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Milton David's personal website

This is my website/blog's built with Astro. It is a static website that uses MDX for the blog articles.

Figma design file

I designed the website in Figma. Here's the link if you want to see it.


Jan 17 2024

  • align the website to the improved design Jan 6 2024
  • website's "complete" version


Clone the repository

git clone

Then navigate inside the folder

cd miltondavid-with-astro

Install the dependencies with

pnpm install

And then run

pnpm run dev

The gist

An Astro powered static website using the MDX integration for handling the articles, and the tailwindcss integration for the styling. It's pretty simple, really: 2 static routes (/ and /articles) and 1 dynamic route (/articles/[slug]). I moved away from Remix because it was too powerful of a tool for a simple personal website/blog like mine.

Built with

I used Astro since I wanted to move away from the SSR approach with Remix in the previous version of my website/blog.


if you want to contribute in any way (articles, refactoring), please do.


Milton David


The MIT license.