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Utility functions & classes.



$ yarn add toosoon-utils


$ npm install toosoon-utils


import { lerp } from 'toosoon-utils/maths';

console.log(lerp(0.5, 0, 5)); // 2.5

Utility functions



Normalize an hexadecimal string.

  • hex: Hexadecimal string.
normalizeHexString(hex: string): string;

Convert RGB to hexadecimal.

  • rgb: RGB color.
rgbToHex([r, g, b]: [number, number, number]): number;

Convert RGB to hexadecimal string.

  • rgb: RGB color.
rgbToHexString([r, g, b]: [number, number, number]): string;

Convert hexadecimal to RGB.

  • hex: Hexadecimal color.
hexToRgb(hex: number | string): [number, number, number];
lighten(hex, amount)

Lighten a color.

  • hex: Hexadecimal color.
  • [amount=0]: Amount of the color offset.
lighten(hex: string, amount?: number): string;
darken(hex, amount)

Darken a color.

  • hex: Hexadecimal color.
  • [amount=0]: Amount of the color offset.
darken(hex: string, amount?: number): string;

Normalize an HSL string.

  • hsl: HSL string (format: 'hsl(360, 100%, 100%)').
normalizeHslString(hsl: string): [number, number, number];

Convert RGB to HSL.

  • rgb: RGB color.
rgbToHsl([r, g, b]: [number, number, number]): [number, number, number];

Convert HSL to RGB.

  • hsl: HSL color.
hslToRgb([h, s, l]: [number, number, number]): [number, number, number];

Convert RGB to HSB.

  • rgb: RGB color.
rgbToHsb([r, g, b]: [number, number, number]): [number, number, number];

Convert HSB to RGB.

  • hsb: HSB color.
hsbToRgb([h, s, b]: [number, number, number]): [number, number, number];

Convert LAB to HCL.

  • lab: LAB color.
labToHcl([l, a, b]: [number, number, number]): [number, number, number];

Convert HCL to LAB.

  • hcl: HCL color.
hclToLab([h, c, l]: [number, number, number]): [number, number, number];

Convert LAB to RGB.

  • lab: LAB color.
labToRgb([l, a, b]: [number, number, number]): [number, number, number];

Convert RGB to LAB.

  • rgb: RGB color.
rgbToLab([r, g, b]: [number, number, number]): [number, number, number];
deltaE(labA, labB)

Get the delta from two LAB colors.

  • labA: First LAB color.
  • labB: Second LAB color.
deltaE(labA: [number, number, number], labB: [number, number, number]): number;

Convert RGB to HCL.

  • rgb: RGB color.
rgbToHcl([r, g, b]: [number, number, number]): [number, number, number];

Convert HCL to RGB.

  • hcl: HCL color.
hclToRgb([h, c, l]: [number, number, number]): [number, number, number];


closest(element, selector)

Find the closest parent that matches a selector.

  • element: Target element.
  • selector: Selector or parent to match.
closest(element: Element, selector: Element | string): Element | null;
createCanvas(width, height)

Create a canvas and 2d context.

  • width: Width of the canvas.
  • height: Height of the canvas.
createCanvas(width: number, height: number): { canvas: HTMLCanvasElement; ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D };

Inject CSS styles in document.head.

  • styles: CSS styles to inject.
injectStyles(styles: string): void;


download(blob, filename)

Download a Blob object into user files.

  • blob: Blob object to download.
  • filename: Downloaded file name.
download(blob: Blob, filename: string): void;

Upload a file from user files.

  • onLoad: Callback called once the file is loaded.
  • [accept=''] MIME type the file input should accept.
upload(onLoad: (dataUrl: string) => void, accept?: string): void;



No-op function.

noop(): void;

Promise wrapped setTimeout.

  • [timeout=0]: Time to wait (in milliseconds).
wait(timeout?: number): Promise<void>;

Deferred promise implementation.

defer<T>(): Deferred<T>;

Polyfill for now() functions.

now(): number;



Convert a radians value into degrees.

  • radians: Angle in radians.
toDegrees(radians: number): number;

Convert a degrees value into radians.

  • degrees: Angle in degrees.
toRadians(degrees: number): number;
angle(x1, y1, x2, y2)

Calculate the angle from a point to another.

  • x1: X value of the first point.
  • y1: Y value of the first point.
  • x2: X value of the second point.
  • y2: Y value of the second point.
angle(x1: number, y1: number, x2: number, y2: number): number;
closestAngle(source, target)

Find the closest angle between to angles.

  • source: Source angle in radians.
  • target: Target angle in radians.
closestAngle(source: number, target: number): number;
distance(x1, y1, x2, y2)

Calculate the distance between two points.

  • x1: X coord of the first point.
  • y1: Y coord of the first point.
  • x2: X coord of the second point.
  • y2: Y coord of the second point.
distance(x1: number, y1: number, x2: number, y2: number): number;
diagonal(width, height)

Calculate the length of the diagonal of a rectangle.

  • width: Width of the rectangle.
  • height: Height of the rectangle.
diagonal(width: number, height: number): number;
radToSphere(radius, phi, theta)

Convert radians to a 3D point on the surface of a unit sphere.

  • radius: Radius of the sphere
  • phi: Polar angle from the y (up) axis [0, PI]
  • theta: Equator angle around the y (up) axis [0, 2*PI]
  • [target]: Target vector
radToSphere(radius: number, phi: number, theta: number, target?: Vector3): Vector3;
cover(target, container)

Make a target fit a container (cover mode).

  • target: Dimension of the target.
  • container: Dimension of the container.
cover(target: object, container: object): object;
contain(target, container)

Make a target fit a container (contain mode).

  • target: Dimension of the target.
  • container: Dimension of the container.
contain(target: object, container: object): object;



Check if a number is even.

  • value: Value to check.
isEven(value: number): boolean;

Check if a number is odd.

  • value: Value to check.
isOdd(value: number): boolean;

Check if a number is a power of 2.

  • value: Value to check.
isPowerOf2(value: number): boolean;

Find closest power of 2 that fits a number.

  • value: Incoming value.
  • [mode='ceil']: Can be 'floor', 'ceil' or 'round'.
toPowerOf2(value: number, mode?: string): number;

Return the sign (positive or negative) of a number.

  • value: Value to check.
sign(value: number): number;
clamp(value, min, max)

Clamp a value between two bounds.

  • value: Value to clamp.
  • [min=0]: Minimum boundary.
  • [max=1]: Maximum boundary.
clamp(value: number, min?: number, max?: number): number;
lerp(value, min, max)

Linear interpolation between two values (lerping).

  • value: Normalized value to interpolate.
  • min: Minimum value.
  • max: Maximum value.
lerp(value: number, min: number, max: number): number;
triLerp(value, min, max, target)

Triangular interpolation between two values.

  • value: Normalized value to interpolate.
  • min: Minimum value.
  • max: Maximum value.
  • target: Triangle target value.
triLerp(value: number, min: number, max: number, target: number): number;
expLerp(value, currentMin, currentMax, targetMin, targetMax)

Exponential interpolation between two values.

  • value: Value to interpolate.
  • currentMin: Lower bound of the value's current range.
  • currentMax: Upper bound of the value's current range.
  • targetMin: Lower bound of the value's target range.
  • targetMax: Upper bound of the value's target range.
expLerp(value: number, currentMin: number, currentMax: number, targetMin: number, targetMax: number): number;
normalize(value, min, max)

Normalize a value between two bounds.

  • value: Value to normalize.
  • min: Minimum boundary.
  • max: Maximum boundary.
normalize(value: number, min: number, max: number): number;
map(value, currentMin, currentMax, targetMin, targetMax)

Re-map a number from one range to another.

  • value: Value to re-map.
  • currentMin: Lower bound of the value's current range.
  • currentMax: Upper bound of the value's current range.
  • targetMin: Lower bound of the value's target range.
  • targetMax: Upper bound of the value's target range.
map(value: number, currentMin: number, currentMax: number, targetMin: number, targetMax: number): number;
roundTo(value, multiple)

Round a number up to a nearest multiple.

  • value: Value to round.
  • [multiple=1]: Multiple to round to.
roundTo(value: number, multiple?: number): number;
modAbs(value, length)

Modulo absolute a value based on a length.

  • value: Value to modulate.
  • length: Total length.
modAbs(value: number, length: number): number;
pingPong(value, length)

Move back and forth a value between 0 and length, so that it is never larger than length and never smaller than 0.

  • value: Value to modulate.
  • length: Total length.
pingPong(value: number, length: number): number;
smoothstep(value, min, max)

Smooth a value using cubic Hermite interpolation.

  • value: Value to smooth.
  • [min=0]: Minimum boundary.
  • [max=1]: Maximum boundary.
smoothstep(value: number, min?: number, max?: number): number;
parabola(x, power)

Re-map the [0, 1] interval into [0, 1] parabola, such that corners are remaped to 0 and the center to 1.

  • x: Normalized coordinate on X axis.
  • [power=1]: Parabola power.
parabola(x: number, power?: number): number;

Return the sum of numbers.

  • array: Array of numbers.
sum(array: number[]): number;

Return the average of numbers.

  • array: Array of numbers.
average(array: number[]): number;
damp(value, target, damping, delta)

Smoothly interpolate a number toward another.

  • value: Value to interpolate.
  • target: Destination of the interpolation.
  • damping: A higher value will make the movement more sudden, and a lower value will make the movement more gradual.
  • delta: Delta time (in seconds).
damp(value: number, target: number, damping: number, delta: number): number;

Pseudo-Random Number Generator (PRNG)

PRNG Algorithms

Credits: Seeding random number generator


Produce a 128-bit hash value from a string.

seed: Initial seed state.

cyrb128(prng: string | object): [number, number, number, number];
sfc32(a, b, c, d)

Simple Fast Counter, Generator with a 128-bit state.

sfc32(a: number, b: number, c: number, d: number): number;

SplitMix32, Generator with a 32-bit state.

splitmix32(a: number): number;

Mulberry32, Generator with a 32-bit state.

mulberry32(a: number): number;
jsf32(a, b, c, d)

Jenkins' Small Fast, Generator with a 32-bit state.

jsf32(a: number, b: number, c: number, d: number): number;
xoshiro128ss(a, b, c, d)

xoshiro128**, Generator with a 128-bit state.

xoshiro128ss(a: number, b: number, c: number, d: number): number;

PRNG functions

Thanks to the above algorithms, a seed-based version of most of the random functions are exist with additionnal parameters for a seed string and a PRNG algorithm function.

PRNG parameters:

type PRNGParameters = string | { seed: string; algorithm: (...args: number[]) => number };

Generate a pseudo-random number in the interval [0, 1]. It is the PRNG equivalent of Math.random().

  • prng: PRNG parameters.
random(prng: PRNGParameters): number;

Generate a pseudo-random boolean (true or false).

  • prng: PRNG parameters.
  • [probability=0.5]: Probability to get true.
randomBoolean(prng: PRNGParameters, probability?: number): boolean;

Generate a pseudo-random sign (1 or -1).

  • prng: PRNG parameters.
  • [probability=0.5]: Probability to get 1.
randomSign(prng: PRNGParameters, probability?: number): number;
randomFloat(prng, min, max)

Generate a pseudo-random floating-point number within a specified range.

  • prng: PRNG parameters.
  • [min=0]: Minimum boundary.
  • [max=1]: Maximum boundary.
  • [precision=2]: Number of digits after the decimal point.
randomFloat(prng: PRNGParameters, min?: number, max?: number, precision?: number): number;
randomInt(prng, min, max)

Generate a pseudo-random integer number within a specified range.

  • prng: PRNG parameters.
  • min: Minimum boundary.
  • max: Maximum boundary.
randomInt(prng: PRNGParameters, min: number, max: number): number;

Generate a pseudo-random hexadecimal color.

  • prng: PRNG parameters.
randomHexColor(prng: PRNGParameters): string;
randomItem(prng, array)

Pick a pseudo-random item from a given array.

  • prng: PRNG parameters.
  • array: Array to pick the item from.
randomItem<T>(prng: PRNGParameters, array: T[]): T | undefined;

Pick a pseudo-random property value from a given object.

  • prng: PRNG parameters.
  • object: Object to pick the property from.
randomObjectProperty<T>(prng: PRNGParameters, object: Record<string, T>): T | undefined;

Select a pseudo-random index from an array of weighted items.

  • prng: PRNG parameters.
  • weights: Array of weights.
randomIndex(prng: string | object, weights: number[]): number;



Generate a random boolean (true or false).

  • [probability=0.5]: Probability to get true.
randomBoolean(probability?: number): boolean;

Generate a random sign (1 or -1).

  • [probability=0.5]: Probability to get 1.
randomSign(probability?: number): number;
randomFloat(min, max)

Generate a random floating-point number within a specified range.

  • [min=0]: Minimum boundary.
  • [max=1]: Maximum boundary.
  • [precision=2]: Number of digits after the decimal point.
randomFloat(min?: number, max?: number, precision?: number): number;
randomInt(min, max)

Generate a random integer number within a specified range.

  • min: Minimum boundary.
  • max: Maximum boundary.
randomInt(min: number, max: number): number;

Generate a random hexadecimal color.

randomHexColor(): string;

Pick a random item from a given array.

  • array: Array to pick the item from.
randomItem<T>(array: T[]): T | undefined;

Pick a random property value from a given object.

  • object: Object to pick the property from.
randomObjectProperty<T>(object: Record<string, T>): T | undefined;

Select a random index from an array of weighted items.

  • weights: Array of weights.
randomIndex(weights: number[]): number;

Produce a random 2D point around the perimiter of a unit circle.

  • [radius=1]: Radius of the circle.
  • [target]: Target vector.
onCircle(radius?: number, target?: Vector2): Vector2;

Produce a random 2D point inside a unit circle.

  • [radius=1]: Radius of the circle.
  • [target] Target vector.
insideCircle(radius?: number, target?: Vector2): Vector2;

Produce a random 3D point on the surface of a unit sphere.

  • [radius=1]: Radius of the sphere.
  • [target]: Target vector.
onSphere(radius?: number, target?: Vector3): Vector3;

Produce a random 3D point inside a unit sphere.

  • [radius=1]: Radius of the sphere.
  • [target]: Target vector.
insideSphere(radius?: number, target?: Vector3): Vector3;



Capitalize a string.

  • string: String to capitalize.
capitalize(string: string): string;

Clean a path by removing params.

  • path: Path to clean.
cleanPath(path: string): string;

Utility classes

Color scale

Utility class for generating color scales and interpolating between colors.


Parameter Type Default Description
input ColorRepresentation Input color representation.
target ColorRepresentation Target color representation.
length number 5 Amount of colors composing the color scale.
settings ColorScaleSettings { colorSpace: 'rgb' } Color scale generation settings.
[settings.colorSpace] 'rgb' | 'hsl' | 'hsb' | 'hcl' 'rgb' Color scale color space.
HCL color scales

HCL color scales come with a bunch of other settings, so when settings.colorSpace is equal to 'hcl', the following settings are parameterable:

Parameter Type Default Description
[settings.mode] 'qualitative' | 'sequential' | 'diverging' Color scale mode.
[settings.triangular] number Triangular interpolation target value.
[settings.powerStrength] number 1 Interpolation power strength value.
[settings.hueOffset] number 0 Target color hue offset.
[settings.chromaOffset] number 0 Target color chroma offset.
[settings.luminanceOffset] number 0 Target color luminance offset.

Learn more about HCL-Based Color Palettes.



Array of colors composing the color scale.

ColorScale.colors: Array<[number, number, number]>;


static generate(input, target, length)

Static method for generating a color scale.

  • input: Input color representation.
  • target: Target color representation.
  • length: Amount of colors composing the color scale.
  • [settings]: Color scale generation settings.
static ColorScale.generate(
  input: ColorRepresentation,
  target: ColorRepresentation,
  length: number,
  settings?: ColorScaleSettings
): Array<[number, number, number]>;
static interpolate(inputColor, targetColor, value)

Static method for interpolating between colors.

  • inputColor: Input color.
  • targetColor: Target color.
  • value: Interpolation normalized value.
  • [settings]: Color scale settings.
static ColorScale.interpolate(
  inputColor: [number, number, number],
  targetColor: [number, number, number],
  value: number,
  settings?: ColorScaleSettings
): [number, number, number];

Frame rate

Utility class for controlling FPS calls.


Parameter Type Default Description
fps number 30 Frame per second limit.



Frame per second limit.

FrameRate.fps: number;



Return true if elapsed time since last update is higher than current FPS.

FrameRate.update(): boolean;









MIT License, see LICENSE for details.


Utility functions & classes.







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