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Tact standard library

This section discusses the stdlib.tact library with standard functions used in Tact.

In following description used Tact language types that specified in the Type System:

  • Int
  • Bool
  • Builder
  • Slice
  • Cell
  • Address
  • String
  • StringBuilder

Builder functions.

Builder primitives

It is said that a primitive stores a value x into a builder b if it returns a modified version of the builder b' with the value x stored at the end of it.

All of the primitives listed below verify whether there is enough space in the Builder first, and then the range of the value being serialized.


beginCell(): Builder

Creates a new empty Builder.


endCell(s: Builder): Cell

Converts Builder into an ordinary Cell.


storeRef(b: Builder, cell: Cell): Builder

Stores a reference c into builder b and returns updated b'.


storeUint(s: Builder, value: Int, bits: Int): Builder

Stores an unsigned bits-bit integer value into s for 0 ≤ bits ≤ 256.


storeInt(s: Builder, value: Int, bits: Int): Builder

Stores a signed len-bit integer x into b for 0 ≤ len ≤ 257.


storeBool(s: Builder, value: Bool): Builder

Stores Bool value into Builder s. It will write to s integer x. x = -1 if value = True or x = 0 integer if value = False.


storeSlice(s: Builder, cell: Slice): Builder

Stores slice cell into builder s.


storeCoins(s: Builder, value: Int): Builder

Stores (serializes) an integer value in the range 0..2^120 − 1 into builder s. The serialization of value consists of a 4-bit unsigned big-endian integer l, which is the smallest integer l ≥ 0, such that value < 2^8l, followed by an 8l-bit unsigned big-endian representation of value. If value does not belong to the supported range, a range check exception is thrown.

It is the most common way of storing Toncoins.


storeAddress(s: Builder, address: Address): Builder

Stores address in Builder s. About Address.

Builder size primitives


refs(self: Builder): Int

Returns the number of cell references already stored in builder self.


bits(self: Builder): Int

Returns the number of data bits already stored in builder self.

Slice functions

Slice primitives

It is said that a primitive loads some data if it returns the data and updates original slice. After updates original slice stores only reminder of original data.

It is said that a primitive preloads some data if it returns only the data without changing original slice.

Unless otherwise stated, loading and preloading primitives read data from a prefix of the slice.


beginParse(cell: Cell): Slice

Converts cell into from Cell to Slice.


loadRef(slice: Slice): Cell

Loads the first reference from a slice.


preloadRef(slice: Slice): Cell

Preloads the first reference from slice.


loadInt(slice: Slice, l: Int): Int

Loads a signed l-bit integer from slice.


loadUint(slice: Slice, l: Int): Int

Loads an unsigned l-bit integer from slice.


preloadInt(slice: Slice, l: Int): Int

Preloads a signed len-bit integer from slice.


preloadUint(slice: Slice, l: Int): Int

Preloads an unsigned l-bit integer from slice.


loadBits(slice: Slice, l: Int): Slice

Loads the first 0 ≤ l ≤ 1023 bits from slice and returns it as a separate Slice.


preloadBits(slice: Slice, l: Int): Slice

Preloads the first 0 ≤ l ≤ 1023 bits from slice and returns it as a separate Slice.


loadCoins(slice: Slice): Int

Loads serialized amount of nanoToncoins (any unsigned integer up to 2^120 - 1).


skipBits(slice: Slice, l: Int): Slice

Returns all but the first 0 ≤ l ≤ 1023 bits of slice.


endParse(slice: Slice)

Checks if slice is empty. If not, throws an exception.

Slice size primitives


refs(slice: Slice): Int

Returns the number of references in slice slice.


bits(slice: Slice): Int

Returns the number of data bits in slice slice.


empty(slice: Slice): Bool

Checks whether slice slice is empty (i.e., contains no bits of data and no cell references).


dataEmpty(slice: Slice): Bool

Checks whether slice slice has no bits of data.


refsEmpty(slice: Slice): Bool

Checks whether slice slice has no references.

Cell functions

Builder, Cell, Slice conversions


asSlice(data: Builder): Slice
asSlice(data: Cell): Slice

Converts data from Builder or Cell and returns it as Slice.


asSlice(data: Builder): Slice
asSlice(data: Slice): Slice

Converts data from Builder or Slice and returns it as Cell.


emptyCell(): Cell

Creates and returns empty(without data and references) Cell.

String primitives

String builder primitives


beginString(): StringBuilder

Creates new empty StringBuilder.


beginComment(): StringBuilder

Creates new empty StringBuilder for comment.


append(self: StringBuilder, s: String)

Append to StringBuilder self String s and updates it.


toCell(self: StringBuilder): Cell

Casts StringBuilder self to Cell and returns it as a result.


toString(self: StringBuilder): String

Casts StringBuilder self to String and returns it as a result.


toSlice(self: StringBuilder): Slice

Casts StringBuilder self to Slice and returns it as a result.

String conversion


toString(self: Int): String

Casts self Int value to String and returns it as a result.


toFloatString(self: Int, digits: Int): String

Casts float number represented by self and digits Int values to String and returns it as a result.


  • self significant part of float number as Int number;
  • digits is a exponentiation parameter of expression 10^(-digits) that will be used for computing float number. digits required to be 0 <= digits < 77.


toCoinsString(self: Int): String

Casts nanoToncoin Int value self to String float number of Toncoins and returns it as a result.


asComment(self: String): Cell

Casts String self to Cell with comment self and returns it as a result.


asSlice(self: String): Slice

Casts String self to Slice and returns it as a result.


fromBase64(self: Slice): Slice
fromBase64(self: String): Slice

Decodes data stored in self Slice or String from Base64 format and returns result as a Slice.

Math primitives

Random number generator primitives

The pseudo-random number generator uses the random seed, an unsigned 256-bit Integer, and (sometimes) other data kept in c7. The initial value of the random seed before a smart contract is executed in TON Blockchain is a hash of the smart contract address and the global block random seed. If there are several runs of the same smart contract inside a block, then all of these runs will have the same random seed. This can be fixed, for example, by running randomizeLt before using the pseudo-random number generator for the first time.


random(): Int

Generates a new pseudo-random unsigned 256-bit integer x. The algorithm is as follows: if r is the old value of the random seed considered a 32-byte array (by constructing the big-endian representation of an unsigned 256-bit integer), then its sha512(r) is computed; the first 32 bytes of this hash are stored as the new value r' of the random seed, and the remaining 32 bytes are returned as the next random value x.


randomInterval(max: Int): Int

Generates a new pseudo-random integer z in the range 0..range−1 (or range..−1 if range < 0). More precisely, an unsigned random value x is generated as in random; then z := x * range / 2^256 is computed.


randomize(x: Int)

Mixes an unsigned 256-bit integer x into a random seed r by setting the random seed to sha256 of the concatenation of two 32-byte strings: the first with a big-endian representation of the old seed r, and the second with a big-endian representation of x.



Gets logical time Lt of the current transaction and returns result equal randomize(Lt).

Math basic primitives


min(x: Int, y: Int): Int

Computes the minimum of two integers x and y.


max(x: Int, y: Int): Int

Computes the maximum of two integers x and y.


abs(x: Int): Int

Computes the absolute value of the integer x.

Hash primitives


hash(с: Cell): Int
hash(s: Slice): Int

Computes the representation hash of Cell c or Slice s and returns it as a 256-bit unsigned integer x. Useful for signing and checking signatures of arbitrary entities represented by a tree of cells.


checkSignature(hash: Int, signature: Slice, public_key: Int): Bool

Checks the Ed25519 signature of hash (a 256-bit unsigned integer, usually computed as the hash of some data) using public_key (also represented by a 256-bit unsigned integer). The signature must contain at least 512 data bits; only the first 512 bits are used. If the signature is valid, the result is 1; otherwise, it is 0. Note that CHKSIGNU creates a 256-bit slice with the hash and calls CHKSIGNS. That is, if hash is computed as the hash of some data, this data is hashed twice, the second hashing occurring inside CHKSIGNS.


checkDataSignature(data: Slice, signature: Slice, public_key: Slice)

Checks whether signature is a valid Ed25519 signature of the data portion of data using public_key, similarly to checkSignature. If the bit length of data is not divisible by eight, it throws a cell underflow exception. The verification of Ed25519 signatures is a standard one, with sha256 used to reduce data to the 256-bit number that is actually signed.

Other primitives

Throwing exception

Exceptions can be thrown by conditional primitives nativeThrowWhen, and nativeThrowUnless, and by unconditional throw. The first argument is the error code; the second is the condition (throw has only one argument).


throw(code: Int)

Throw exception with error code equal code.


nativeThrowWhen(code: Int, condition: Bool)

Throw exception with error code equal code when condition equal True.


nativeThrowUnless(code: Int, condition: Bool)

Throw exception with error code equal code when condition equal False.

Context helper


context(): Context

Return Struct Context, that consists of

Field Type Description
bounced Bool Bounced flag of incoming message
sender Address Address of sender
value Int Amount of nanoToncoins in message
raw Slice Unparsed message


readForwardFee(self: Context): Int 

Read and computes forward fee from Context and return it as Int value in nanoToncoins.

Send messages primitives


nativeSendMessage(cell: Cell, mode: Int)

Sends a raw message contained in cell, which should contain a correctly serialized object Message X, with the only exception that the source address is allowed to have a dummy value addr_none (to be automatically replaced with the current smart contract address), and ihr_fee, fwd_fee, created_lt and created_at fields can have arbitrary values (to be rewritten with correct values during the action phase of the current transaction).

The integer parameter mode contains the flag according the table.

mode Number(FunC) Description
SendRemainingBalance 128 used for messages that are to carry all the remaining balance of the current smart contract (instead of the value originally indicated in the message)
SendRemainingValue 64 used for messages that carry all the remaining value of the inbound message in addition to the value initially indicated in the new message (if bit 0 is not set, the gas fees are deducted from this amount)
SendIgnoreErrors 2 means that any errors arising while processing this message during the action phase should be ignored. Used as additional mode, for example mode = SendRemainingBalance + SendIgnoreErrors
SendPayGasSeparately 1 means that the sender wants to pay transfer fees separately. Used as additional mode, for example mode = SendRemainingBalance + SendPayGasSeparately
SendDestroyIfZero 32 means that the current account must be destroyed if its resulting balance is zero. This flag is usually employed together with + SendRemainingBalance
0 used for ordinary messages


send(params: SendParameters)

Sends message specified by SendParameters params, where SendParameters struct described by following table:

Field Type Description
bounce Bool Bounce flag
to Address Message destination address
value Int Amount value in nanoToncoins
mode Int mode = 0 in SendParameters
body Cell Nullable Cell that contents message body
code Cell Nullable Cell that contents contract's code
data Cell Nullable Cell that contents contract's data


reply(body: Cell?) 

Sends bounced message to sender of body message.

Action primitives


nativeReserve(amount: Int, mode: Int)

Creates an output action which would reserve exactly amount nanotoncoins (if mode = 0), at most amount nanotoncoins (if mode = 2), or all but amount nanotoncoins (if mode = 1 or mode = 3) from the remaining balance of the account. It is roughly equivalent to creating an outbound message carrying amount nanotoncoins (or b − amount nanotoncoins, where b is the remaining balance) to oneself, so that the subsequent output actions would not be able to spend more money than the remainder. Bit +2 in mode means that the external action does not fail if the specified amount cannot be reserved; instead, all the remaining balance is reserved. Bit +8 in mode means amount <- -amount before performing any further actions. Bit +4 in mode means that amount is increased by the original balance of the current account (before the compute phase), including all extra currencies before performing any other checks and actions. Currently, amount must be a non-negative integer, and mode must be in the range 0..15.

C4 register primitives (contract primitives)


contractAddressExt(chain: Int, code: Cell, data: Cell): Address

Computes smart contract's Address based on its workchain id chain, code, data.


contractAddress(s: StateInit): Address

Computes smart contract's Address based on its StateInit s, where s is a Struct consists of code and data Cells. Acts similar to contractAddressExt, but workchain_id permanently equal 0.


myAddress(): Address

Returns the internal address of the current smart contract as a Address.


myBalance(): Int

Returns the remaining balance of the smart contract as Int value in NanoToncoins, where NanoToncoin = Toncoin * 10^(−9). Note that RAW primitives such as send do not update this field.

C7 register primitives

Some useful information regarding smart contract invocation can be found in the c7 special register. These primitives serve for convenient data extraction.


now(): Int

Returns the current Unix time as an Integer from c7 register.