the Alpha 2 code, a two-letter code. There's also the Alpha 3 code, a three-letter code, and the numeric code, a three-digit code.

The ITU-T E.164 is the international standard for telephone numbers, also known as the calling code. It's a three-digit code. Notice that not all calling codes are listed here.

Note that the ISO 3166-1 numeric code and the ITU-T E.164 code are NOT the same.

Clicking Emoji will open the Emojipedia page for that emoji. Although some look similar, each emoji is unique.

Clicking the ISO 3166-1 Alpha 2 code will open the Wikipedia page with a more comprehensive list of more extended codes for each subdivision.

<SortableTable columns={[ { header: "Name", accessorKey: "name", }, { header: "Emoji", accessorKey: "emoji", cell: ({ getValue }) => ( <a href={${getValue()}} target="blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" > {getValue()} ), }, { header: "ISO 3166-1 Alpha 2", accessorKey: "iso", cell: ({ getValue }) => ( <a href={${getValue()}} target="blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" > {getValue()} ), }, { header: "ITU-T E.164", accessorKey: "itut", cell: ({ getValue }) => ( <> {getValue() .split("\n") .map(function (item, idx) { return ( {item}
); })} {/* .map((line) =>


) */} </> ), }, ]} data={Object.values(countries)} />