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tonyg committed Jul 11, 2009
1 parent 5cc49d0 commit 8747eaf
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# PubSub-over-Webhooks with RabbitHub

[RabbitHub][gitrepo] is an implementation of
[PubSubHubBub][pshb_project], a straightforward pubsub layer on top of
plain old HTTP POST - pubsub over Webhooks. RabbitHub provides an
HTTP-based interface to [RabbitMQ][].

It gives every AMQP exchange and queue hosted by a RabbitMQ broker a
couple of URLs: one to use for delivering messages to the exchange or
queue, and one to use to subscribe to messages forwarded on by the
exchange or queue. You subscribe with a callback URL, so when messages
arrive, RabbitHub POSTs them on to your callback. For example,

- <> is the
URL for delivering messages to the "" exchange on the
public test instance of RabbitMQ, and

- <> is
the URL for subscribing to messages from the (hypothetical) queue
"some_queue_name" on the broker.

The symmetrical .../subscribe/x/... and .../endpoint/q/... also exist.

The [PubSubHubBub protocol][spec] specifies some RESTful(ish)
operations for establishing subscriptions between message sources
(a.k.a "topics") and message sinks. RabbitHub implements these
operations as well as a few more for RESTfully creating and deleting
exchanges and queues.

While PubSubHubBub is written assuming Atom content, RabbitHub is
content-agnostic (just like RabbitMQ): any content at all can be sent
using RabbitHub's implementation of the PubSubHubBub protocol. Because
RabbitHub is content-agnostic, it doesn't implement any of the
Atom-specific parts of the PubSubHubBub protocol, including the "ping"
operation that tells a PSHB hub to re-fetch content feeds.

## Example: combining HTTP messaging with AMQP and XMPP

Combining RabbitHub with the AMQP protocol implemented by RabbitMQ
itself and with the other adapters and gateways that form part of the
RabbitMQ universe lets you send messages across different kinds of
message networks - for example, our public RabbitMQ instance,
``, has RabbitHub running as well as the standard AMQP
adapter, the [rabbitmq-xmpp][] plugin, and a bunch of our other
experimental stuff, so you can do things like this:

<img src="" alt="RabbitHub example configuration"/>

- become XMPP friends with `` (the XMPP adapter
gives each exchange a JID of its own)

- use PubSubHubBub to subscribe the sink
<> to some
PubSubHubBub source - perhaps one on the public Google PSHB
instance. (Note how the given URL ends in "x/pshb", meaning the
"pshb" exchange - which lines up with the JID we just became XMPP
friends with.)

- wait for changes to be signalled by Google's PSHB hub to RabbitHub

- when they are, you get an XMPP IM from `` with
the Atom XML that the hub sent out as the body

Again, RabbitHub is content-agnostic, so the fact that Atom appears is
an artifact of what Google's public PSHB instance is mailing out,
rather than anything intrinsic in pubsub-over-webhooks.

## HTTP messaging in the Browser

In order to push AMQP messages out to a webpage running in a browser,
try using <> to run a PubSubHubBub endpoint
in a webpage - see for instance
<> and its [associated
Javascript]( for a simple
prototype of the idea. It's also possible to build simple PSHB hubs in
Javascript using the same tools.

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